Hashtag Winning

Sage Ottavi

Gossip Columnist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Anyone Alive
Curly 9 1/2" Flexible Yew Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Happy to have been sorted into Slytherin, the young girl was looking for her place in the fold of this new school. It was huge, and grand. It wasn't too lovely, it was huge. But it was mostly brick. It looked like those old buildings from the medieval times. It seemed silly to her. She wanted to tell people that it was silly to not modernise. She was bored. The weather was too cold for her to even bother going outside the walls, something she didn't like. She liked the hot weather more than everything else. She thought cold places had it rough. She didn't like New Zealand because of that. They had real seasons. She preferred places that would much more quickly have sunshine than rain. She was more used to a place like that. She was however used to the warmest months being the ones the northern hemisphere associated with winter. But, it wasn't until she had moved to the very cold New Zealand, that she'd actually experienced a first winter. Something she didn't like that much. She would've preferred to stay out in her home country. It just happened to be in Latin America. Argentina. She was sure most of the girls wouldn't be able to even tell her where it was on the map. She was bored of the cold, wetness this country. It was awful. But, she was stuck there. And she didn't want to be too far from her father. She was all she needed to keep her clothes and everything. But, she was working on convincing him to move to the very lovely Argentina. She was willing to be homeschooled just so she could be back home. So she could be around the lovely people she called her friends, and those she called her ever useful minions. The worst thing about this school was just that she knew no one. No one knew her and she knew no one. Having to start back at the beginning was awful. She couldn't believe that she had deal with such a thing. What an annoying thing. What an awful thing. She had to deal with such a boring and awful thing. One thing had gone right for young Sage, she'd been sorted into the correct house. Slytherin! Which was just a joyous thing. Easily the best thing to have happened to her. Easily the best thing to have happened to this school. She knew that she would do best in this house. It would've been a loss to be anywhere else. She knew that under the guidance of Slytherin the young girl would do perfectly. She had the best ideas for her house. She had the most opportunities in this house. She couldn't wait.

The morning of the second day, the young Slytherin was already in her uniform. Well, part of it. The short dark navy blue lace shorts, instead of the stupid black skirt that gave her no shape. She'd matched that with white short sleeved t-shirt, and a apricot vest jumper, she wore the slytherin tie with pride. This was the best of the uniform. It would work the most. It was the easiest way of wearing the otherwise boring uniform. The girl had one place to be. The throphy room. The girl had overheard people talking about it before and she was very interested in seeing this room of the high achievements of the Hogwarts People. She was mostly wondering what awards might just be in her reach, and what ones were to silly to ever think about getting. She didn't take too long to find it which was good, since she had no interest in walking around aimlessly until she had. She liked doing things quickly, wasting little to no time delaying what she needed. Her take over would have to be swift and it would have to work. It would have to be done without people noticing. However, what she needed first were friends, or minions. People who would listen to what she said. Do what she asked. Or just someone she could scare into being like that. Smiling to herself the young Slytherin found the room and wandered in. She gave a quick glance at many of the different thorphies before stopping in front of the list of head girl's. Now, while she wasn't ever going to be the best behaved person in the school, the ultimate goal would be head girl. That was as she liked to always say. End game. She needed to be there before she got to do anything else. Of course she had a couple of years to get good at everything before the master plan needed to really start. However, she was fairly alone. And all these awards couldn't be hers, unless she had people to help her get there. What she needed were the people, or at least one person to get started.
The castle was roomy and warm despite the weather outside, Isla though, love the winter because of her home country which is Scotland. The castle itself is big and you'll easily get lost just in the first floor of the premises but she got to the third floor without getting lost, maybe because she knows all about castle including big once. It was not like Isla's castle back in Scoland, she call it home rather than castle because of the modern furniture's and appliances in it.

The third floor here consist of the hospital wing which is called the nurses office in what they call the muggle world, then the charms classroom where she takes classes as well and the trophy room which she is so eager to see it. Isla heard about it in the train where she was seated with some of the first year students including Jasmine, who she met at the Leaky Cauldron. To be honest on herself, she would rather hang herself rather than stay here but she doesn't want to disappoint her parents even thought they themselves doesn't even believe this was real.

