Into the Rabbit Hole

Margo Liddell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Griffin Feather
With the strange business of buying a wand behind her, Margo went out to brave the streets of Obsidian Harbor once more. Having gotten over her initial shock Margo was now excited to explore and see what the magical world had to offer. She spent hours wandering the streets, going in and out of shops just to assure herself that this actually was all real. After a while, Margo's feet began to ache, and she decided to take some time to sit and just people watch for awhile.

It was likely because of this that she actually saw him. A boy her age in somewhat tatty clothes she had noticed occasionally in the halls of her "muggle" school. Margo couldn't believe her luck. A familiar face! Her green eyes flashed with joy and a goofy grin spread across her face. She determined then and there that she would go talk to him.

With a spring in her step Margo made her way through the crowd toward the boy whose name she did not know. When she got close, the boy was facing away from her, and she tapped his shoulder so as not to startle him. "Excuse me boy, but I believe we go to school together. Regular school that is, not the magical type. Though, as you're here too, I suppose we might be school mates at Hogwarts as well. Oh my, I'm sorry, I'm not giving you a chance to speak, am I? I'm Margo" she finished holding out her hand and giving this boy her warmest smile.
There were a number of quirky, magical shops to visit on Obsidian Harbour but Russell had spent the majority of his money in just one of them, the second hand shop. He had been given so little money that even by purchasing goods from the bargain shops, just about managed to cover the long list of supplies required for his new school. He was excited to attend a new magical school and make lots of new friends and although the newest robes and belongings would be preferred, he was simply happy to be attending Hogwarts in a couple of weeks. It was going to be the adventure of all adventures and an opportunity to have a change from the dairy farm his parents own and expect him to help run back in the muggle world.

He walked the cobbled street, wandering what to do now he had brought all his school supplies. It was still early and he did not want to go home yet but had no money left to do anything else. That’s when he felt someone tap his shoulder. He quickly turned and recognised the girl almost immediately, she had attended the same muggle school as him. “Wow hello, yes I know you!" He nodded when she said her name as if he already knew it, but in truth, he hadn’t been sure. “I’m Russell.” He replied, “So you’re a witch, you must be if your here. Did you know you were already or was it a shock like it is for me?” Russell still couldn’t believe that he was speaking to someone from the muggle world here in Obsidian Harbour. It really is a ‘small world’ as they say.
Margo was thrilled when the boy responded positively to her somewhat over zealous introduction. She grinned as Russell began to speak, relieved that he recognized her as well. In fact, he seemed to recognize her better than she had recognized him, nodding when she said her name as if he already knew it. This didn't surprise Margo. It's not that she was cocky, merely that she had only been in New Zealand for a short time and had been so bombarded with new information that she had been somewhat oblivious where other people were concerned.

As Russell spoke, Margo began to form a thought. Well, since we both know each other already, maybe if I continue this conversation I can make a new friend. How lucky! A school friend before I've even entered the school. Upon hearing that Russell himself was a muggle born Margo's elation grew. "Oh my gosh, I had no idea!" Margo responded before launching into the story of receiving her letter.

"So there I was, exploring the woods with my cat Daghda when I decided to take a break and settled down on a boulder. Suddenly, little Dag starts going bonkers, just totally nuts, mewing and twitching his kinked tail, and I know he totally sees something. So I look up, right? Well, next thing I know a heavy letter falls right on my face, as this great big white owl perches on a branch in the tree right next to me. I swear he was watching me. So I read my school letter, and at first I think it's a joke, only I don't really know anyone in New Zealand well enough for them to play a joke on me. Out loud, I say 'you have got to be joking' and then guess what happens? The darn owl squawks at me! So I say 'Right, I'm a witch, and you understand me, makes total sense.' and the darn thing comes and lands on my head! Well I was pretty stunned, and eventually I guess I realized it wasn't a joke. I swear I walked around in a daze for about a week after. The rest is history, and here we are!"
Margo finished, slightly out of breath from having tried to explain her story as quickly as possible so that Russell would not loose interest.

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