
Liz grinned. "Thanks!" She caught it, with a bit of difficulty. It bounced out of her arms, but she recovered it before the ball hit the ground.
"Nice catch!" Lily yelled to Liz "It really gets easier the more you practice. The biggest part of football is throwing and catching."

Lily was ready to catch again if Liz threw the ball her way.
Liz laughed, "Yeah! This is definetly like quidditch in one way... if you practice, it's easier!" she threw the ball back to Lily.

"How long have you been playing this?"
"I grew up playing football. I lived in a neighborhood with mostly boys, and all they ever wanted to do was play football or baseball." Lily said as she caught the pass. "Once in a while I could convince one of them to play Barbies or tea party with me, but they never wanted to admit it to anyone else and would only do it if we were alone." Lily giggled as she remembered the boy she most often could convince to play tea party.

She sent another spiral pass back to Liz.

"When I would play Barbies by myself was the first time that my family realized I was different. My Barbies would always move on their own but they are not supposed to. Oh wait, do you know what Barbies are?"
Liz looked confused at Lily. "Not really." she caught the ball. "I knew a girl named Barbie though." she threw the ball back. "What are they?"
Lily grinned. "I realized as I rambled that you may not have experience with Barbies" she said as she caught the ball and tossed it back twords Liz again. "A Barbie is a doll muggle children, mainly girls, play with. She is about, um, this tall" Lily showed Liz a distance about a foot with her hands "and has long blonde hair and a very extensive wardrobe and lots of friends, which are just Barbies with different names and skin colors."
Liz caught the ball and threw it back.

She laughed, holding up her long blonde hair. "Sounds eerily like me! I'm making loads of amazing friends here!" she paused, looking suddenly serious. "So does that mean I'm a tall barbie?"

((lol! Couldn't help myself!)
"Weeeelllllll," Lily laughed as she caught the ball again. "You could look kinda like a real life Barbie, just a few minor adjustments. I guess I forgot to mention how, um, large Barbie's chest is. It is WAAAYYY bigger than anyone could have in reality."

To demonstrate, Lily put down the ball and used her hands to show Liz how big she meant.

Laughing she picked up the ball and threw it back to Liz.

((np. obviously i couldn't hold back either! lol. lets pick this up tomorrow - i need sleep))
"hey guys.. i hope its not too late for me to join!" kendall yelled as she ran to the group of people on the lawn... she loved american football... her twin brother was a muggle and football was basically all he talked about. she often would play outside with him and his friends....
"Hi! You look kinda familiar. Didn't I help you buy your quills earlier today??" Lily asked.

"I'm Lily if you don't remember." she said smiling. "So do you have experience playing football too?"
"I grew up in a neighborhood that was mostly boys. If you wanted to play, you played sports. Once in a while you could get them to play something else, but mostly football." she said with a laugh.

"I am gonna go sit down over there for a little while, take a rest"

Lily grabbed a spot in the grass and sat down to watch the others pass the ball back and forth.

(((i have to go for a while, i will stand up and join in again when i get home tonight.)))
Liz jumped back to reality. "Oh, sorry, spaced out!" she threw the ball to Kiera. "I think I prefer Liz to Barbie. It sounds too... feminine. I can't let it get in the way of my boyishness.!"
Liz ran after it at full speed. Luckily, Kiera had a strong enough arm that she didn't outrun it.

"Got it!" Liz yelled, coated in a new coat of dirt. She threw it back at Kiera, and it didn't go nearly far enough. "I guess I'm not good at deep throwing yet... more practice then?" she grinned.
Liz caught it, and tried throwing again. She was slightly more sucessful this time. "Alright..." she pouted. "When do we get to tackle people?"
Bruin had been standing back watching as the girls fired the ball back and forth, they were very good. With a little bit of work on plays and a few more players, they would be able to have a pretty awesome game. Bruin went and stood beside Liz and said "Alright, you are now the quarterback, the person who throws the ball for their team...and I am your receiver, the person who should catch your throw...I'm gonna run something called a post pattern...basically I'm going to run 10 steps or so straight that way and then veer off on an angle towards to middle of the soon as you see me change direction, let it rip, alright?"

Bruin lined up about ten feet to Liz's left and looked over at her... "Just yell Hut when you want me to run...", Bruin said with a wink ;)
Liz held the ball, a bit confused. Why in the world would she say 'hut'? Why not 'run!' or something like that? Ah well, she thought, There's probably a reason... I just wouldn't know.

She held the ball, ready to throw it, and then called "hut!"
Bruin sprinted from the line at the call of hut. He moved fairly well for a big guy, taking a half dozen strides straight down the field and then angling off slightly to his right. He looked back over his right shoulder in anticipation of an incoming pass.
Liz waited for Bruin to change direction, watching his position intently. Once he moved right, she threw the ball, pretending it was a quaffle. That seemed to help, and it was heading straight for Bruin. "Alright!" she yelled, grinning, as it flew through the air right towards where Bruin would end up.
Bruin didn't even have to break stride, slowing only the slightest bit while extending his arms and feeling the ball settle nicely into his grasp. He continued to run with the ball, tucking it away properly as he had learned from his dad, all while continuing to look back over his shoulder. He had just finished yelling "Nice pass rookie!!!" when he came to an abrupt halt, running full speed into a sturdy little evergreen tree that stood along the edge of the field.

Bruin felt every bone in his body shake as he stumbled backwards and fell to the ground. He laid there for a moment looking up at the sky, trying to determine what part of his body hurt the most, and finally, deciding that his left ribs were probably going to be the most problematic over the coming days. He tried and failed to take a deep breath and then smiled as he noticed the ball resting on his stomach, tucked neatly under his arm, with his right hand covering the one end...just like dad had showed him.

(((OOC-this is a bit of a reenactment of a RL experience I had in Grade 11 warming up for a high school game...sad thing is, in that case, I ran into the tree twice)))

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