IC Superlatives Reaction

Stefan Archer

head librarian
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4/2015 (46)
IC Superlatives are now viewable to all, HERE! Post your reactions here, to students getting whatever, if your character won something, are they happy about it?
Was anyone really that surprised about who Professor Styx is most likely to kill?
I think that's a strong no. We all knew who would win Styx's ire xD

I'm a little surprised about Maya's win though. Not sure she would like that, now she'll be expecting people to jump out at her! Emily's is so very true though. She's gullible as heck.
I was psyched to see that Desislav won most likely to be in detention :p

I'm certain that he's really proud of it. I think he'd have cut that page out and hung it up in his room so he can see it when he wakes up. xD
So much for Scarlet trying to keep a low profile.. xD But oh well, she's too flustered about the award but thinks there isn't much point to anything nowadays.. (I blame a certain someone for that.. :glare: ) As for me, I'm proud of her for getting an award! :party:

Congratulations to all the winners!!
I think Sage will be happy about winning most likely to become minister for Magic, and Victoire was happy to have not won cutest couple with Jean.
Superlatives are so much fun!
Jean was happy about that too! Mostly. :r
Casey and Ali didn't win cutest couple. Cue sad face :cry: :unsure:
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Jean was happy about that too! Mostly. :r
Stefan Archer said:
I think Sage will be happy about winning most likely to become minister for Magic, and Victoire was happy to have not won cutest couple with Jean.
Superlatives are so much fun!
Lucien too. :r
Avie's upset about what he won, he just wants Styx to love him, as well as super upset Lucien didn't win biggest heart.
Lucien won best quidditch player, so he can just be like, "That is like me having the biggest heart. For my team and quidditch, bro." xD
Vladimir won't care about his award unfortunately. Chaos and Bothizar will be thrilled about theirs. =))

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