Isla took her steps slowly like a tourist, she would look at the structures of the third floor and stops when she sees something fascinating but all in all, the castle is more like her home in Scotland. Then she saw the door toward the trophy room and immediately her smile went back to her lips. Isla's pace became faster as she neared the door, once she was at the door, the young girl swung it open slowly. The glitter from the lights toward the trophy was blinding her but it was worth seeing.

There were lots of cabinets that were filled with trophy's, Isla have not seen so many of this before and she doubt this is the last time she will. She went inside and there was a girl standing in one of the cabinet trophy, she smiled, and opened her mouth to talk. "Hello. So, you like what you're seeing too, huh?" Her voice seems so excited and full of life despite that she was stuck here for the rest of the school year just because of the trophy's that someday her own will be there.

She went closer toward the girl and saw that she was staring at the Head Girl's award plate. Isla doesn't understand the meaning of the name but she was sure that the award is high and people or students will respect you. "What is a Head Girl?" Isla asked suddenly, not even thinking what she just asked. The girl might think she is an idiot or just playing stupid. Isla looked above the Head Girl plaque and saw that there is for guys as well, I wish Liam will get that spot she thought, her friend is smart, hardworking and responsible; he would definitely get the spot. But for her, she will do her best and if she didn't met the standard to be a Head Girl then she is still fine with it.
The silence was broken when she heard a second person enter the room. While it was her desire to make friends, she sort of wanted to do it on her own terms. She didn't want others intruding and making it seem like they had decided to be friends with her. That wasn't how things worked in her mind. It wasn't at all. She was a lot more interested when she got to stand in front of a group of people and from that got to decide. She didn't give who ever it was her attention, instead she stared at the head girl plaque longer. She leaned into it. She could just imagine her own name being engraved into it. It would be a great moment when that happened. She would wear a crown for the entire year, she'd exert her control, do things that wouldn't be too head girl(ish) but get away with it, because she was careful and she knew what she was doing, always. The calculating movements was her strong point. She knew how to play things into her favour, she would just work her and she'd get to the right point. She knew it. The other candidates wouldn't stand too much of a chance. This was hers for the progressive taking. Of course, she'd also try to get more of the trophies, as many to her name would be fun. It would make the most sense if she of all people managed it. She was looking forward to making her mark, first at this school, and then in the greater world. She had such plans for the future. Such ideas for what she could do. She wanted control, she just had to curve that into something slightly more achievable. Something that would be easily done. She just had to spend a bit of time looking everything up. Spend her first classes deciding what she liked and what she didn't like. It was easy, it would be easy. She figured she'd be good at everything. Which was a little overly optimistic, after all she'd not really done much work in magic before now. Despite being from an almost pureblood family. She hadn't done much in terms of revision. She'd been fairly bad in terms of magic. Living in a largely muggle city, she'd just gotten used to not having it. It was just since moving to New Zealand that she had been learning a little more of it. Something that was good for her, and would help her achieve everything she would ever want.

The second person spoke, Sage looked round and raised an eyebrow at the girl. The girl had an odd accent, one that she didn't understand that well. It sounded harsh, while excited. It made no sense. She didn't respond instead looked back round at the cabinet. Taking the smallest of steps away, while giving a small eye roll to the girl. What a silly question in her mind, of course, she'd like what she saw. In what respect would it be not nice to be able to have all the trophies. She considered leaving without a word to this girl, but, her mind was still stuck to the many things within this room. She just continued to not bother to acknowledge the girl. She would've continued that, if the girl hadn't said the most ridiculous thing, ever. What is a head girl. The young slytherin laughed slightly, looking round at the girl, surely she was kidding, she wasn't really asking such a thing. But, from one look at the girl, she could tell that she was being very serious. She stopped laughing, "Oh, wow, you're serious." Sage looked at the list of names and then back at the girl. "Isn't it fairly obvious, head girl. It's a girl, who has achieved the highest position a student can have. Recognised by the staff for being all round excellent." She said in a very matter of fact way, her words lightly accented. "I guess you don't have that in the uncivilized North pole." She said to the girl, a reference to the accent she had. She didn't know where it was from, but it was still awful. "You're an idiot. Think before you talk, someone else might not have been as kind as I am being."
The girl seems doesn't like her and wanted to be alone for that matter but she was surprise at the tone that she gave to Isla once she answered her question. How she would know when she's not from here and never heard anything about that, her public school only has an honor roll from one to ten and sometimes one to five. It was just then that she was transferred in a private school to be home schooled, school work and test papers are to be sent to her rather than a teacher would come to her while she's here in New Zealand. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm from the muggle world or some people say 'Normal world' where people are normal like me." Her come back was a bit too edgy but for some reason she manage to smile at the girl.

