Je Suis Désolé

Grande Fuego

Well-Known Member
Bois D'Arc Wand 12" Essence of Crystallized Dragon Fire
Je Suis D?sol?

<r><SIZE size="50"><s></s><br/>
Grande hadn't been liking the addition of more students to the school. The professor weren't giving students as much slack for mistakes, and Beauxbatons was at all times, looking ready and perfect. This didn't suit Grande much at all. His scruffy look and lack of care for what people thought of him, and his sticking to the shadows suited him. But this year, with all the new students, it was being turned on his head. He had to go to classes, and he had lots more homework. But he still had to make time to work. It was the middle of the day and Grande didn't have any classes in the afternoon, so he'd been about to head up to his dorm, so that he could get changed out of his Beauxbatons uniform and go see if he could pick up a shift. Because of all this complex thinking going on in Grande's brain, he wasn't looking where he was going, and bumped into someone. It was a slight bump, and Grande instantly took a step back.<br/>
<COLOR color="#5a70b3"><s></s><I><s></s>"I am so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going. You alright?"<e></e></I><e></e></COLOR> Grande said quickly in French, not realising, the girl he'd just bumped into wasn't a Beauxbatons student.<br/>
Zazuka as always was brightly colored. Today she was waring a blue, yellow and green molten top open at the back and tied in the back of her neck with a white skirt with light blue leggings to match the blue bits in her top. Her shoes where neat Mary Jaines in white. She had gotten a number of strange looks because of her colorful style which had evolved from her patch work style she had been forced into as a young girl but Zazuka let them all pass by. Zazuka had never been the type to take much stock in what people thought of her though she was very kind about.

That and Zazuka had to have something that made her stand out. Most of the girls here where not only beautiful but smart as well and Zazuka could not help but think that maybe if Willow's Rain had been in France instead of New Zealand she would fit in well in Beauxbatons after a make over or two. Her thoughts where countered by the fact that if she had been a Beauxbatons girl instead of Hogwarts girl then she may have never met Brian. Zazuka let her mind wonder back to the last few days she had spent with her beloved when she felt her body clash with someone else's.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry! I'm really becoming so much more clumsy." She said in her broken French that she was sure was going to get her laughed at but it was the best she could do.

Hearing the broken French, Grande smiled. He knew instantly that it was english and the student was from Hogwarts New Zealand. Unless the person was already fluent in French they had a hint of there original accent inside the french. Grande smiled at the girl, she looked a little familiar but Grande hadn't been at Hogwarts since his 2nd year, and the chances were that this girl was either in his year or the one below, and that would be close to 6 years ago. Grande let a little laugh escape his lips.

"It was my fault trust me, I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm sorry." Grande said in his equally natural and fluent english. "You must be from Hogwarts New Zealand?"
Hearing English Zazuka's face took on a revealed look for a moment then smiled."Yes Hogwarts New Zealand. I'm here for the Tri-Wizard of course. You where a second year in my fist year where you not?" She asked thinking back. Zazuka had a kind of good memory for things like this even if she did tend to forget some dilates. "Zazuka Bones at your service until the time comes for me to go home." She said as a light joke. She thought it best to start things off on a happy-ish note even if her mood seemed to be falling as of late.

Grande was very surprised to say the least. He couldn't remember the girl, the seemed, maybe a little familiar, but he couldn't place a face with the name. He however smiled at Zazuka. It was strange to be slightly remembered. He nodded. Slightly reluctantly, but still a smile remained on his face. Grande knew that he might be late, but Grande wasn't too bothered. They could manage and he could always apparate directly into the restaurant.

"That I was. Gryffindor. That was a long time ago though." Grande said, He'd known english and french at the same time, and because of the time he'd spent in New Zealand, his English was as good as his french. Though his Spanish was next to non existant. "Grande Fuego, Welcome to Beauxbatons Zazuka. What do you think of it so far?"
Zazuka shook her head. "Don't worry about it. If I start talking about things that I don't know or that I remember but really shouldn't don't think to much about it. I'm odd that way." She said smiling brightly. Zazuka liked to let people know exsactly what she was before they got to know her better. It was better then scaring them with something that she said but didn't know what it was really about. It was starting to become that her Seer senses where blending in with her waking life. It was pleasant but she had lost the attention of a lot of people because of it.

"Oh well that's nice." She said not really knowing what to say to the fact that he had been a Gryffendor. Grande may have known her best friend Andy but she wouldn't ask until she knew better. "Thank you. Everything here is just so new to me but so familiar. I miss Hogwarts though." She said with a sigh. "My French is getting better so that's a good thing." She said laughing a little bit.

Grande nodded. He always thought it was quite funny that most people who learned french sounded pretty ridiculus for about the first few years, the accent generally held on for longer, but it got less funny as people knew what meant what and sentences didn't go along the lines of The elephant has sun Which was very incorrect. Grande smiled at Zazuka. When he had first come to the school he'd be surprised at the amount of people who were able to speak english. And then were some who couldn't speak a word of it.

"You're french is good. But you'll find that a lot of people here also speak english so you might not have much bother." Grande said "How are the classes?"
Zazuka laughed a little. "You should have seen me pour over endless phrase books before coming to Beauxbatons just so I don't make fool of myself and still ended up saying 'Have you eaten my cat' when I was really asking if they had seen it." She said shaking her head. She had found a few who spoke English but most of the ones that did where to make sure that Zazuka knew they where talking about her. "Classes are what keeping me from begging to go home actually. They are very interesting and I'm learning all sorts of beautiful magic from one instructor." She didn't know if this was the right thing to talk about with a boy but it was one of the things that was making the biggest impression on her.

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