Closed In need of a spell

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
27 (31/12/2035)
Selene needed a good nights sleep. she had been in the castle for almost a week and not had a full night in her dorm. she had dozed but before she had gotten fully asleep she had woken up taken a gook and headed to the common room and spent the night reading and dozing only returning to bed at around half past five as the first light started to break the horizon. today she wanted to do something to give her a chance to sleep without worrying about waking the rest of the dorm up. she had an idea of how to do it. she just needed a charm.
Selene headed to the library and started wandering the aisles looking for something that would give a hint of charms. she picked a shelf and started to look at the names on the spine., a history of animagi, household transfiguration, from beatles to bulldogs, hmm, I think I am in the transfiguration aisle. where is the charms section she muttered to herself moving along to another aisle
If Stefan was doing the maths correctly, he knew that Elvera's daughters at least one of them would be starting at the school. Though he and her had kept in contact over the years, he hadn't seen her or her family in quite some time. But, the man had been paying extra attention to the little first years as they'd come into the library during his shifts. He wasn't going to actively seek her out unless he knew from Elvera that her daughters would be at the school. The man just was always looking for ways to repay the huge favour and help that she and her family had provided to him in his darkest hour, and now he was well adjusted with a good job in a place where he could keep a watchful eye out for them would be good. The librarian did however have a lot to be doing on a day to day basis, and he was working away. Putting away the most recent set of books which had come back, even though the term had only just began some of those student were insatiable when it came to reading. He liked doing the work manually though it could be done either by one of the other employees or entirely by magic. It was as he was doing these rounds that he overheard a girl muttering to herself, he glanced back at her, and thought she was familiar which was odd to him. "The charms section is just in here, I can show you if you want," the man said after clearing his throat, he pointed in the direction of it, "I'm one of the librarians here, so I know where everything is," the man added with a small smile. he definitely knew this girl, or she was familiar to him. Very familiar to him.
Selene turned around when she heard someone behind her. it sounded like a man. maybe a professor or possibly an older student like a seventh year, many of them looked almost as old as some of the professors. as she turned around her long black braids flipping over her shoulders and her mismatched violet and grey eyes focused on the man. Thank you sir" she said he was familiar but she couldn't quite place where from. she started to walk in the direction that the man was pointing then paused after only a couple of steps turning back to face him. "nice to meet you, I am Selene." she said. it was then that something clicked in her mind. slower than usual due to lack of sleep but she remembered that her mum had said something about one of the librarians at the school. what was it she had said? say hello to him for me. "you don't happen to be called Stefan do you?" she asked. it would sound like a weird question if she was wrong. but if she was right she would be able to pass on her mum's message. and come to think of it he did look vaguely familiar.
Stefan smiled warmly at the young girl, and watched as she looked at the books. The girl introduced herself as Selene, which did confirm to him, exactly who this girl was, He thought she definitely resembled the child he had once known. She was older, bigger and less baby but she was all there. It had been a long while, but her question confirmed it even more so, ”I do happen to be called that,” the man said with a smile, ”I’m Stefan, it’s nice to meet you Selene, it’s been a while,” he said with a little smile, ”Hows your mum keeping?” the man wasn’t sure how much she knew about him or if she’d want to sit and talk to him, but he thought he might as well let her know that he was about if she needed anything. It was the least he could do really. He wasn’t sure how to say as much but perhaps since she could figure out who he was she knew a little more about him and her mother had told her a little that he could still look out for her a little. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"
Selene smiled when the man said that he was indeed called Stefan. she was glad that she wasn't wrong. "uncle Stefan." she said she knew that he wasn't her uncle. but aunt and uncle was a term that she had been told to use for good family friends. her mum's friend aunty Brige, or her grandmas foster daughters aunts sapphire and ruby. She didn't quite know where Stefan fit into the works only that he and her mum had been friends a good while ago but had drifted apart. "mum is going well. she actually asked if I could pass on a message. she says hello, and hopes that you are well. she also asks if you wanted some old clothes for the girls, and what your favourite flavour of muffins is?" she said. it was an odd combination of questions and messages, but her mum had apparently been know for always having fresh baked muffins in her classroom when she had been a professor, and her muffins were really good. she knew that it was weird to offer clothes. but apparently, children's clothes were expensive. especially if there were two the same age, as they kept growing and couldn't pass things on to each other. she and her sister had both inherited clothes from Aine and Padme. which was probably a good thing as they were much fancier clothes to those they had had new thanks to her aunt's more expensive tastes, richer husbands and more lucrative jobs than her mum.
When Stefan asked if there was anything else he could help her with it took her a second to remember what she had come into the library for. "umm, yes, I am looking for a book on charms." she said. not sure if she was going to tell him what charm she was looking for or not. it would be more helpful. but she wasn't sure if she wanted him to know so much about her problems especially as they had only just met.

