Open Flicking Through The Pages of Heroes

Eliza Reynolds

'el' | happy smiles ✨ | geek 👓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
15 (04/2047)

Eliza wasn't sure about how she felt about being back at Hogwarts. It felt a bit strange. She always missed her dad and lola* when she was at school. She always took more comic books to school after each break. Eliza wasn't sure how many comic books she had with her, but she knew she had a lot. The Gryffindor had decided to go to the library and read some new comic books she had brought during the break. She brought a whole pile of comics with her to the library and dumped it onto the table. She had so many comics, varying with different heroes and non-hero stories. Eliza picked up the one on the top of the pile and started to flick through and read the pages.

*Lola = Grandma in Tagalog
Chase.. did not like the library. Liked to stay away from there are much as possible but it was the only place in the castle he could count on to be calm and quiet. And calm and quiet was exactly what he needed right now. He had stuffed a few schoolbooks and comics into his bag, not sure what to once he had actually reached the library but knowing he had to do something. Once he entered he made a beeline for an empty table, groaning when someone else reached it before he did. Great. A little defeated he sunk down into one of the first empty seats he came across, not too bothered with looking at the other kid at his table until he noticed the pile of comics. Chase fought against his will to not even acknowledge the girl's existence, eventually glancing up with a whisper. "Are those.. new releases..?" He questioned, trying not to be too obvious in trying to see which ones they were. Normally, he'd get at least a few himself but his mind had been all over the place during the break and he hadn't managed to get any new ones at all. Which made the fact that there was a whole pile in front of him urge him to fight against his anti-social behaviour for a change.
Eliza noticed that someone else had joined her on the table, but didn't bother looking up on who it was as she was really engrossed with what was happening in the comic she had been reading. It wasn't long before the said person had spoken up. Eliza quickly looked up, seeing it was an older boy, seeing that he was eyeing the pile of her comics. She smiled and nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! I managed to get what I could. Did you... wanna read any of them?" Eliza whispered to the older boy, happy that there seemed to be someone who was interested in comics like she was.
Chase was fighting himself internally when the girl asked him if he wanted to read any of them. Obviously, he did. But that meant having to actually put himself out there and say it. Be social. Something that wasn't exactly up his alley. If he could just get to read one of those though that might already be worth it. "If you're offering.." He shrugged, trying his best to act casual about it as if he wasn't already seeing himself flip through all of them in his mind. This situation was really pushing him to at least try and be friendly if he was going to get something positive out of it.
Eliza smiled. "Of course, have a read-through on a few or all of them if you'd like," Eliza says with a smile, as she pushes the pile of comics a little towards the boy's way. She didn't mind sharing her comics. She didn't mind if the boy wasn't going to take the offer either, she wasn't gonna force them. She went back to reading her comics, being enthused with one of the comics she had been currently reading.
Chase gave a small nod of appreciation when the girl pushed the pile of comics his way, carefully looking through the top part of it to see if she had any of his favourites. He eventually picked one he was sure he hadn't read yet and opened it, quite content in sitting there and reading in silence. Part of him wondered if he should be polite and ask the girl more about it, but that didn't feel like him. It'd be forced and he wasn't planning on making himself uncomfortable. Plus, they were in a library so he just kept quiet and flipped through the pages.
Eliza smiled happily when the boy finally decided to take one of her comics to read. She was glad that the boy was reading it. She didn't mind if he wasn't really in the mood to talk either. El was happy and content with just reading the comics that were piled up on the table. Eliza went back to reading the comic book she had been currently reading, every enthusiastic about the story she was reading at the moment.

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