Closed Hold On

Onyx Derouin

Dramatic- Loyal- Growing- Soft Boi
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Eternally Smitten
Cedar Wood, Hippogriff Feather core, 13 1/2 inches
12/23/2033 (27)
Its was a little past five am for Onyx. The entire house was asleep. Except for him. He'd been tossing and turning all night, barely sleeping. He just felt so... So restless. He knew what he was craving, what he wanted, but he had been afraid to ask. It had been three weeks since the Graduation. He doubted he had slept more than an hour or two a night.

Maybe that was why he finally snapped. Exhausted, he threw the blankets off and stood. He apparated to Jamie's front porch. He was just so tired. He could barely stand. He knocked on the door, swaying lightly on his feet. He barely registered the door opening. He had hardly registered that he was in rumpled pajamas with terrible bedhead. He looked up with groggy blue eyes. "It's like... Five am and I've barely slept in weeks. Please?" He pleaded softly, holding his arms up and reaching for Jamie with grabby hands.
Jamie was just beginning to make his dinner. The windows on his balcony were all open and the beginnings of the slowly cool air was seeping in. It was the height of summer so he was sure that it wouldn’t go down that much but he welcomed the light breeze. He had had quidditch before the sun was up and spent the majority of the day at the beach with some friends, they’d all been teasing him for not bringing onyx, since they all knew of how keen on him Jamie was given how much he talked about him. He was just finishing with the vegetables when he heard someone at his door of his flat. He was a little puzzled but went to it. He opened it and was surprised to see a sleep looking Onyx at his door. He was in his night wear and seemed to have forgotten that it wasn’t actually 5 am for Jamie. Jamie just reached forward and took Onyx in his hands, he brought him through to the living room and lay him on the couch. ”It’s 5pm baby, but come on relax on my couch, sleep, I’m here,” he said, laying him down. With a flick of his hand the room darkened and a thin blanket appeared, he might not need it in the heat but Jamie was sure he might welcome it. He just kept watching him for a moment and smiling softly.
Onyx grumbled as Jamie corrected him, letting the other man lead him to the couch. "That means its 3 in the morning at home," he yawned, falling onto the couch and stretching. He smiled half heartedly as Jamie conjured up a blanket. His lack of sleep was apparently clouding his judgement, as he sat up and leaned over. He ran a hand lightly up Jamie's side, peppering lingering kisses down the mans neck. Onyx ran his hand up, sliding the hem of Jamie's shirt as much as he could, continuing the trail down onto his shoulder a bit. After several moments Onyx let out a sigh and fell back onto the couch, running a hand through his messy hair. "I've missed you, my puppy," he spoke softly, his French perfect if not a little accented. He yawned, blinking sleepily and holding up his arms, trying to lure the man down to cuddle with him.
Jamie smiled lightly and laughed lightly as he leaned in and kissed his shoulder. He lent down and placed a kissed on his head. He was very surprised when all of a suddenly Onyx had spoken near perfect french. He frowned and then laughed, ”You’ve been holding out on me baby,” he said with a smile. Though it was clear that Onyx didn’t want him to go anyway, so she without any words cast a spell so that dinner would keep being made in the background and summoned a book. He shifted to sit on the couch and smiled towards Onyx. ”Okay, get comfy and go to sleep,” he spoke in English trying to encourage Onyx to now sleep.
Onyx pouted as Jamie moved to the other end of the couch. He took a little bit of liberty when Jamie told him to get comfortable, scooting over to curl up against the other man instead. "I learned. Twice, technically. My uncle taught me when I was a boy, and after I met you I started going to this cafe in Paris to practice. I met a girl there, she's been helping me." Onyx yawned, wrapping up in the blanket and smiling softly as he nuzzled into Jamie. "I want you to like me. You love it here, in France, and I want to be something you love, too, and if I'm gunna try to be here I need to know this stuff. I've been studying but I'm worried I'll say it wrong or do it wrong, so I just... study more, so that maybe eventually I can impress you with it." He yawned, rambling a little as he dozed off. It wasn't along before he was fast asleep, wrapped around the Frenchman and completely comfortable.
Jamie smiled slightly as he spoke softly and told him about learning and re-learning french. There was always certainly more to this man than he ever thought about. He smiled slightly as he said that he loved it, and it was true, Jamie had spent the first part of his life in New Zealand, but moving to France had been it for him. He wasn’t ever going to move back or didn’t think he would move anywhere else. His whole life was here. He just chuckled lightly at him and shook his head, ”baby you could speak in the most broken awful french that I could ever hear and it wouldn’t make a difference, I’d be falling for you anyway. But it’s perfect, you’ve impressed me a great deal,” he told him honestly, he was falling for him, and he was impressed. He didn’t need Onyx to be anyone else, or trying to learn anything for him, he’d be happy to translate everything his family spoke english, they wouldn’t need to worry about being understood, but it felt nice that he tried.
Onyx smiled sleepily at Jamie's words, nuzzling into the other man and purring softly. He was asleep fairly quickly, catching up on about three weeks worth of restless nights and not stirring again until late the next morning.