OOCOut of Character:
I don't know if Elvera actually knows about the girls. it would be funny if she didn't officially know but had seen them.
Stefan smiled warmly at the girl, he certainly was at least a little pleased that she remembered a little who he was. He had to admit when the twins had been born he’d gotten so busy with that that remaining in contact with Elvera had fallen to the way side. The librarian was happy to hear about how she was doing, he nodded as Selene gave him the message from Elvera. Stefan hadn’t been sure he’d even told Elvera about the twins. But she did always just seem to know this, ”Well, I like blueberry but the kids all love chocolate,” Stefan said with a little chuckle, ”We could do with some old clothes, kids grow so fast and there’s two of them,” Stefan could always use clothes for the twins, both he and Kate made enough money to manage but with three kids, with two the same age it was important to accept gifts when offered. ”Please give your mother some thanks, I’ll probably send a letter too,” the man said with a small smile lingering on his features, he was definitely keen to rekindle his friendship with her, to send more frequent messages and see how she was doing. Stefan nodded, ”Is there anything specifically within charms that you’re look for?” he felt it would be good to be useful to Selene, he wanted to be able to watch out for her and for her to know that his door was always open to her, but this was a safer place to start, he didn’t want to scare Selene away after all, it had been a while since he’d seen her, and Stefan had never been particularly forward.
Selene could tell stefan was a little confused by the message. to be honest it wasnt the clearest message to her either but she had just passed on what elvera had said. "blueberry is my favorite too" she said as stefan answered the first part of the question. chocolate was good but she prefered the fruity ones, blueberry, banana or apple and cinnamon. she laughed when stefan said commented about the clothes "that is what mum always said about us too. i will let her know" she said. she would have to write her mum a letter anyway. maybe she would boroy heli's owl. she thought for a seccond. actualyl she would probably be better using one of the school owls. after all he was her new pet and whilst they had always shaired everyhting there was a difference between shairing htings and taking away a new pet for a few days.
as they reached the charms section he asked her what she was looking for. "I was seeing if i could find a soundproofing charm to put on the curtains around my bed" she said. there were surly many reasons that one would want to soundproof their bed, a roommate snored, they snored, they liked to nap in the day, not just that one was scared they might wake up from a nightmare screaming and wake up their room mates.
Stefan found himself smiling with her as she said that blueberry was her favourite too, ”It’s better than all those sweeter ones,” he had to admit. But of course he lived in a family with a bunch of sweet toothed kids all of whom were slightly less open to the fruit ones than this girl, Selene was. He would try and have one available or two muffins available for if she ever stopped by. He knew that Selene’s mother and grandmother had always gone the extra mile for him especially when it came towards food. He still remember the food baskets that he had received from her family. He nodded and smiled, ”Kate and I knew we were having twins but I think between them and Branson we forgot how quickly kids go through clothes,” the man smiled softly as he said it. Stefan listened to what she was asking for and knew exactly the right spell that would do that, but it was a little advanced, ”I think this book of intermediate charms should be right,” the man pulled it out of the shelf and handed it to her, ”But, you’ll have real problems doing any of the spells, they’re probably quite advanced for you. Is this the first time you’ve had so many roommates?” he wanted to figure out why this might be an issue that the girl had, maybe he could help her out.
Selene chuckled when Stefan said that they were better than the sweet ones. "cherry ones are also yummy" she said. she nodded when he said that the girls were growing fast. she wasn't quite sure what else she was meant to say to that thankfully they made their way to the charms section and Stefan reached a book out and gave it to her. she took it. "thank you for your help that would have taken me all day" she said. opening it and scanning the contents. as Stefan asked if she was used to so many roommates. "I have always shared with heli. but we are in different houses now. I know I talk in my sleep and often wake up at night and don't want to wake anyone up" she said. this was mostly the truth. but she wasn't sure if saying she often got nightmares that left her waking up screaming was a necessary or useful addition to the conversation. she found what she was looking for on the contents and flipped to the correct page. it looked hopeful.
The librarian was pretty satisfied that he was able to help Selene in even such a small way. he knew it wouldn't be enough to repay her mother of all that she had done for him, but he had come to learn that sometimes it was those little things that were all the more important. It was important in his mind to be present at smaller things, and help in smaller ways than it always being a big an eventful help. Though of course there were now seven years for him to make up for all that had been done for him during his time at school. Stefan hadn't been sure of if Selene would've shared with her twin, though the name had escaped him briefly, his twins shared a room, though they were a little more limited in space. But he listened to the quite reasonable explanation that she gave, "I'm sure the other girl's won't mind," he suggested though of course he had no idea, maybe it was something to ask Kate when he got home. It didn't however help the bigger problem that Selene would not be able to do the spells no matter how much she might actually want to. He thought maybe it was something that she could take to her head of house, maybe that was something they could help with, "Have you tried speaking to your head of house?" Stefan asked her carefully, "He might be able to help and Professor Phillips is exceedingly nice," Stefan hadn't had problems sleeping at the beginning of his schooling but further down the line, he could imagine her head of house was nicer than Professor Styx.

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