eating at the gryffindor table

Steph Shirley

Well-Known Member
'Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather'.
Stephanie walked into the great hall, she was starving, she hadnt eaten much in such a long time. She had been too busy with other things. She walked over to the gryffindor table and sat down, there wernt many people there, so steph took out a book and turned to a random page and began reading, occasionally taking sips of water.
Aurora felt starved as she made her way into the Great Hall.She hadnt had much breakfast because she had Astronomy and hadnt carried any toast with her.She heaved her bag onto the bench and looked behing to see a girl reading a book.She was really up for making friends with studious people now a days so she turned to the Gryffindor table and stood beside the girl leaning on the bench so that she would catch her attention.
Stephanie closed her book and sighed, she couldnt concentrate. 'Oh um hi.' She said to the girl who had appeared.
Caillie was hungry so she went down to the great hall to eat. She haven't made any friends yet that's why she's alone and has no one to talk to.
Upon reaching the Gryffindor table, she decided to approach two fellow students.
"I'm a bit tired of being alone anyway." She said to herself.

"Hi, do you mind if I join you?" Caillie said with her voice trembling a bit.
Belle walked into the hall with her daily delivered "Daily Prophet." she took a seat at the Gryffindor table alongside Steph and two other girls she hadn't spoken to. "Hey Steph. Hi guys. How are you all" Belle said waving at the two girls "I'm Belle by the way." she sat and poured herself some orange juice and grabbed a freshly baked crossiant. She read the headlines of the paper and put it down and joined the conversation.
Rebecca walked into the great hall and looked around, she walked over to the gryffindor table and noticed some girls, two of them she recognized as the other girls she shared a dorm with.
'Hey, mind if i join you guys?' She asked.
Becky smiled and took a seat next to her, 'yeah, but you can call be Becca if you want. Your Steph arnt you? Ive seen you around,'
This was true, Becky had seen Steph around the castle, and everytime she saw her, Steph looked very unhappy.
'Yeah thats me!' Steph told her, 'This is Belle.' She said, pointing to Belle,
'Um, you never mentioned your name?' Stephanie said to the other girls.
Aurora smiled at Steph as she greeted another first year griffindor and yet another Griffindor named Belle and another Gryffindor caleed Rebecca.So many students had come that Aurora had forgotten to introduce herself.
"I'm Aurora,but you can call me Aura."she said smiling."Are you all first years?"she asked them.

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