Closed Everything is possible

Thomas Jusantrea

♪'56 Grad ♪Healer (in training)♪composer ♪singer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 Inch Whippy Black Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
(10/06/2038) 23
After long weeks, Thomas could not believe that a weekend here and was able to relax a little from teaching. He woke up early before the sun appeared on the horizon because Thomas wanted to finish a song written by Allison and wanted to play it for her, but worried about whether his girlfriend would like the song. Before you go to a conglomerated arts room, Allison wrote a note, which was written, where he will be and also a small surprise, then slipped a note under the door of her room.

Long ago he had not played the piano, but this song on the guitar will not sound as good as on the piano. So Thomas sat down on the piano, then tried to play the song before Allison came to play. He really wasn't wrong on the piano it sounded better. Just had to wait for Allison.
Allison had slept in that morning. It wasn't as uncommon anymore, she tossed for part of the night before finally passing out after midnight. She awoke, however, when one of her roommates woke her up with a note under the door. She hadn't been sure how long it had been there, though. Allison sat up and rubbed her eyes, thanking the girl and taking the note.

She got up and took the time to get dressed, figuring he wouldn't mind if she took a minute to get ready first. Unsure what Thomas wanted, she took the time to get dressed up, wanting to look cute for the boy. She made her way downstairs, smiling as she walked into the arts room and saw him sitting at the piano. She didn't hear him playing anything, perhaps he was just waiting for her. "Hey, handsome," she greeted, leaning in to give him a kiss.
Thomas played the song a few more times, then just put his hands on the keys and just sat waiting for Allison. Folded up the shirt because it slipped too. He was wearing comfortable clothes today to make it easier to play. There was no need to wait long for the girl to be present. Thomas answered the kiss, then grabbed him around the middle and pulled the girl into his lap.

''Hello, beauty. Glad you're here.'' He said as he broke away from her lips. ''I have a surprise for you.'' Thomas looked into her eyes, unable to wait for her to play the song sooner and hear the thoughts as Allison liked.
Allison giggled as Thomas pulled her into his lap, laying her arms gently over his shoulders. She smiled, reaching up to brush his hair back as he said he had a surprise for her. "Oh? Is it a good surprise?" She asked playfully. She figured it was probably one that would need her to move out of his lap, but she was content to wait for him to ask her to move.
Thomas smiled as Allison put his hand on his shoulder. He was already waiting for a question that she would ask for a surprise. ''It's a very good surprise. I wrote you a song. Want to hear it?'' He asked, kissing her neck. He wasn't going to ask to get off his lap yet, because she wouldn't mind playing at all.
Allie hummed softly, enjoying the feeling of his kiss on her skin. "I would love to hear it," she ran her fingers through his hair. "Maybe after we can sit and talk for a while?" She offered. "We can relax, and I'll play with your hair, and we can just enjoy the day," She smiled, liking the idea. She looked around the room a moment, deciding there was a spot nearby where she could settle in and let Thomas rest against her.
Thomas enjoyed the moment she slid fingers through his hair. "Then I'll play right away," he said, removing his hands from her waist. "Sit next." He put his hands on the keys of the piano and started playing. He listened to her offer, but answered it as soon as he had finished playing. "We can, yes," he agreed. ''What kind of rest do you want? Yes, I know you really like playing with my hair. Enjoying a day with you sounds exciting.'' He smiled because he really liked the idea. They will find a place to stay here.
Allison smiled as he told her to move, shifting to sit next to him instead. Her heart fluttered as he played the song for her. Once he was finished playing, she scooted closer. She didn't answer right away, kissing him sweetly for a few moments before pulling back and reaching up to brush her fingers over his jaw. "That song was beautiful, love," She murmured, before standing up and walking away. She found a bean bag chair across the room and sat down. With a quick wave of her wand, her skirt turned into shorts. She settled down, sitting so he could sit between her legs, motioning for him to sit on the floor in front of her. She figured this way he could lean back and relax against her while she played with his hair.
Thomas played from time to time looking at Allison to see if she liked the song. Only after a moment did she answer the song and kiss her too. "Glad you liked the song." he said, then followed her and settled between the girl's legs with her back to her and thus letting her play with hair. "I plan to rent an apartment near your house. What about such an idea?" he asked, putting his hands on her ankles.
Allison ran her fingers slowly through Thomas' dark hair, enjoying the feeling. "Having you close would be nice," she mused. "You have to consider though, if you're close to my house my pops will come and visit often," she told him. "I think you would like him, though. He's a big softie." She chuckled.
Thomas closed his eyes as Allison let his fingers run through his dark hair. "Yes, there will be," he said. ''Why would he come to visit often if he would come to me? Unless you are willing to live with me. I didn't know if your father would give you permission.'' He looked at her. Thomas nodded, then expressed his thoughts on Alli's father. ''We have met. I'm just not sure if he'll be dear to me after you spend Christmas with me.'' He said, pressing his head against the girl's chest and looking up at her.
Allison smiled, laughing a little as Thomas basically asked her to move in. She let that slide a moment, focusing on the other part of what he said. "My pops will visit you with or without me. Because you're important to me, he'll want to build a relationship with you as well," she explained. She smiled as he pressed into her, leaning down a little herself to press a kiss to his forehead.

