Open Jumping for Pictures

Fraser Fergusson

quidditch obsessed; dejected
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Fairy Wing Core
10/2046 (14)
Fraser came to the student lounge with a plan. He had plenty of things he needed to be getting on with, but he knew he had to focus on this part. The photography. He had spent a bit of time with Rosie, and Zerrin, learning the best way to do portraits, and now he was trying to do action shots, so he was at the back of the room, with his camera on a stand which Rosie offered for him to use. Fraser had it on a timer and was trying to take picture while he was trying to jump and take a picture at the same time. it would be easier to take action shots of quidditch, but he wasn't quite ready to go back to the quidditch pitch and watch practices yet. So he'd have to make do.
Marley had been happy to be back at school. Sure she missed her family back home, but being back at school with her friends was just as exciting. The Hufflepuff decided to explore the castle for a wee bit. Maybe hoping to stumble upon something interesting. Marley entered the student lounge, just wandering around, when she noticed a slightly older boy jumping in front of something, and she realised it was a camera. "Woah! Are you a photographer? Is that a muggle or magical camera?" Marley asked the boy. She remembered her dad talking about muggle cameras and thought they were pretty neat.
Fraser had been doing this back and forth for a while when he was stopped by a slightly younger girl, in one of the other houses. He glanced at her, as the camera went off, missing the picture but just smiled in a friendly way at her. "Yeah, I guess I am," he replied, "It's a magical one," he added, answering her second question. "Do you want a go?" he asked, stepping out of the way and motioning to the spot he'd just be in.
"Awesome! Are you a photographer for the yearbook?" Marley asked the older boy with interest. She always thought cameras were so cool! Marley nodded when he explained that it was a magical camera. "Cool! What's the difference between a magical and a muggle camera?" Marley asked him, as she tilted her head to the side a little. Marley smiled excitedly at his final question. "Sure, I guess! Is there something specific you wanted to test out or wanted me to do?"
Fraser half nodded, half shrugged. "I'm hoping to be," he said since he hadn't yet found out if he was successful, though with the way that Rosie had been talking he was quite possibly on it. Fraser gave a little shrug. "I'm not sure really, I think muggle cameras like photography cameras can't capture moving images, but I don't know what else," he said. Before smiling. "Anything, I'm just trying to capture motion," he said.
"Oh right! Well, I'm sure you'll do great! If you do end up being a photographer on the yearbook" Marley said with a smile. The yearbook seemed like hard work and Marley wasn't sure she'd be able to manage all that. While she liked to be creative with things, she knew it would be a bit more time-consuming with it all. "That makes sense" Marley said with a nod and smile as he spoke about the difference between muggle and magical cameras. Marley nodded quickly as he had told her she could do anything. She thought for a moment as she made her way in front of the camera. "How about me jumping? Is that okay?"
Fraser gave a warm smile, appreciating the kind sentiment of this girl. He wasn't sure he agreed entirely, but he was willing to just lean into it and let himself hope that he might be good at something. He set up the camera and nodded as she asked if she could jump. "Yeah, that'll be good!" he assured it. "It's what I've been doing," he pulled the camera back a little. "So I'll count down and press the button at zero, you jump and just imagine the picture will be the whole jump," he said, trying to provide her with some instructions to hopefully make this easier.
Marley nodded her head as the older boy gave her instructions on what he wanted her to do. "Right, okay, sounds good!" Marley said with a nod, as she understood what needed to be done. It sounded like fun and she couldn't wait to get started. She stood in front of the camera and looked at the boy with an eager smile. "Okay! I'm ready" Marley says excitedly as she gives him a thumbs up.
Fraser nodded, he felt a bit of pressure now to get it right. He couldn't get it wrong if someone was taking the time to do it, but really when he was on Accio, he wouldn't be able to make any mistakes either. He waited till she was ready and then indicated that she was ready and then he gave a thumbs up. "Okay,," Fraser counted down.

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