First Impressions

Kieran Breck

OOC First Name
Rowan, 15 inches Core of Chinese Fireball heart-string
Kieran Breck woke up early that morning. It was his first day at that school. Just the night before he was tranferred to one of the school's houses and as far as he was concerned, the one he was placed in looked the coolest from the four of them. He was less than a day in that castle and he was already feeling like he was at home. Although he never had a true home before, it was a strange sensation as if he was living in that place forever. He was relieved that he had persuaded his guardian to let him attend at a proper school than continuing receiving home education. For Kieran, the further away he was from his mysterious guardian, the better.
As he had left early the silence of the dungeons, where his house's common room was located, he had a brief tour of the castle, visiting the areas that he was going to spent the rest six years of his life. It was still too early for breakfast so he thought befeore going to the great hall, to pay visit to the outdoors of the castle.

He pushed the double oak door and let himself walk out, into the sunshine. The castle's courtyard was looking relaxing and as the perfect place to hang around with friends. Friends. Unfortunately, Kieran had no friends anymore. He had to see and communicate with them a few years. However, he wasn't pessimistic. He was hoping to meet new people here and for the first time, witches and wizards of the same aga as him. He walked across the courtyard, passing by the great fountain of the four houses. Water was pouring out of the four statue-mascotts of the houses, spreading a hypnotising sound in the atmosphere. The ticking from the clock tower was also audible and Kieran decided to sit down on a marble bench and close his eyes to enjoy the serene sounds and the sun's caress.
Minoas had experienced a very painful night. He was unable to sleep well as he was trying to stand still in his bed and not move at all. The exhausting quidditch practice with his friend the previous day, didn't only left him with the sweet sensation of fulfilment but also, with sore muscles. Mostly his arms and legs were in serious pain, he could hardly extend his arms without frowning and cursing under his breath. Since just lying in his bed wasn't doing him any good, he decided to dress up and go for a stroll outside the castle. In that way, his might was going to get rid of the stiffness.

It took him about ten minutes to put on his clothes as he couldn't extend his arms to wear his jumper but when he managed to do so he made his way carefully to the ground floor. His legs had started getting used to it and except from a weak pain, he could walk properly. His arms though were still soring as he was attempting to push the heavy doors to the courtyard. He bit his lips from the pain and used his back to assist him in his attempt to keep the doors opened. The sunlight that was showering the outdoors made up for his painful descent. The sounds that were composed by both the clock tower and the fountains were soothing both his tired body and soul. He smiled and took a deep breath of the fresh morning air. The courtyard could be such a relaxing place when no other students were around. There was however, someone else there except from the young gryffindor. Minoas hadn't see him around and found strange that someone else apart from him, would reject the warmth of their beds, for an early walk outside the castle. Hiding the torturing he was undergoing, he wore a warm smile before greeting the other boy.

"Morning! Nice place isn't it?"
he decided to say as he noticed that the guy was revelling in the recreation that the place was offering.
His peace was distracted by a voice above him. He half-opened his blue eyes, protecting them from the strong sunlight. He saw the shadow of another boy in front of him. Just by a quick look, Kieran was guessing that they had the same age. Although, in similar situations he would prefer to hang around alone for a while, he was actually glad that the guy appeared. It was time to socialise finally a bit, meet people of his age and make friends.
Indeed. It's really peaceful and today's weather really highlights it he agreed and had as well a look around.
Here mate, have a seat he offered him as he was making room for him to sit down.
I'm Kieran, Kieran Breck by the way. What's your name? Kieran gave his hand to introduce himself to the boy.
Minoas nodded to agree with him. The combination of the place and the weather was producing an excellent place to spare your free time. He gave him a smile as he offered him a seat. He thanked him as he accepted his offer. It wasn't an easy task as sitting down looked like. He had some difficulty bending his knees and he could swear that he heard his backbone cracking. He curled his lips to resist the pain and gave a rather painful smile as he was going to introduce himself. "It's Minoas, Minoas Stratis. Friends sometimes call me also Minos." he said and shook Kieran's hand, his eyes widening a bit everytime the polite gesture was making his stiff muscles to complain because of the pain. "It's your first year here?" he asked him as he couldn't recall his face or his name. Minoas adjusted his position to a more comofrtable one so he could face Kieran but at the same time he could ease the pain.
Kieran couldn't help himself but think that the boys name was rather unique and unusual. Or maybe was just him that he hadn't met enough people in his life. It was the right time to fix that.
Pleasure Minos he replied noticing some strange frowns that Minos was gaving him. He looked like he was in pain, having some difficulty to move around.
Yes it is. However, I'm a second year not a first year. I was just tranferred in slytherin house he revealed a bit more about himself to Minos. He wondered if the boy was in the same house with him or if they were in the same year. Kieran wanted to have a new friend from his year, a helpful companion for his first days in that vast school. He needed someone to show him around the place.
Do you happen to be a slytherin as well? he asked before Minos was actually going to reply on his own. He seemed genuinely a nice person and Kieran could feel comfortable around him already. He usually had some issues with his relationship with other people. Kieran was always cautious and secretive, not wanting to reveal too much of himself and his past. He couldn't ignore Minos' frowns anymore, he decided to ask him although he might appear nosy.
Are you alright mate? You seem to have trouble even breathing he joked to break the ice.
Minoas had never before met a transferred student. That meant that Kieran wasn't probably from New Zealand and that made him familirise if it was true. "Nice! I'm a second year as well but in gryffindor house. You know the one with the lion mascott, red colors." he described his house. Probably Kieran wasn't familiar yet with the different houses. He was a transfer after all and Minoas could remember that he had also trouble remembering the difference between houses. He also realised that he was making more friends from other houses rather than from his own. Especially slytherins. He seemed to hang around with them pretty well. "Well then, enjoy the ride. I'm sure you gonna find many interesting things around this castle and its grounds." he welcomed officially his new friend.

