Harri and Hollie

Harriet Turner

Well-Known Member
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Harri walked out of the common room, it was getting way to stuffy in there! She didn't fancy going far as it was beginning to rain a little so she sat down on her favorite window seat and began to draw. Nothing in particular just little sketches of scenes from her past, they were mostly line drawings but they had so much detail in. She didn't even realise how good she was, drawing was just a hobby. A habit even. She continued sketching, lost in her own world.
Hollie left the common room; it was really hot in there and there were so many people today! She had been thinking about writing a letter to her dad, but she needed somewhere quiet for that, and had decided to do that another time.

Walking down the corridor she noticed Harri sat on a window ledge drawing.
"hey!" she said, wandering over to her friend. "I didn't know you drew!" She peered over Harri's shoulder at the drawing, and was immediately impressed.
"Harriet Turner, you have a talent for drawing!" she said, enthusiastically, as she watched her hand move across the page.
Harri continued to draw the picture of her and Kevin together and didn't even hear Hollie approach untill she spoke "Woah, didn't see you there Hollie," she said snapping the book together embaressedly, "No those were terrible just little sketches," she said looking down at the cover of the book, which was covered in photos of herself with family and friends as well as some of her best drawings. The ones she was proud of, the giant squid with a hat and pipe, herself and Emma, herself and Ellie and herself and Caysi and Kiera.
Hollie gaped at Harri.
"Oh my gosh how can you say that!" she gasped, half laughing. "They're amazing! My sister's really good at art, but her work is nothing compared to this!" She felt embarrassed that she'd looked at Harri's work; she shouldn't have pryed.
"Thanks Hollie," Harri said blushing, she didn't mind people seeing her art just somethings she preferred to keep private. "These ones are my best ones I think," she said pointing to the ones on the front. These were the ones she knew were quite good. But some inside of her book she knew where alot better, though alot more private as well. "Do you draw?" she asked. Flicking through the pages and catching sight of a more detailed picture of herself and Kevin which she was extremly proud of. Maybe she would show Hollie that one later...
Hollie shook her head.
"Um.. well, not people, I find them really hard. But objects are ok, I mean, can draw plants and stuff. I like drawing as a hobby, 'cause I find it kinda theraputic." She blushed; did that sound too twee? "But yeah, not nearly as good as that. I wish I could draw people like you do!"
Harri smiled and nodded "Yeah same! It's really relaxing," she said noticing Hollie looked a little embaressed. Harri blushed "Just practise really," she said, she was not fully aware of her own natural talent. "So is it just the one sister you have?" she asked.
Hollie looked horrified.
"One?" she mouthed, in mock anguish, "One? I wish. I have... four sisters and two brothers. It's awful! I only get on with one of my sisters. It's mayhem at home. When I got my letter for HNZ... it was like, YES!" She sighed. "What about you, do you have any siblings? If not, then I've got five for sale!" she laughed. "I'll keep Madi, she's sweet."
"Wow that sounds fantastic!" Harri said laughing at Hollies reaction "You don't like it? I would love that!" she siad wishfully, "Nope I'm an only child. Though me and my cousin are practically brother and sister!" she said laughing, she did, at times, wish Tommy was her brother, though he acted like it already. Being ridiculously over protective, "So whats it like having that many siblings? Do you all get on?" she asked.
Hollie smiled resignedly.
"Nope," she said, "not at all. My sister Shelby and I are like chalk and cheese, we really have nothing in common and don't get on. She bullies me. And everyone else... well, they're just there. We get on I guess, but Shelby's attitude is overwhelming and kinda takes over. Madi is the youngest of us 7 and she's gorgeous - we're best buds!" She laughed. "Sam's the oldest, then Shelby, and then me. Then there's the twins, Nikki, and Madi. Nikki is like a mini Shelby, so we won't get on, that's a fact." She sighed. "Wow, I'd love to have that kind of relationship with a cousin! I don't have any cousins," she added, whistfully. "Is he our age?"

[[See my bio!]]

