Open Hal(l)oween

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Summer Irvine

eldest of four 👑 need it all my way
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 11 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
01/2049 (12)
Summer was thrilled for the Halloween party. She loved anything to do with dressing up so this party was right up her alley. Even better was the fact that she didn't have her siblings around trying to steal her spotlight with her own outfits. Admittedly, she missed them a little but she also knew she'd be seeing them soon enough again. Right now she was keen on having the best time. With a little observing she had found an older student that seemed smart enough to help her out with her halo and after a few seconds of fluttering innocently with her eyelashes they had agreed to help out. Which was why she now had a light up halo succesfully floating above her head. It completed her look and she loved it. The only thing that would be even better was if she was actually floating, but she hadn't wanted to ask for too much. Summer's eyes had widened as she walked into the great hall, quite impressed with how the school went all out for the decorations. She skipped over to the snack table and grabbed a hand full of candy before looking around at what else might be fun.
Kyousuke liked Halloween well enough; he loved an excuse to dress up. After all, dressing up was like taking on a role; it was something akin to the theatre. At least, in Kyousuke's mind. He'd chosen to dress as a butler - an odd choice, but there was something about the aesthetics that appealed to him. It made him want to act dignified, and he liked that feeling. Wandering around the hall, he found Summer again, who he remembered from the train ride to school but hadn't spoken to since then, not really. He approached, taking in her costume. "Greetings, Miss Summer," he said with a bow, and in a slightly deeper tone, then returned to his usual voice. "I like your costume. The halo is really cool. How'd you manage that?"
Summer was just about to pop another one of the sweets into her mouth when Kyousuke greeted her, giggling at the voice he used to do so. She looked him up and down a second as she tried to figure out his costume. He looked fancy, but the gloves and the way he greeted her made her think he was more of a servant than some rich, fancy man. She could be wrong though. "Hi!" She beamed when she finally realized she hadn't greeted him back yet. "Thanks. I got some older student to do it for me." Summer replied, moving her eyes up in an attempt to see her own halo. Trying to look up meant she also involuntarily moved her head which meant the halo moved with it. Unless she found herself a mirror she wouldn't be able to see it herself for the rest of the night. "You look, like, super fancy. What are you?"
"It turned out really well," Kyousuke said politely, meaning it. He watched, amused, as she tried to look at her own halo, the object moving with her head as she tried. He really did wonder how it was accomplished - he was intrigued by magic, what it could do, and how it worked. Kyousuke wished he knew more. When she asked what he was, Kyousuke guessed maybe he'd chosen something rather odd. He was a disappointed he wasn't immediately recognised, but he wasn't surprised by it. "I'm a butler," he said, bowing again. "It's a costume from an old role I did in a school play. A murder mystery play."
Summer smiled when Kyousuke again mentioned her halo had worked out. She already thought he was nice but if he kept coming at her with compliments she'd definitely want to keep him around. There was nothing better than having other people appreciate her, or something about her, out loud. "Oh!" She exclaimed when he explained his costume, confidently nodding to show she now totally saw it. "That's fun! How dedicated are you to your costume?" Summer asked jokingly. "Like, if I ask you to get me a pumpkin juice, would you?" She giggled.
Kyousuke wasn't sure how to take Summer's latest comment - he paused, wondering if he should go along with it. It reminded him of an improv game he'd played at drama class, in a way, and when he thought about it like that it was more fun. He still had a niggling doubt that maybe she was making fun of him, as irrational as that might be. "I live to serve," he said with another bow. "Would you be requiring a pumpkin juice, my lady?" Kyousuke asked in a deeper voice than usual, imitating someone older than him, getting into character.
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