Fresh air, rain and books

Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
43 (2/2013)
Briar woke up and heard the sound of rain on the roof. It was a saturday morning and a storm had come in over the night. Briar got up and watched, looked out of the window. the whole world had been washed grey. It certainly wasn't a day to practice quidditch, or do anything else outside, so there was only one option left. Briar needed to work. she tried to work in the common room but the noise of the other students and the stuffiness caused by the fire caused her to not be able to think. she headed towards the student common room however as soon as she reached the door she saw that there was a whole group of first years. the rowdy bunch that they were. she then made her way further down the stairs skipping the library, it was too quiet and still, and she didn't feel studious enough for that room of books. she ended up in the courtyard and realised that she couldn't go much further. she found a bench under cover and sat down. the air was fresh, and there was no noisy first years or strange silence. she pulled out a book and tried to read it. even after five years she still found studying hard.

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