"Oh no, that sucks!" Harri said, "She bullies you? Thats horrible," she said shaking her head, "Well at least you get on with Madi! How old is she?" she asked. "No he's 15!" Harri said happily "But we get on well. Sometimes he's a bit annoying, like a brother, you know like over protective and stuff?" she said laughing and shaking her head.
"Yeah, but it's all ok now, me being at Hogwarts. Um... 6, so not very close in age, which is probably why we get on so well!"
She smiled. "Oh cool! My brother Sam is 15, and he's annoying too! He spends all the time on the computer, and doesn't say much. But I'm sure if anything happened, you know, to me or the others, I'm sure he'd be quite protective as well. He seemed fairly chuffed with my letter!" She grinned.
"So do you and Tommy live near each other?"
"She probably really looks up to you!" Harri said smiling "Do you think she'll come here as well?" she asked. "Well when we were younger we did, but know me being here and him being at Hogwarts Scotland, we don't see much of each other!" she said a little sadly, "But we meet up when we can!" she said the smile returning to her face.
Hollie nodded.
"Cool!" she said, "Is he a regular correspondant by owl post?" she hesitated, thinking. "I dunno, maybe," she said, "I dunno how you know if someone's got magical ability. Yeh she does, she's really cute! She looks the most like me, as well. So what's it like, being an only child?"
Harri nodded, "Yeah we talk alot by owl," she said, "Well does she show any signs of like uncontrolled magic?" she asked, remembering her own experiences. "Being an only child? It's not good but not bad. I suppose its good because I do get a little bit spoilt, but bad because I'm on my own. Constantly," she said weighing up the both points. Each was as valid as the other and she never really decided whether she liked being an only child or not.
Hollie thought really hard.
"I don't know," she said, thoughtfully. "I mean, mum and dad only started noticing strange things happening around me when I was about seven and a half! Madi's 6, so..." her voice tailed off in thought.
Hollie laughed. "Yeh, I guess you do get spoiled, but you don't seem spoilt. There's a difference, I think." She gazed at her friend thoughtfully. She personally didn't know whether she liked having so many siblings. I wonder what it would be like to be an only child?
Harri nodded "Theres still time," she said, "I hope so, I'd hate to be one of those really spoilt brats," she siad shaking her head in disapproval. "Yeah same, all through primary school weird stuff happened i just never really thought anything of it," she said laughing.
Hollie nodded in agreement.
"Yeh, what happened for you?" she asked, thinking back to her own odd experiences. "I didn't think anything of them at the time, but when I read that odd things happen around young witches and wizards I began to remember, and it made more sense. What was like, your biggest unusual thing?"
Harri laughed, and began to think "Erm probably when i got sent tot he headteacher. I was so furious as she was about to sit down I made the chair shoot backwards so she thumped on the floor. It was hilarious!" she siad grinning at the memory "How about you?" she asked.
Hollie laughed; that was funny.
"Haha," she said, grinning, "must have been hilarious! I wish mine was that good... well, I was in the playground and my like, evil sister Shelby came up with all her girlfriends and they started picking on me and my friend, Lauren, when suddenly this branch from a tree like reached out and grabbed her. It was hilarious at the time, but I didn't think anything of it. I thought it was the wind, or sumin, or even Lauren!" she laughed affectionately. She missed Lauren terribly. I must write her a letter sometime...
Harri laughed "That must have been pretty scary!" she said imagining it in her head, "Whos Lauren?" she asked, thinking she had been mentioned before.
"Oh right, sorry!" Hollie said, laughing. How the heck could I have forgotten to talk about Lauren? she thought.
"Urm... Lauren. Well, before HNZ, she was my best friend, partner in crime, soul mate, someone i could talk with, cry with, laugh with, be with... basically." Hollie winked. "And I miss her something awful." She sometimes felt like crying about it, but not now, thank heavens.
Harri nodded "Shes sounds great," and exactly like Emma Harri thought but shook the feeling, "so I'm guessing your going to meet up in the holidays?" she said smiling.
Hollie thought about it.
"Urm... well, yeh, I guess." she said, thoughtfully. "You mean the Christmas hols, right?" she cocked her head to one side.

[[i know we get holidays here, but what holidays? like, christmas and summer?? coz we only hav to terms... :S and when are the hols?? soz jw]]
Harri nodded "Yup Christmas holidays, I mean there just around the corner!" she said happily.

((Yeah we get Christmas holiday and Summer holidays, christmas at the end of the first term summer at the end of the second term! ))

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