Friends Stick Together

Angie Vanderbilt

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curved 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Sycamore Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Angie Vanderbilt had not been the best type of friend she could have been. When RHI totally killed Andrea's self-esteem she was not there for her. When JazzyMae cried herself to sleep every night, Angie did not know how to help her. She felt like she was completely useless. She was not able to help her friends when they were going through bad times. Andrea and JazzyMae were there for her when she was having problems with her sister, but now she wasn't able to help them. What a friend she was.

Angie walked into an abandoned classroom and took a seat in a chair. The classroom was much quieter than the library and student lounge. She took out her sketchbook and started to finish up some designs she had started. Angie really did feel like a horrible friend. She felt so horrible that she was not even able to approach either of her friends. She seriously thought they hated her.
Andrea was feeling a little tired. With all the books she has to read for her classes and all. She had a little chit-chat with Percy this morning. It was all about their mother's letter. It turns out, their mother also sent Percy a message. Only Percy won't tell Andrea what it contains. But Andrea was sure it was something disappointing, or else, Percy would be bragging it now. Andrea declared herself the official boss this morning. Her mother told her in the letter that she'll be the one in charge while they're at school and should make sure Percy is behaving. Little did Percy know that he had already shared a part of the information when he told Andrea that he is not going to follow everything she says. Andrea was overwhelmed when he said it because she knew that her mum included it on Percy's letter. Andrea told Percy that her being-in-charge will start tomorrow. Andrea knew the minute she saw Percy's glare was that his life was going to be miserable.

Thinking about that now made Andrea smirk. She likes being bossy especially when it involves Percy. After minutes of promenade, Andrea stopped at the abandoned classroom. She thought she saw a familiar silhouette. She entered it without hesitation and saw her friend Angie. She has not spoken to Angie ever since the semester started so she was glad to see her again. "Hey Angie!" She greeted as she made her way towards her friend.
Angie thought of all the ways she could possibly approach the two friends she had not been able to help. She could at least try and to that while she had silence. Maybe she should just go up to them and apologize? She had been a horrible friend, and she was sure that they were mad at her. Angie sat and thought for several minutes. She really needed to find a way to make for all the times she did not take initiative and try to help her friends. It was really eating at her inside. Normally, things never bothered Angie this much, but when it had come down to her friends everything mattered. Angie looked up to see Andrea. What a coincidence. "Er, hey Andi! How are you?" she asked her friend. She tried to sound excited, but it was not really working.
Andrea and Angie had not gotten the chance to have another conversation since last semester. Andrea doesn't know what Angie had been doing lately. She grew taller now and her hair was longer. And she was more girlyish now. Andrea wondered if Angie went to the Yule Ball last year. She had not seen her which was kind of weird since Angie loves parties. Maybe Andi just hadn't spotted her or maybe she did not really go. Angie looked guilt-stricken. Andrea flashed her a concerned look. Uh-oh, what is it this time, She thought. Last time Angie looked like this, she had been having some family problems with her sister. Andrea was not sure if it was the same problem she had now but she hoped it was nothing worse.

When Andrea reached Angie, she immediately sat on the space next to her. Angie greeted her. She was trying to be cheerful and all but Andi did not buy it. "There's something, isn't there?" She asked with concern as she looked at Angie's eyes, hoping to get eye contact and hoping to figure out what was bothering her.

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