It had been about a week since Onyx had spent the night at Jamies' flat again. He was thinking about making it a recurring thing, just spending the night at Jamies' flat once a month or so. He'd been a little nervous about asking, thinking it was a little clingy of him. They'd been invited to a party though- or at least, Onyx had, and he had invited Jamie as his date. He'd been here for an hour or two, waiting for the other man to arrive. He was sitting on the counter, just watching the party surge and flow around him. He had a drink in his hand, and another beside him just waiting for Jamie. He blinked and smiled widely as he spotted his favorite person coming in. Tipsy, Onyx set his drink on the counter and held up his arms. "Mon chiooooot," Onyx giggled, curling in his fingers and trying to beckon Jamie over.
Jamie was enjoying having Onyx round more, he had always enjoyed the man’s company and as they grew closer and closer he always found he missed even just seeing him cross rooms in his house. He was thankful that though they moved slowly that it was moving well. They had been invited to a party and Jamie’s friends realising that really if they wanted him to go anywhere they had to invite Onyx too, he’d just said he was bringing him along. It was a rather tame affair with a growing number of people and fewer quite spots. He wasn’t exactly on time, turning up when he tended to and being sure that Onyx was already there. He greeted his friends and the host and then noticed Onyx. He immediately excused himself from who he’d been with and went over. He wrapped his arms around Onyx and then leaned in to greet him with a kiss. ”I’m sorry it took me so long to get here, my friends have been nice though right?” he didn’t want Onyx to feel like he couldn’t enjoy these people’s company without him and if his friends weren’t kind then they’d no longer be his friends.
Onyx giggled, draping his arms over Jamie's shoulders and kissing him back easily. "Aw, I am used to ya always being late," he teased, running his fingers idly through Jamie's hair. He pouted a little when Jamie asked about his friends. "Well moooostly everyone is nice," he peeked back into the crowd, pleased when he didn't spot who he was looking for. "This girl keeps starin' at me," he whispered loudly, his Irish accent growing heavier, leaning into Jamie and half hiding against the other man. Onyx giggled, looping his arms lightly around Jamie's waist. "I think we need more drinks, here, you haven' had any," he giggled again, his words slurring a bit. He pulled back, picking up the drinks on the counter and offering one to the frenchman with a giggle and a little bit of a sway. "Jaaaamie, boyo, I wanna stay the night again," he chattered, swinging his feet a little bit as he spoke, "I like it better at your house, you're warm and snuggly and ya don' kick me out of your lap after ten minutes," he giggled again.
Jamie moved in to return the kiss and just kept close to Onyx, finding himself smiling fondly at the slightly more than tipsy man. He hadn’t seen Onyx drunk in a way that wasn’t crying so it was nice to see. He looked over at the girl who he said had been staring at him. He held on a little tighter to Onyx and sent a express glare to the girl. ”She’s just always been interested in me,” he explained. He knew with his position as a quidditch player it sometimes happened that people got a little too interested in him, but he had never been interested in her. He nodded, ”Yes! I need a drink,” he took one of the drinks offered and sipped it quickly, half intending to just catch up to where Onyx was. He laughed lightly at Onyx’s words. ”My home is always open to you baby, any time of day or night,” he said to him and he was pretty genuine about it. He knew that he’d probably get the daylights scared out of him if Onyx just randomly appeared in his bedroom, but he would never say no to him.
Onyx pouted as Jamie mentioned the girl liked him. He slid off the counter and stepped against Jamie, sliding his hand into the Frenchmans back pocket. "Thats actually worse than her just sizin' me up," he pouted, sipping his drink. He giggled at Jamie's comment. "Baby, ya can't be tellin me that sort of thing." He snuggled into Jamie's chest. "I need to be independent for a bit, at least, I can't just go movin' in," he giggled, downing the rest of his drink. "Jamieeee, Mon chiot, we should daaaance, is this a dancing party? It should be, c'mon," he giggled again, grabbing Jamies hands and trying to pull him along.
Jamie shook his head, he didn’t think it was worse but he just held him close, he was sure two seconds of the girl seeing this would be enough to put her off him. He smiled at the statement Onyx made, ”of course baby, but that doesn’t mean that my home isn’t also yours,” he assured him. He wouldn’t want Onyx to move in if he wasn’t ready to, but the fact of the matter for Jamie was that Onyx could spend any amount of time in a week or month in his apartment and it would always be a place for him. Somewhere he could go no matter what. He finished his drink shuddering slightly at the bitter liquid before nodding. He let himself be dragged but it wasn’t like he didn’t want it. Immediately beginning to dance with Onyx.
-godmod approved-

