Dumpload of Characters!

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Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair

Carolina Summers

Carolina is a Second year Ravenclaw, She lives with her mother when not at school and her Father was attacked by a werewolf but never recovered. She Loves studying and her school work but often finishes all of her work early and has nothing to do. Yes the last name is familiar she is related to the Frost/Summers family and does carry on the same adventure streak, she would love to explore the lake, and forest and portrait holes however she is unaware of her family relation, she only knows about her small family, Her Mother and herself.

Carolina is after Friends, Boyfriends, Classmates


Blake Blackwell
Being apart of the Necromancy Scitorari Blake is in between Family and power. After being raised by only his father for his entire life due to his mother leaving him as a baby Blake never had a family and never got along with his father that well until he was older believing that his mother left because of his father. Blake is the oldest Half-Brother of Kida Frost and with the help of Eustacia has only recently discovered that he has a family of Half-Siblings and what his mother is really life. Blake has no father anymore as his Father passed and now wants Power to fill the gaps in his life but also family which he doesn't know how to be apart of since he spent a majority of his schooling as a Muggle (His Father was a Wizard but he refused to be apart of that life)

Blake needs a lady in his life, Someone to bring him back into the right track instead of dipping his toes in the Dark side of Magic. He also needs some good friends Dark or Good (he has a dog named Sigil who is a reversed dalmatian)


Perseus Ambrosia
Ahh Perseus, the youngest of the Half-brothers. In his Seventh year of school he is a lot of trouble, Due to his mother abandoning him for magic he resented it for a bit but changed his mind when he didn't get along with people in Muggle School and returned to Magic. He has a lot of pent up anger and tends to go off and manipulate other people to do things which could get them in trouble. He picked up Smoking in his muggle school and hides in places all around the school to have a smoke as well as do things to annoy people like put chairs on the stairs etc.

Perseus either needs Good friends to help him change his attitude and stop smoking or a Lady friend. (also eventually a lady friend)


Ashton Valley
The Odd Not the youngest but not the oldest Half-Brother of Kida's but the first discovered he is kind of a blank slate the most he does these days is take care of Kida's kids when she's busy.

Ashton requires Friends of all kinds


Adira Ater
Adira has a lot of back story, She's Daughter of a Death Eater and grew up as a Death Eater child becoming a Scitorari, she has three children, One to Koaru Koshiba and twins to her current Husband Akirokoru Sato. however her current Husband believes that all three are his. Adira is currently raising her children and practicing Dark magic, she's trying to find some more power to give her family more protection and be feared.

Adira is looking for Friends & Accomplices


Scarlet Frost
Kida's Daughter who is EIGHT! Starting school in a few years, She has a Natural talent in Quidditch and Magic from growing up with Uncles like she does who all were very into Magic around her. Scarlet doesn't know her father but has Icarus as her father although sometimes she wonders about her real Father. Quidditch and School are her main goals and also Shares the same Adventure streak as her mother.

Scarlet is after Friends


MERMAID! Rain needs to interact with more students, Rain wants to go to Hogwarts but knows it'll never be possible. However she loves swimming with Students, She used to drag kids down but now she doesn't, Often found sunbathing on the Beach.

Rain just loves to meet Students


Amberlyn McCoy
Amberlyn grew up in the muggle world and has a PhD in Medicine. Amberlyn also is well versed in all kinds of Magical Healing Amberlyn and works at St Mungos as a Healer. Currently Single and looking to mingle

Amberlyn Is looking for Love and Friends

MAYBE A LOT OF CHARACTERS! There are more not just these! Feel free to send me a PM on Kida if you're interested :)


Woah now Almost forgot Kida herself

<COLOR color="#683A5E"><SIZE size="150">Professor Kida Frost
Newly Professor left her part time job at the ministry to work at Hogwarts but still a Professional Quidditch Player with her Team the Tuscan Charmers. Two Children, Scarlet and Leonidas and is currently Married to Icarus. Large Black Wolf Animagus form as well which can lead to some interesting roleplays as Kida as a student used to always get into trouble climbing around the forbidden forest and swimming in the lake which. Up for some Student Professor Roleplay's around the school also anything Quidditch Related as well friends!


Ok, adding to me rpload might not be the wisest decision but here goes. I have two characters I can offer. For Carolina I have Felix Warrick, fellow second year Ravenclaw. He is a little underdeveloped since I've only just started logging into him since I made him but he is intelligent, rebellious and adventurous so maybe they could do some exploring together, I'm offering him as a friend and potential boyfriend.

For Scarlet I have Hayden Lavish, my youngun. He was born in England but grew up in New Zealand, he's been raised around magic and is a big quidditch fan. I'm looking for him to get some friends for when he starts Hogwarts.
Zach Jordan said:
Ok, adding to me rpload might not be the wisest decision but here goes. I have two characters I can offer. For Carolina I have Felix Warrick, fellow second year Ravenclaw. He is a little underdeveloped since I've only just started logging into him since I made him but he is intelligent, rebellious and adventurous so maybe they could do some exploring together, I'm offering him as a friend and potential boyfriend.

For Scarlet I have Hayden Lavish, my youngun. He was born in England but grew up in New Zealand, he's been raised around magic and is a big quidditch fan. I'm looking for him to get some friends for when he starts Hogwarts.
Both sound Awesome, Which account would be best to PM?
PM this account, it seems to be my lurking account these days.
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