Destressing Before Exams

Lemina Troque

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
12 3/4" Black Walnut/ Maple Essence of Silver Thistle
[color=cc66ff]She ran onto the lawn and plonked herself down. She was tired and just wanted to chill out before the stress of exams. She was also worried she wouldn't have a date for the Yule Ball and nervous about meeting Harry that afternoon.[/color]
Harry was walking down to the lake when he saw Lemina sitting on the ground. He ran up to her and sat down. "Hi, is it OK if I sit here?" he asked her.
[color=cc66ff]"Yeah I suppose." she sighed then gave him a smile. She didn't want Harry to think she was annoyed with him.[/color]
[color=cc66ff]"Yeah I'm fine, it's just exam stress," she replied. "So are you still up for going to Hogsmeade this afternoon?" Lemina hoped he said yes. She was wondering if he'd ask her to the Yule Ball.[/color]
[color=cc66ff]"I dunno," she replied. "Do you want to just go now?" she really hoped that he'd say yes. Lemina pulled out her diary and noticed that she'd written:[/color]
Meeting Harry in Hogsmeade <3
on Wednesday. Oh well, he didn't know and seemed free today. I've probably written it down wrong she thought, even though she knew she hadn't.

((Sorry for the late reply:D))[/color]
[color=cc66ff]She let Harry pull her up and then picked her bag up. "So off we go." She took his hand and they set off towards Hogsmeade.

((OK :))))[/color]

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