Her stance was straight and her face has no sign of uneasiness nor anger and that's how you handle people who are ignorant and wants to have a fight rather than talk about it. "I see your a Slytherin." She said and looked at the uniform she was wearing, then back to the person's face and continue speaking. "You probably dream of becoming a Head Girl as well but let me tell you ... Can you do it?" Isla was surprised on how she acts toward the Slytherin students, maybe because she just doesn't like them from the beginning of the school year.

Isla then went to the other trophy cabinets, looking and she spun around to look at the girl again. "I bet you can't." She simply said and smiled back again. She wasn't scaring the girl, Isla was just telling the truth, there are thousand of students here and in their batch is like a hundred, one to ten, her opportunity is a one because of the odd numbers of the first year student and it is also based on their grades which is which. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and studied the girl.
When the girl spoke back to her, she practically scoffed. The girl had no idea what she was getting into. Not just that, but Sage Ottavi didn't take sh!t from no one. She was the kind of girl who spoke her mind, made people do what she wanted. Scared and bullied her way to the top of whatever metaphorical ladder she was climbing. She also didn't think that the girl admitting she was from the muggle world would help her case with the young Slytherin. The tanned brunette was mixed blood, though, she acted pureblood, since it was one tiny little mistake on her mother's side of the tree which had lead to her unpure blood. She looked at the girl, and shook her head. Normal? Normal people were not the silly muggles who had some backwards ways of doing things. She had grown up in both worlds, but it still meant she knew about little things, like a head girl. "Oh honey, you are far from normal. You're a witch, and a thick one at that." She said, in a sickly sweet voice. "So you know, I spent part of my life in the muggle world too, by the way, horrid place, and I still know what a head girl is." Sage gave a laugh, resembling, a I can't believe how stupid you are laugh. She smiled, in a very I'm better than you fashion at the girl. Sage, didn't think she'd be able to making a minion or a friend out of this girl. It was a little too boring. She was a little too stupid, even for the sort of people that Sage was looking out for. People who wouldn't notice they were being controlled, who saw a girl like Sage and thought, that they wanted to be just like her. She kept her eyes away from the girl, not really giving her the attention she wanted. She didn't care who the girl was. She could be the daughter of the headmistress, Sage would still not care. She wondered if the girl was going to leave, but she clearly had more to say to Sage, which amused her. Sage wondered what awful comebacks were to follow. She didn't know where this girl had learned to b!tch fight, but it definitely wasn't a good place. Her education was lacking The hazel eyes of the girl drifted back to other girl in the room, and the words fell from the other girl's mouth. A slytherin, that was her follow on.

"I see you're fat." Sage replied, without a smile, or anger. As if, like the other girl, she was just stating something obvious. She was stating what was seemingly true. Sage was a very slim girl, she did a lot of sports. She loved swimming, surfing anything that involved her and a beach. The other girl necessarily fat, but Sage wasn't going to admit that. "I dream of golden beaches, surfers and male life guards." She said with a smile. "Becoming head girl isn't a dream, it's just on my to do list. Something to do when I'm just about done with this place." Sage always knew she was going to a Slytherin, it didn't bother her, she liked it. She believed that she had a lot more freedom in Slytherin than in any other house. Mostly because she could be herself, and people wouldn't be too surprised. It was the best thing about it. Sage was not stupid, she knew that out of all the people in her year, it was very unlikely that she was the one to get head girl, but she was in first year, and where was the harm? The other girl, was also clearly not going to get it in Sage's mind. "And I bet you can't either." She replied simply. "I also bet that I'd still have an advantage over you, since people can understand me." Sage took a step away, and moved on to the head boy list of names. They had, at times similar second names. Odd second names. Though Sage could hardly be one to complain about something like that. She glanced round to the other girl. "So, you going to leave now, or what?" Sage asked, before glancing back down at the list.

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