
Andromeda Fiorelli

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring; 10 1/2" 4wood mix - unicorn hair core
Andromeda went into the Great Hall as early as she could. She didn't really want anyone to see her make a pig or wolf of herself. She was starving and had a massive craving for meat.

She sat down at an empty table and looked about her before loading her plate up with sausages, bacon and ham. She smiled at her plated inhaling every morsel that was there.

Licking her lips she couldn't even be bothered using her fork and knife but using her hands just tucked straight in.
"Hhmmm this is gooood!" she smiled.
Kailey sat at the Ravenclaw table eating breakfast. She always came in at the crack of dawn to avoid the crowds and get as much food as she wanted without looking like a pig. She was attacking a pile of bacon when she heard someone else come in. She watched as Andromeda tucked into a huge plate of meat. Well at least I'm not the only big eater here. Kailey thought before going back to eating her food.

[If this is closed I'll edit.]
[[you're good Kailey]]

Andromeda was about to take another bite of her bacon when looking up she saw Kailey she smiled and picking up her plate wandered over.

"Can I sit with you? Thought I'd be the only one in here pigging out" she smile holding up her well stocked plate.
"Sure, I'm in here this early every morning. I'm usually the only one pigging out in here. It'll be nice to have some company." She said motioning to her own plate which almost had food falling off of it.
Andromeda smiled and sat down beside her.
"The great thing about being this early is all the best grub is still here! None of the boys have hogged it all", she laughed tucking into another sausage.
"Exactly Andy!" Kailey exclaimed with a smile before stuffing a short piece of bacon in her mouth.
In between mouthfulls Andromeda finally turned to Kailey and said "so what are you up to today?"

The weather had been pretty changeable the last few days and she had noticed more and more people were spending their time indoors.
Kailey turned to Andy after finishing the bite she had been eating and replied, "I dunno really. I haven't planned anything do I'll probably just wander around the Castle all day. You gonna do anything?" before eating a piece of sausage.
"Well, I've gotten a lot of my theory done for my exams and our practising session was really helpful. Have been back to those again and will go back to the dummies some more I think before the exams to make sure I have them just right" she smiled she cut a piece of her ham, trying to at least appear ladylike at the table.
"Might hit the books again and wander about myself as well", she concluded.
Kailey looked at her after finishing off some of her scrambled eggs. "So you're doing alot of studying for exams? I remember last year at exam time I pretty much locked myself up in the common room with books piling around me." She replied
Andromeda eyed the scrambled eggs that Kailey was eating, they looked really good. She scoured the table for them and finding them picked up a ladle full.
"Hey is it ok for me to help myself from the Ravenclaw table? I wouldnt' want say... Brian to go without his eggs" she laughed.
Kailey chuckled "He can steal from the Gryffindor table to make up for it. Dig in Andy!" she exclaimed before attacking a yummy looking pile of sausage patties.
Andromeda couldn't help but notice how incessantly hungry she seemed to be lately. She would really have to watch her diet from now on but at least at her age and as active as she was, she could guarantee burning this stuff off in no time. She lobbed the ladel onto her plate and sighed contentedly.

"oh, you were saying about the studying. that is so me with the pile of books but I don't always want to look like I'm the only geek in Gryffindor so the odd day, I'll choose to wander about" she smiled at Kailey before taking a mouthful of gorgeous buttery scrambled eggs.
Kailey looked down at her now half empty plate. She ate like this every morning, She was glad she was so tall because even though she weighed 145 pounds her height made up for it keeping her relatively skinny. She was also glad she wandered around the castle so much, It was great exersise. "Ahhh...I'm not the only one surrounded by books in the Ravenclaw common room." Kailey said
"You know Brian and Zazuka then do you? I'd expect them to have their heads buried beneath a pile of books on a regular basis" she smiled.
she lifted up a jug of pumpkin juice and filled her goblet.
"Do you want some Kailey?" she asked the girl who was steadily becoming a friend of Andy's.
"I know them. I'm gonna put my Ravenclaw brains on the case and say you do too?" Kailey joked, "Sure" she answered taking the jug and filling her goblet once Andy was finished filling hers.
"Probably a bit strange for a Gryffindors two best friends to be of a different house huh?" she asked after taking a drink from her juice, "but those two are. Should really get them to help me with my studying I guess but there isn't much point seeing as we only have herbology together and I'm good at that one".
"Not really, I mean last year one of my closest friends was a Gryffindor." Kailey replied "You're good at Herbology? Oh I loved that class last year. I hope this years classes will be as good."
"Do you get to do the same classes as last year?" Andy asked taking a piece of bread to mop up the sauce that was left on her plate.

"I mean like, do you get extra ones or do you opt to change them?"
"Yeah I have the same classes as last year. I get to choose the electives I'm taking next year though. I'm definatly taking Ancient Runes and Arithmancy. I'm thinking about taking muggle studies for an Easy O but I don't know yet." Kailey replied before finishing off the food that was left on her plate. "So how have you liked your other classes so far?"
"So far all I've had has been herbology which I love, DADA which is fine I guess, flying which I..." she paused for a moment and then smiled, "love and potions which I'm pretty much on the fence about. Not sure with that one, some classes I really like and others I find difficult enough." Andromeda rested an elbow on the table and cupped her head in her hand, she looked at Kailey.

"Aren't arithmancy and ancient runes supposed to be very difficult? what are you hoping to do with those subjects later?"
"That's mainly what I think about those particular classes. Only potions gets so much better in second year." Kailey told her " They are supposed to be hard but I've heard their really interesting. I have to take at least two anyways and since I'm not much for Care of magical creatures, and probably wont take Muggle studies anyways I'll have to take atleast one of them."
"Oh I would definitly do care of magical creatures, love that subject. I mean I know I'm not doing it yet but I've been reading a ton of books on the subject. Totally fascinating" she smiled, "so like, what other choices are there? Just that four?"

Andy seemed totally disheartened, she would love to do the magical creatures but muggle studies, arithmancy and runes? they also sounded so boring or difficult.
"Well, It's not so much that I don't like the subject but I think I'd kill any creature I attempted to take care of." Kailey admitted before going on to say "Well It's those four and Divination."

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