Finally relaxing

Caitlyn Scott

Well-Known Member
Caitlyn wandered down to the Lakefront, tired of conversation with her fellow first years. She had never felt entirely comfortable in crowds of excited people, so the common room hadn’t been an entirely pleasant experience for her. She wore a scarf and a pair of light gloves, to guard against the New Zealand winter. Despite her clothes, Caitlyn shivered slightly, as she sat down against a willow tree next to the bank. A morning fog spread across the lake, and Caitlyn closed her eyes, tucking her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. The peace down here was nice.

Ever since coming on this whirlwind school trip, Caitlyn had been busy buying, packing, worrying and traveling. It felt good to finally have time to relax.
Kit was just settling in with his sketch book and pencils down by the lake when he saw a girl he thought he recognised sit down beneath a nearby willow tree. He craned his neck, trying to get a closer look at the warmly-dressed girl. All of a sudden, it clicked; she was the girl from the train! Kit smiled and got up. He walked over to her and smiled, holding his sketchbook behind his back. "Hey, remember me?"
A voice made Caitlyn's eyes fly open, to see a boy she recognised
"Yeah" she said, standing up quickly, giving him her usual small smile
"Kit, right?" she said slowly, thinking back to the train ride. She remembered this boy also had a cat. He had been before her in the Sorting ceremony, but Caitlyn couldn't remember which house he was in.
Caitlyn looked down at her feet, nodding
"Yeah, that's me" she said quietly.
"Sure" she said, sitting back down against the tree, and shuffling over to make room for him. Like always, Caitlyn was encountering the awkward matter of making conversation.
"Um, what house are you in?" she asked finally, after thinking furiously about what to ask.
Kit smiled and sat down beside her happily. He put his sketchbook down on the grass. "I thought so," he said. Caitlyn seemed really shy; Kit was glad that she wasn't too loud a person. "I'm in Ravenclaw," Kit replied with the usual burst of pride. "How about you?"
Caitlyn sat back down against the tree, shuffling over a little for him to sit down. Spotting the book he put down, she looked at it curiously.
"What's that?" she asked, hoping she wasn't being nosy. She broke out in a big smile, the first since she'd been at Hogwarts
"Me too" she told him. She was surprised she hadn't seen him around Ravenclaw tower.

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