Enjoying the view and the peace

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
23 (31/12/2035)
Selene had taken to finding places around the castle to spend her free time. as much as she liked ravenclaw tower she was not trusting herself enough not to show her thoughts. at least during the day when people were awake. it was a sunny sunday afternoon, but she had learned yesterday not to let the light deceive her despite the sunshine it was still cold out. so she had found a spot partway along the sixth-floor corridor it was a nice spot she had a window seat that she was sitting sideways on the bench with her back to the wall so she had a view out over the grounds. from this vantage point, she could see out over the lake and the forest. right now she was writing in her journal. the writing was slower than normal as since the start of summer when she had almost lost it she realised that she didn't want others to read it so instead of writing normally she was encrypting it using letters from the runic alphabet. it had been tediously slow at first she had had to consult with a rune chart and she had only put a few important words or sentences in runes. however now she was able to write fairly easily even if she was slow as she had to translate every letter. she paused for a minute looking out of the window as she tried to decide what to write next.
It was a cozy little secret room, concealed behind the portrait of a famous potioneer, located somewhere at the corridor of the sixth floor. Spacious enough for Heliana to slowly convert it within a year into her personal potion lab. It was her retreat, a place she would visit mostly at weekends when she had enough spare time to experiment on potion-making or store the ingredients she had foraged in the forbidden forest. That Sunday afternoon, she wanted to attempt and brew a Wit-Sharpening potion after reading through the notes she had taken during class. With nothing but her wand, she marched at the sixth floor, already imagining the relaxing, bubbling sound of the cauldron and the sweet warmth of the naked flame against her skin.

On her way to the potioneer's portrait, Elia came across a familiar face sitting at a window seat. Her twin sister had a thing for places with a good view, like most Ravenclaws it seemed. Not sharing the same common room with Selene, Elia decided to join her sister for a while, as she had a lot of free time in her disposal. "Hey, sis!" She greeted and hopped on the window seat just opposite to her twin. She rested her back on the cold stone wall and noticed the dairy in her sister's hand. Elia had no idea what she was writing about as she was unable to read runes. "Writing down a dream?" She made a wild guess, knowing that her sister used to record her dreams in the past at least for future interpretation.
The seat was probably not quite long enough for two people, at least not two people sitting facing each other. as Selene heard a voice coming up behind her a voice almost as familiar to her as her own voice she smiled and looked around. before school, she and Helia had been inseparable. but as the time in the castle went on they had drifted apart a bit. it was her own fault for asking the sorting hat to be ut in a different house to let Helia grow without her holding her down at the time she hadn't realised how much she would be able to grow given the reason to. but she still loved her sister more than anything. "Hey Heli" she said shuffling slightly to make room for Helia to sit down. they were facing each other the space neceting their lower legs and ankles to be interlocked. it was reassuring to be close to Helia like this. when they had been little she had often found the best way to calm down after a nightmare was to curl up in Helias bed. "not relly a dream more inner musings, trying to get thoughts and feelings in order" she said. Helia knew that thackery had come to visit them over the holidays for a few weeks and that they had hung out and shared a couple of kisses. but she didn't think she knew about, Nell, her friend and her other crush.
Sitting there with her sister was a reassuring feeling that she could hardly describe it in words. The truth was that the two of them had grown slightly distant, having different goals and objectives in life. Elia was trying to improve her grades if she really wanted to fulfill her dreams. She had long ago relinquished the thought of becoming a Healer but maybe she could contribute to the greater good from a position at the Potion Association. At the same time, she wanted to get over her reservations and fear for failure and try out for the Quidditch team. She thought at that moment that sharing these thoughts with Lena and talking over them, would have made things much easier.

