Kat is taking a walk

Katalina Harker

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Kat decided to take a walk out on the school grounds to get some fresh air. She was tired of being cooped up either in classes, the library, or the common room and studying for exams haven't been a picnic. It was nice and cool outside with a nice little breeze that blew through her long brown hair. She was kind of glad that she had been busy lately because it had taken her mind off of being homesick and off of not having a date for the Yule Ball. Kat wondered though, now that the Yule Ball was quickly approaching would she have a date or would she have to go alone. It's not that she minded going by herself, she would just prefer not to. Kat found a tree to sit under, but seeing as it had no leaves it didn't really block the sun, but that didn't bother her, she loved the way that the sun felt on her face.
Caysi walked out from the castle and on to the lawn, it was good to get some fresh air once in a while. She saw Kat, and didn't know if she would remember her from the lake front situation. " Hi,Kat...do you remember me?". she said going to towards her.
Kat was sitting there and was a bit startled when she heard someone come up and say her name. She looked around and saw Caysi standing there. "Oh, yeah, hey Caysi! How are you? Maybe this time we won't be so rudely interrupted or attacked." said Kat with a little smirk on her face remembering the situation with the first year Slytherin down by the lake.
Rhyspa was quite bored, she had been cooped up in the school for quite a few days and needed some fresh air. She spotted Caysi and another girl she didn't know walking a few yards away from where she was currently sitting.

"Hey Caysi!" Rhyspa called out.
" Yeah or made fun of too". She added and gave a weak smile. " I'm doing just good with my classes and all, what about you?".

" Hey Rhyspa!!". she said.
Rhyspa lifted herself off the ground and jogged towards her friend. She offered a friendly smile to the younger girl and introduced herself. "I'm Rhyspa Aireous," she said.
Kat saw a girl walk up and talk to Caysi and then introduce herself to Kat. Kat looked at her with a smile and said, "Hi! I'm Katalina Vanderhol, but you can call me Kat!" She then turned to Caysi and said, "Yeah classes are going really well. I'm freaking out about exams though!"
Caysi nodded " So am I , I'm worried that I'm going to fail". " But other than that, it's all good". " You like it here at Hogwarts?". she asked.
"Oh I love it here!" said Kat excitedly. "I'll have to admit that I was a bit homesick at first and still am at times, but other than that i'm in Heaven!"

Kat looked at both Caysi and Rhyspa and said, "Are you two excited for the Yule Ball?"
"Me neither." said Kat with a melancholy tone. "My mum bought be a dress so i'm going to go so she didn't waste her money. I'm hoping that someone will ask between now and then."
Rhyspa stood there quietly thinking in her head. "No one's asked me yet but I'm going either way," she said. "We could be each others dates," she giggled.
"Sounds good to me!" said Kat giggling "But if I do happened to get asked, i'm going to have to dump the two of you!" said Kat sarcastically. "Do either of you have a dress yet?"
Rhyspa doubled over in laughter and tears began to stream down her face when Kat said she'd have to dump her and Caysi if she got a date.

"I've got a dress," Rhyspa grinned. "It's really pretty and elegant. Do you have a dress?"
"Yeah I have one! My mum bought it for me a few weeks ago. I think I have a picture of it here somewhere, hold on." said Kat digging in her bag.

"Here it is!" said Kat as she handed them the picture


"It's not really fancy, but I think it's pretty."
"Kat, that is really cute! It's a very nice dress," Rhyspa said. "I don't have a picture of mine with me, but you'll have to wait."
Caysi laughed " Wow that's a pretty dress!". she smiled. " I would hate the feeling of being dumped". she said jokingly and sarcasticly.
"It's been good," Rhyspa said. "I like all my classes, but i'm excited for next semester. I'm so nervous about exams."
"Well you won't have to worry about that. I'm kind of known as the shy clumsy first year, so I highly doubt that I will be having someone ask me. I'm all yours girls!" said Kat laughing. "So Caysi, now that you officially have two dates," as she pointed to herself and Rhyspa, "you have to get a dress!"
Caysi sat down and took her book bag by her side and opened up a photo and said " This is the dress and stlye im going to do". she smiled.

Kat looked at the picture that Caysi had shown them and said, "Ooooo! Caysi that is beautiful, I absolutely love it!"
"Wow, Caysi, that's really pretty!" Rhyspa said. "Looks, like we're gonna have a pretty hot date, huh Kat," she said, humor evident in her voice.
Kat giggled a little bit and said, "Oh yeah! We'll be the three hottest there thats for sure!!" and then she struck her supermodel pose and started laughing uncontrollably.
Caysi giggled at Rhyspa " I'm going to have to watch out, don't anybody stealing you guys". she said jokingly. " Of course we will be the three hottest there!". she posed beside Kat.

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