Closed In This Together

Soren Gates

Rin- Stylish- Brave
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
4/15/2044 (17)
Soren hated being the last one sorted. It had him on edge. Sadie was Gryffindor. Slate was Ravenclaw. The only way it would be fair would be if he was Hufflepuff or Slytherin. Of course, that didn't happen. His jaw clenched at the hat's decision. No way. He couldn't do this to Slate. As the hat was taken from his head, Soren stood. He didn't smile. He shot a look to Sadie, summoning her without a word, and he turned and purposefully walked to the Ravenclaw table. He didn't know if it would get him in trouble. He didn't care. He sat on one side of Slate, pleased he could see the Gryffindor table from there. "I'm here," he murmured to his brother.
Sadie was the first one to get sorted out of them and Sadie wasn't as worried, she was just perfectly sure that Slate will get into another house tho she still hoped that Soren will get with him. However, when she heard Rin's house, her heart dropped. They couldn't leave Slate, no. And when Soren said to go to Ravenclaw's house without words, Sadie was already getting up to go there, so she fastly managed to get there and just hoped that they won't be in trouble for that. After all, they were just supporting and not separating themselves from their triplet. "I am here too," she put her head on Slate's shoulder as she sat on the other side of him and with her hand lightly circled on his back. "That's unfair, why did they do that? Are we sure we can't go and talk with Headmistress or do something?" she asked no one particularly as she knew the answer already, however, she still was mad about this fact.
Slate's heart was pounding as he slowly made his way to the Ravenclaw table, gingerly taking a seat at one end. He glanced at Sadie seated at the Gryffindor table and gave her a weak smile. He quickly looked to the front to see Soren about to get sorted. His knee was jumping in anxiety as he waited for the hat to decide. It did not take long though as it shouted Gryffindor. Slate did not know whether to cry but his lips were trembling as both of his siblings were in the same house. It would have given him comfort if they were in different houses. His eyes never left Soren, hoping the other boy would meet his gaze. Soren didn't but he saw him look at Sadie and instead of going to her, his brother went to his table instead. He glanced at Sadie just in time to see his sister already close to his side. He didn't know if this was okay but at this point, he didn't care. He didn't realize he was holding his breath until Sadie put a hand on his back. "I-I'm scared.", he whispered, trying his best not to cry there.
Soren scooted closer. "Hey, no," he tried to cheer up, reaching to take the charm their mother had given Slate and holding it up. "See, you still have this. You know mom wouldn't give you something that didn't work. This will keep you safe," He promised, scooting even closer and reaching to press the charm back into Slate's hands. "And come on, Slay, you know if things start to go wrong I'll break into your smarty-pants common room and stay with you."

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