Elia eyed the illegible rune writing of he sister and wondered if she was not present enough for her. "Paper and ink won't help you much. You can tell me anything you want, anytime." She reassured her with the warmest of smiles. "You know I am good at finding answers to problems. Well, when the problems are not mine at least." She chuckled with a shrug. "What is it? Did someone broke your heart?" She frowned in an attempt to solicit more information. "I can make it look like an accident." She jested, although she could literally do anything for her sister. "Or is it the amaranthine subject that we are never going to receive a clear answer?" Elia rolled her eyes, referring to the same old topic, often monopolizing their family dinners. She was the one that was mostly insisting bringing it up but their mother seemed adamant to keep their father's identity forever secret.
there was no point writing in code against helia. she may not have been able to read what she was rriting but in this sunny windowsil sat the girl who could always read her like a book even when she didnt want to. she looked up her violet and silver eyes locking with her sisters silver ones as she smiled a weak thanks and squeezed the leg that was between hers before she could think of what to say helia had made a guess she chuckled slightly to herself chuckle that only came out as a heavy exhale "close guess. but no one has broken my heart, except maybe me." she said looking around and glad to see that the corridor was empty. "you know Thackery who we met in salem last year." she said refering to their aunts assistant in her shop who they had spent the previous christmas with and who had also come and visited them in new zealand over the last break. "I like him" she said feeling a blush spread accross her face. "But I also like nell one of my dorm mates" she said. before she could bottle out of it. it felt so much more relieving to say it out loud. as if that made it easier to see the problems. like the factthat thackery lived in salem so she hardly ever would be able to see him. but nell was in her room. and if she liked her would it make things awrkard. not just for nell but for the other girls. nell probably didnt even feel the same way about her. how would she react. sheh ad seemed pretty okay when they had talked whilst packing up last semester. when talking about lars and Eliot. but that didnt mean she would react the same when she was the centre of the conversation.
when helia mentioned the other topic helia let out a hum of pondering. "I have had another idea about that though i havent asked him" she said. not wanting to change the topic too much so as not to distract helia away from her probles. one thing at a time would make more sense. she said. not wanting to detract the conversation from her own priblems. as there was not much they could do today.
Heliana cracked a devious grin when her sister confessed that she was interested in two guys. She had actually figured out that she liked their aunt's assistant as she was around and witnessed how her sister was looking at him. Most of the time, it was easy for her to understand what Lena was thinking or how she was feeling. It wasn't exactly like telepathy but mostly like instict. Her smile faded a bit when she wondered if Lena could also know how she might be feeling for a certain Slytherin boy with whom, Elia had hardly talked and Lena wasn't getting really along with. She shook off the thought and focused on her sister's love triangle.

"I knew it!" She exclaimed with a triumphal smile and nudged teasingly Lena's leg. "You were looking at Thackery like a drooling gnome setting its eyes on Bertie Botts every flavor beans." She teased further with a chuckle. Elia thought that Thackery was a nice guy and a good match for Selene but she wasn't sure if the distance issue could work for them. She didn't know well her sister's roommate but it sounded more like a romance that could flourish. "Who do you think the most at 3 o'clock in the morning?" She asked curiously her sister, in an attempt to help her. The question wasn't only based on the fact that her twin was in bad terms with sleep in general and she was many nights awake, but also from her own experience of thinking a specific someone when she couldn't sleep.
Selene cringed as her sister said that she had been drooling all over Thackery. "that's not true" she said. surly she hadn't been that obvious. and he had seemed to like her. he had asked her to go on the walk with him around Salem, not helia. and he had kissed her. yes, she liked him. maybe she was that obvious. from all her limited knowledge of crushes he seemed to like her too.
her next question caused her to think. over the holiday she had thought about Thackery more. he had come to visit them and she had shown him around new Zealand magical world. but now she was at school nell was who she thought about more. what to say to her how to avoid her how to not make her see what she felt. it was a headache. she thought back to the other night where she had been alone in the common room looking out over the grounds. opening her journal she flicked back a few pages. "I see her everywhere. not just when she is around. her energy is like a flame. always burning looking for the next place to shine. but he is also there. his energy is not a fire but a tree, gentle and kind there to rely on. no matter what will come the tree will stand. but when the two meet who will be left. will the tree be left standing when the fire burns its self out or will the flames consume the branches?" she said. slowly correcting a couple of words that she realised she had spelt wrong. "maybe that gives a better answer than i could say outright." she said. "but how am i meant to talk to her. she is my friend. I don't want to spoil that" she said. "and what if she doesn't like me the same" she said. "I dont want to be hurt"
Having a terrible time sorting out her own issues and matters, Heliana was determined to at least try and help her sister untangle her feelings. What Lena had written down in runes showed the clash of emotions that she had to cope with. Elia just then realized that the situation was far more serious than what she had expected and she was touched by the small narrative. "Aww, this is so sweet." She managed to utter, her eyes always misting over such kind of things. She took her sister a comforting hug, a silent reassurance that she was by her side and everything will be fine.