"Pops isn't upset with you because we spent Christmas together. He needed the time to himself as much as the rest of us did. Besides," Allie rolled her eyes a little. "He has 'Uncle Eddie' now," She sighed a bit, playing a bit with Thomas hair and relaxing against him. "But on another note," She smiled, moving to whisper quietly in his ear. "You'll have to try harder than that to get me to move in with you, silly," she teased him, and pressed a kiss just below his ear.
Thomas's face remained serious, as it was a little sad that Allison did not answer the question about coming to him. "Your father will hopefully announce his arrival so that I can look forward to his coming. You are also very important to me. That's why you will have to maintain a good relationship with your father." he said when he felt Allison kiss her on the forehead.

"Yes, so over what you went through is not easy," he said, because knowing it after the experience of losing a loved one was a very difficult test. "Who is he?" Thomas asked because he knew Allison had one uncle, but where suddenly another appeared. "You know I can be very convincing. I see that as a challenge." he turned to the girl to kiss her.
Allison chuckled. "Dad always finds a way to announce himself." She reassured him, running her fingers through his hair still. "It's my uncle Edison, my mothers brother. Asher says that mom was gay and she and dad were married for appearances, and uncle Edison left because he and dad were in love." Allison rolled her eyes. "But honestly, I really don't believe that. How can you love someone and not speak to them for years? I just think its suspicious that we've never met the guy." She shook her head, and took the opportunity to kiss him. "Well, you know, I'm very stubborn. It's going to take some convincing," She teased him, twirling his hair gently around her fingers.
Thomas smiled. "Then I will always have to keep the round." he said, enjoying that Allison was playing with his hair again. He listened intently about the girl's uncle, father and mother. There was a real love triangle. "Wait, I didn't understand something. Your father married your mother because he loved or didn't want to admit that he liked your uncle, too." he tried to understand but did not really understand. "I know yes. I'll use all my compelling cleats to convince you. You can be safe. Will you help me decorate the apartment?" he asked, then sat down so Allison could play with his hair.
Allison continued playing with his hair and nodded at what he said. "Right. Apparently, he and dad were in love since they were kids but since uncle Edison never made a move dad pushed his feelings down and thought he fell in love with mom. She thought she loved him too but they figured out way later that she was gay." Allison shrugged, thinking it was still silly. She laughed lightly at what he said, pretending to consider it. "I can help decorate, did you already find an apartment?" She asked him.
Thomas listened and tried to understand the whole story, but it was utterly incomprehensible. ''Then meet your dad loved them both, but chose your mom. Maybe he loved your mom more,'' he said, looking at Allison. ''Yes, I have found it a ten minute walk from your house so you can go visit me. If you want to.'' Thomas refused, then got up and turned to the girl and kissed her. ''Soon we will have to go back to the common room, because I will have to go to the prefect patrol. no matter how much he didn't want it, they would have to go back to the common room soon.
Allison sighed. "I don't know. I just... I don't trust this Edison guy. He just showed up out of nowhere and we're all supposed to love him. I just... want to know who he even is first." She leaned more into Thomas, humming softly as he said he lived close to her dad. She considered his words, kissing him back easily. "Maybe I'll just stay the night at your place a few nights," She teased him, running her fingers through his hair and cuddling her face into his neck. She groaned as he said they needed to go soon. Had so much time really passed. "I don't want to," she pouted. She was comfortable.
Thomas was silent and pondered as the girl spoke. "You will be able to get to know him better, because I understand he will stay with you for a long time." he said because at least Thomas understood. "That sounds good, but why just a few nights. If you can stay all nights." he refused after the kiss. Of course, did not want to go back, because the living room will be loud and there will be no opportunity to spend time together. "I don't want to either. Let's go?" he said, getting up on his feet and handing Allison a hand to help her get up.
Allison chuckled at him, shaking her head. "You aren't going to win me over that easily," She teased him. She pouted as he stood up, sighing and letting him help her to her feet. She tried to keep his hand in hers, wanting to lace their hands. "Alright, alright, lets go."
Thomas laughed, tickling her right side lightly. "You think so, but if I do that." he said, tickling again. He saw that he did not want to go, but received his hand. "We'll be able to sit in the common room later." he mentioned to Allison hoping she would agree to such a plan.
Allison giggled, standing closer to him. "Alright, alright. We can cuddle when you get back," She agreed, starting for the door. "I've been wanting to do some reading anyway. Come on then," She tried to pull him along.
Thomas smiled as she stood very close. ''Only hugs are waiting for me. And nothing more?'' He asked, then followed her to the door. ''What book are you reading now? She doesn't want to go anywhere.'' He let her pull himself.

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