Kieran's question made him chuckle a bit. He had obviously noticed the trouble he had to move his body.
"Yeah thanks, I'm okay. Just stiff muscles. I was working out a bit. Preparing for quidditch try-outs. I must tell that I was waiting long enough for that." he said remembering the disappointment he had when he found out the first years weren't allowed to try out. "Are you into quidditch?" he asked Kieran about his favourite sport.
It was a shame that Minos wasn't in the same house with Kieran. He didn't know what exactly was meaning to be a gryffindor but Kieran was going to find out later. In the meantime, he was enjoying hanging around with the gryffindor and maybe they could become friends.
I know! The ones that reside on the seventh floor. Kieran tried to show how updated he was about the castle's locations. He had a lot more to learn but he was already familiar with the basics, the classrooms were he was going to attend his first lessons, the library and some other rooms. He had overheard about gryffndor's common room from some older slytherins that were planning some kind of prank.
Thanks, I do believe that I'll have an absolutely great time here. he was convinced about that. Kieran had a really tough time with home education. He didn't really liked his educator and his secretiveness. Kieran was one of those people that always wanted to know what is happening around them. He wanted to have the contol of his own life and back then he didn't. Now he was feeling free at last.
Kieran nodded when Minos explained why he was having trouble and he smiled because quidditch was one of his favourite discussion topics.
Of course I am, I love quidditch. So there are teams to try out? Interesting... he though out loud, taking into consideration the possibility of trying out for his house.
I might try out as well. I just had a new broom and I would like to use it more than just flying around. Is it allowed to fly around the grounds, right? he asked Minoas would probably knew better the rules of the school.
So guessing that you are a real quidditch fan, for which pro-team you are rooting for?
"I see you have made some good research there. Out for late-night explorations?" he asked wearing his mischievous smile when Kieran stated that he knew the location of gryffindors common room. He remembered his first days in the castle. He had managed to explore the whole classroom and find many secret areas in less than a week. As he was thinking of that he realised how lucky he was that he wasn't caught during his late explorations.
"Yes they will hold tryouts pretty sure. The teams are usually the houses but last year they combined ravenclaw with slytherin againsth gryffindor and hufflepuff. Maybe they'll do something similar this year as well." he informed me. As a new student he probably would't know all that.

"I'm planning to tryout for a chaser, what about you?" he asked his potential future competitor if they were going to be accepted in gryffindor's and slytherin's team respectively. "I just had a new broom as well. A scarlet streak to much gryffindor's colours. I don't know if you have used one but it's really flawless, I love it." he said enthusiastically forgeting his sore body for a while. "Yes of course it is allowed. Some students use to fly from the towers to the grounds. It's a great feeling! Perhaps we can try it out sometime when you want." he suggested to Kieran. Minoas liked sharing time with people that liked flying as much as he did. Kieran looked quite like that kind of person. "I'm a huge fan of Thunderella Thunderers! A really great team! What about you?" it was obvious from the tone of his voice and his bright features that Minoas loved talking about his favourite team.
Listening to Minos question with a hint of sarcasm and with a mischievous expression on his face, Kieran couldn't but to smirk as well.
Not really mate. Haven't found yet anyone for such kind of activity. Most slytherins as to busy with their ego and their arrogance. I haven't managed to relate with someone, starting exploring together he explained. From the meeting in the slytherin common room, he could tell that most of them were full of themselves or rather boring.
I'm not convinced if they are like that generally or because of the presence of our head of the house back at our house meeting. The truth was that professor Styx looked intimidating but Kieran wasn't going to get scared because the head of slytherin house couldn't find excitement in life.
Awesome! I'll try as a chaser as well. I like action, not sitting on my broom waiting for that golden pesky thing to show up." he exclaimed as he looked around for any sign of the location of the quidditch pitch.
Me too! I got an emerald one. For obvious reasons of course he said referring to his house's colours.
No actually I didn't have the opportunity to try out and what you just said about that tower, sounded really promising he accepted in someway the challenge that Minos suggested. Kieran was enjoying their conversation. Minos was a great guy, the type of people that Kieran liked to hang around and make friends. However, when Minos told his favourite quidditch team, the sweet impression that Kieran was having for the guy was poisoned.
What a shame mate and I quite liked you he joked although there was some sort of serious tone in his voice.
I'm Woollongong Warriors fan he stated knowing that his favourite team was in a great competition with the Thunderers that Minos was supporting.

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