;;Don't push me, or you see what happens;

Victor Crimson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Victor had been vacationing with his aunt this summer instead of going back to Orange County. He had been practicing pretty much his flying and went surfing whenever he finish practice, just to sort of mellow on his own. Since he hardly associated with anyone during the summer, he pretty much hang out on his own. And frankly it wasn't to bad, he didn't mind company, but he get the jets of things. Everyone just seem busy. Well today he decided to go roaming on his own for a while to defeat the purpose of being alone. He headed for brighstones village knowing some students often stayed back whenever vacation hit. Walking up the street in a casual stride, he looked around and saw the brighstone seemed less crowded than the school days. Determine to figure something out, he headed up the north part of the village, in hopes the broom stick would bring some familiar faces at bay. He sought that it wouldn't hurt, so why not just go and hang out for a while.

Dederick cullen stood by a corner huddle around the four group of people he called bloody friends. Amongst the four of them stood Jaden West by his side, peaking now and than whenever someone walked by. Andrea the much smaller one from the group, had always been a lot tougher than Jaden back in Maine, but seemed more calm and relaxed. Her back leaning against the brick foundation saying a few words as each person walked by. Luke the blonded haired boy, also stood next to her though he wasn't quiet much. He kept snarling and snapping at strangers whenever they looked at them wrong. Luke always been obnoxious and lost control more than Cullen himself, though he never had good reason to be so nasty. Yet he kept doing what he did best, and often did damages that would lead for the whole four of them to react. Its always been that way, and no matter how much Dederick became angry with him he never seemed to learn.

On the other hand, Dederick was talking to Jaden quietly between the two of them. He had plans to ask her out that day, though he seemed a little less confidence about it now. However before they arrived her, Jaden had kissed him surprisingly out of nowhere when their two friends hadn't been looking. That left him confused, questioning his feelings for her more. So they were both occupied in a deep conversation, whereas Luke kept barking at everyone walking by them. After a couple few heads, he spotted his target for the day. A boy who walked alone, seemed weary of his surroundings. Luke snapped for that opportunity quickly and knew its time to play now. "Check it out guys, fresh meat"

Isidora had never been one to group up with the rare nice kids in Durmstrang. She had chosen Dederick Cullen's group in her First Year shortly after seeing him singled out for picking on another First Year. His group had been wary towards her, for she had been quite shy at first, but after joining in on what they called fun, she had been quickly accepted. The quiet and shyness had not lasted long. The group was more along the lines of loud and obnoxious, rather than quiet and friendly, and soon she had begun to join their taunts and have much fun tormenting others.

A lone boy about their age was apparantly the target for the day. She didn't know him. They were in Brightstone for the day, so the boy obviously attended Hogwarts New Zealand. He seemed too estranged and friendly to be in the usual Durmstrang crowd.
Running his hand through his lose flock of curls that seem to sleek back than twist, Victor didn't know what to expect happen. He settle his arms at his side, seeming normal, he always given out the aura of being tone down than loud. Don't get him wrong, he loved attention more than the next person. Just never the type to make him looked rebellious unless good cause came of it. His black iris follow the steps before him, till he heard someone say "fresh meat". It must've been ludacris to his ears or something, did someone just called him fresh meat? It didn't take place at the sudden moment someone just called him. He took the liberty to ignore the group that seemed oddly out of place stuck in the sidewalks, none look familiar. Except for one hiding behind the tall one, she seems familiar. More than familiar a Slytherin? Victor looked at her more, ignoring the fellow towering over her, who was that?
The kiss had been misunderstood, Jaden had lead Dederick thinking wrong without realizing what she may have cause. It had just been a innocent tap against his cheeks, nothing more nothing less. Now force besides him, she couldn't help but wish to take back that kiss that made him so attached to her, instead of Dederick acting normal and murmuring bitter whispers with Luke, he glued himself enough to her, that made it feel so difficult to be around him. She had to leave, tried to find some escape away from Dederick and away from the rest. Andrea didn't seem so comforting now she looked more rebellious than before and the new girl seemed quiet. Still not knowing her name, Jaden didn't ask.

She didn't ask, because the girl seemed different than any other witch she encounter in her short life. There's something about that girl, she doesn't seem normal. She almost didn't look human, but resemble of characters in a mythology book. The more her mind wonder, the more she spaced out of her situation. Not oblivious to what was going on around her. All she could hear was someone yell, and than felt Dederick fall loose to her side. Tracing back into reality, she realize what just happen. Blood split from Dederick lips, and a boy curled beneath her in pain.
Everything seemed to go slow, when she looked over Luke was kicking the boy beneath and Andrea following his lead. What the hell going on? What are they doing? she wanted to scream, she had wanted to say. Though when she fell to her knee, did she realize who their latest victim had been, Victor. Holy sh!t! Her pale eyes grew wide, before she could stand back up, sparks flew in the air and a warning signs were shouted. The local authorities of brighstone village were being alerted, they needed to go. Run!" she scream at her thoughts but her guilt made her slow, looking down at Victor who seemed battered seemed helpless, Run!" She ran, ran away from Dederick and the rest, ran leaving everything behind. She hated Dederick, she hated Luke, she hated Andrea! She hated herself even more for being so humble and ignorance. She ended up in the alley ways, alone, frightening, and out of breath.
Isidora watched as her two guys friends attacked the New Zealand boy, without considering that someone could be watching. It so happened that a meddling New Zealander felt the need to inform Brightstone Authorities, and now they needed to run. She had done nothing, just a bystander enjoying the sight of a helpless boy being beaten to a pulp by someone much larger than him. Did she really enjoy it? Or was it just something she had grown used to by now?

Nevertheless, she had to get out of here. Isidora followed the other girl, bouncing quickly on her heels, and turning to the left around the candy shop. She didn't stop running until a reasonable distance was between her and the offending party. Perhaps none would come looking for her.
Blacked out. Knocked cold. Whatever happen, it happen to fast. Victor became a victim of teenage tauntings. He swore a few times before the beating stop. And when the authorities came, just one one them got caught. This one sported a bloody lip and bruise right eye. Victor spat, could he have cause this? No matter he didn't care. He identified and left cursing underneath his breath while the tall boy got arrested for assault. For a minute he looked at Victor with a smirk, a minute longer he was pushed away from the scene. Away from what just freaking took place here. Not a happy man, he walked holding a bag against his sore face.

The sickness spiraling in the pit of her abdominal hesitated to go away after a few moments of catching her breath. She could feel the feeling of anger build up once the fatigue vanish. Feeling of hate, regret, ugh everything just seemed so questionable. She hated Cullen, for the way he had basically dragged her there that day. She hated everyone else, she wanted out of New Zealand permanently. Drifting out of the alleyways, she held on to the side of the building for support. Her steps stagger, her vision blurred, her hair wildly out of place. She sighed, relief. No one saw her, nor did they care to check if she had been one of the attackers. Honesty she hadn't been, knowing Andrea and Luke, things make go another way. Instead she saw the blonde hair, the girl, the stranger. The one who'd had been with them. What's her name? Jaden couldn't remember. Stumbling between steps, she wearily made her way too her. "Hey? Did they get caught?" her pale eyes reflecting the back of the blonde girl's hair.


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