"I didn't realize that this whole dilemma was turning you into a poet." She attempted to dissolve a bit the tension with a distracting anecdote as she broke apart from their embrace. Herself, she loved writing down her thoughts or her views on life. That made her think that beneath the surface, they had much in common Then her silver eyes gazed outside the window at the the glazed surface of the lake. "A flame is not eternal and the tree will eventually wither out. The point is, what do you prefer. Get engulfed in fiery passion or enjoy the sweet fruits of the tree?" She cracked a smile still looking at the remarkably smooth surface of the lake. "You should include my name if you are going to write this one down too." She joked and her attention shifted back to her.

"Le Fey Vow number 6; Accept failure and pain. Everyone fails at something and hurts at some point. Never accept not trying." Heliana shared one of her life vows that she held dear with her warmest smile. Heliana quickly shot a glance outside the window again when she realized, she hadn't exactly keeping that vow herself. But she was good at supporting others. Her own problems could be swept under the rug for now. "Whatever it might happen, you will get it out of your chest and either you will find out that there are mutual feelings or you will eventually accept it and move on to something better. In both cases, I will always be by your side and you know it." Elia affirmed and booped Lena's nose.
it changed who i was logged in as
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Selene felt her sisters arms around her and held her tight. "thanks" she said into Helias shoulder when she said it was sweet. "It hasn't made me into a poet. just changed what I write about" she said. she had always written in her journal. one place that helia knew better than not to read, or at least not admit that she did. but it was usually written as the stuff of nightmares or anything she thought about in the morning.
the Ravenclaw listened as her twin broke down what she was saying and gave her two options. and the way she worded it made her blush slightly. she glanced up and down the corridor. it would be so awkward if anyone was overhearing this conversation. especially if it was someone she knew. "it's not like that" she claimed though she wasn't 100% sure she believed herself. "you know them both, I was talking about their usual energy not what a romance would or wouldn't be like" she said. "and dont worry you are in here a few times already" she said. of course she was her twin was the most common person to appear in her dreams.
as helia shared one of her life vows Selene nodded. she had heard many of them growing up. some like 15: if you have banana bread you must always share with your twin she was pretty sure had been made up on the spot. others like this one showed deeper thought. "thanks for the advice. I guess I am going to have to be brave and talk to someone. how did you get to be so wise" she said thinking about nell before teasing the her sister slightly. "so Life vow number six means you are still aiming to be a healer then" she said reading her sister's slightly coy expression after saying it and having an idea what she was thinking.
"Me? Wise? You are the Ravenclaw, remember?" She questioned as she had never considered herself in that way before. "It must have been the endless hours above cauldrons and the inhalation of too much steam." She quipped with a chuckle and blushed slightly when Lena referred to her long, forshaken dream of becoming a healer. It required excessive studying and apart from potions, she wasn't exactly studious. But her desire to become something that would add to the greater good and would help others, was still woven in her.

"Don't add salt to the wound." She said, led by a dismissive huff. She knew it wasn't yet too late to give up on this but she had to devote a lot of hours to close her knowledge gap. "I don't know if I can do it. Maybe I should set the bar low and focus on becoming a member of the Potions Associations. Maybe I would be more useful at overseeing the production and trade of potions. Maybe I could help people with my own invented potions." She paused when she realized how many 'maybes' she had used. "Maybe we should restart our studying sessions. I miss them." She admitted although she had been complaining every time her sister was dragging her to the library. "What are your thoughts on what you're going to do after school?" She asked curiously her twin.

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