Onyx giggled softly, nestling into Jamie. "Wherever you are is home enough for me," He admitted, peeking up at Jamie with a shy smile. "I learned a long time ago that home is never a place, really, not for me, it's more..." He laughed, embarrassed, and shook his head. He cleared his throat. "I've been drinking too much," he shook his head, laughing again.

He giggled as Jamie started to dance with him. He danced easily with the other man, keeping close and stealing drinks every so often to keep himself buzzed. He was having a great time. He wasn't sure how long they'd been dancing, hardly bothering to pay attention to how long they'd been dancing. He lit up, properly drunk by that point, when he heard a good song going on.

Caught up in the alcohol, Onyx climbed up onto the nearest table. His inner performer took over. He sang along, dancing easily. It was hardly a dance worthy of Amaya, but he wasn't looking to impress his cousin. He giggled, trying to spin as the song ended. He tripped on his own feet, falling sideways off the table. He yelped and shut his eyes. He didn't hit the floor, though.

He peeked open an eye and couldn't help the way his heart fluttered when he realized Jamie had caught him. He giggled again, his head spinning, wrapping his arms around Jamie's neck and snuggling into him. "You're so strongggg, and pretty," he ran his fingers lightly through the hair at the nape of Jamie's neck. He meant to go on but was interrupted as he yawned. He rubbed his eyes and snuggled down into Jamie's arms. "I'm just going to stay here now,"
Jamie smiled at him and shrugged, he didn’t think it was too much if he was managing to have fun. So long as it remained fun for the moment and didn’t end up with anything bad, then he was perfectly happy with it. He just got a new drink of his own. He wasn’t intending to catch up with Onyx but he was intending to drink more so that he could almost catch up or be more on Onyx’s level. He watched the man dance, and smiled easily, it was clear he was a good performer. Jamie was a little surprised and thanked his reactions that he was able to catch Onyx as he fell, stopping him from hitting the ground. He smiled a little at the reaction, ”Thanks baby, you’re very pretty yourself and you dance beautifully, I was captivated as if you were a veela,” Jamie told him. He let himself sit down on the nearest seat with Onyx in his arms. ”Do you want me to take you home baby?” he asked seeing that the other man was a little tired.
Onyx giggled, blushing and cuddled into Jamie. He shut his eyes, relaxing in Jamie's arms and smiling warmly. "Only if I can stay with you," he countered, pressing a soft kiss to the mans neck and curling up a bit smaller in his lap. He sighed softly, feeling content. "Jamie?" He asked softly, flicking his lip ring idly a moment before sighing softly and nuzzling into the Frenchmans neck. "We're building something here, aren't we?" He asked quietly. "I mean, with you and me. This isn't... this isn't just in my head, right?" he peeked up at Jamie for a moment, before settling in against Jamie and shutting his eyes. "I want to stay with you forever," he murmured softly, the mix of the alcohol and the warmth of Jamie's arms lulling him to sleep. He was asleep within moments.
Jamie nodded lightly, enjoying the feel of Onyx in his arms, he knew so many people, had told him that Onyx wouldn’t ever get off his lap or out of cuddles if Jamie let him and really he had never minded it or the idea of it. He liked the solid feel of this boy he was falling love with just in his arms. He nodded at Onyx’s question. ”This is so very real baby,” he said softly. ”You and me, we’re gonna be forever,” he pressed a kiss to Onyx’s forehead and then took the drunken, mostly asleep man home with him. It had been a brief but good party in Jamie’s mind. ”I love you,” he spoke softly as he tucked Onyx into bed and then got in along side him. But he was sure Onyx was dead to the world.

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