Christmas Day feast for friends

Andromeda Fiorelli

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring; 10 1/2" 4wood mix - unicorn hair core
Andromeda walked into the Great Hall pretty hungry even considering the amount of meat she had eaten the night before. She wanted to hurl now just thinking about it. There was no way she could eat any meat to day surely. Yet when she got the beautiful aroma of turkey and ham she all but drooled onto the tables. The food looked stunning. The tables were all decked out for the few who had stayed. They even had party hats and crackers. Andromeda smiled and sat down on one of the benches to wait for the others to come.

So far it had been a pretty good Christmas. While she waited she decided to load up her plate, a few vegetables here and there, some potatoes but lots and lots of meat. Andromeda sighed when she looked at it, it was cooked well done not a drop of blood or raw meat any where. She would make do of course but seriously contemplated putting a special order in with the house elves for some rawish meat in future.
Patrick entered the Great Hall and was blown away by the decor and the sumptious meal that was laid out. Smiling as he saw Ace, he walked over to her and kissed the top of her head. He placed a small gift infront of her.
"Happy Christmas" he whispered before he took a seat beside her.
"You know the flecks of grey in your hair are quite becoming, really distinguished" he smiled, knowing she had fumed earlier on when he had pointed them out to her.
"did you have a good day so far?"

He had news for her but was going to wait until the following day, her Christmas would not be ruined.
"Hey" she smiled up at him, "Happy Christmas".
She looked at the small gift he placed infront of her and smiled again at him only to frown a moment later when he commented on her flecks of grey.
"They are not distinguished" she muttered, "I've had a really good day, I opened all my presents at least I thought I had. I've spent the day with Brian, Zuka and some of the Gryffindors in the commonroom this morning. It's been good really. Can't wait for dinner though".

she opened the small parcel carefully and gasped. A small delicate bracelet with
miniature snitches around it. It was lovely.


"Uncle Patrick it's beautiful. Thank you" she hugged him then held out her hand so that he could help do up the clasp.
Patrick helped her with the clasp delighted that she had, had a good day so far and that she really liked the gift.

"Well this all looks incredible" he smiled looking about at all the food, "are we waiting for everyone else to show up then?" noticing that she had loaded up her own plate.
Zazuka made her way down to the Great Hall looking like something that a Christmas special thew up. She had deep green leg warmers with glitter all over them covering a good part of white and red stalkings. A green skirt with fake fur around the edges fell over her knees while a bright red sweater covered her top half. The sweater had a picture of a raindeer on it that looked as if the nose was soppoed to light up. The only reson it didn't was becasue Zazuka hadn't found a way to make it light up by magic and no elctronics worked inside Hogwarts walls.

Zazuka made up for that with her glasses which she had found a way to make the rims striped green and red to match the ribbens in her braids. Everything was toped off with a bright red santa hat and green earring that looked to made out of large Christmas babbles. There was a bright smiled on the overly decorated Zazuka when she walked twards the table Andy and her uncle where sitting at. "Hey there where is everyone else?" She asked as she took a seat.
"Is that a Christmas elf?" Andromeda winked at Zuka, "Happy Christmas Z, pull up a bench girl. You really look the part don't you" she smiled at her.

She looked up and down at the relatively quiet hall.
"Looks like it's just us so far, I'm sure the others will show up at some point. I wish they'd hurry though. Stomach is growling" she laughed as she eyed the food on her plate.
Zazuka laughed into her hand. "Well I've never really celebrated a happy Chistmas so I thought why not dress for the occation. I might make it a ritual though. happy Christmas Andy and Mr. O' Brian." She said looking down at her stalkings. She knew she may have overdone herself just a bit but she didn't mind being stared at this way. "I do hope they come soon to. That turky sure looks good." She said staring at the food longingly.
"Happy Christmas Zazuka and please call me Patrick. Even if it's just for today, couldn't stand on formality while I eat" he smiled at her. Patrick began to load up his own plate now.
"Well I think Ace here at the right idea by getting our plates heaped before everyone else comes down" he laughed picking up a Christmas cracker and holding it out to Andromeda.
Zazuka smiled. "I would be carful with those if I where you." She said looking at the cracker. She hoped more people came but she was fine being here only Andy and her uncle. She would have to try a bit harder to skip on the formality seeing as she called anyone over three years older than her Ms. or Mr. That was usually how she addressed the prefects.
Andromeda laughed and pulled the cracker, a loud splintering noise issued forth as well as a paper hat, a bad joke and a little trinket. She passed them to her uncle.
"I think the pink hat would definitly suit you more than it would me" she smiled.
She picked her one up and turned to Zuka, "come on what's the worst that could happen Dr. Pepper?"
Zazuka thought about then smiled. "Good point I was thinking about what would happen if those blew up the wrong way but it seems to be alright." She said looking at the hat. Pink and paper, Zazuka could have done better for a prize hat and still have done it cheaply. She started to get some of the Chistmas food because her stamach had started to talk to her too.
Zazuka nodded fast and pulled on end of the cracker. "I hope the hat that comes out of this ome is not paper." She said wistfuly.
Unfortunately the hat was very much made of paper and was a lime coloured one, the joke was just as bad but at least in this one there was a wizarding card with a picture of Minerva McGonagal on it. Andromeda smiled.

"I never had one of her before. Ok Zuka you're turn" Andromeda put the awful lime coloured paper crown on her head and turned to face Zuka.
Zauzka looked at the card with wide eyes. "I need that one and a few others to complet my Heros of The Modern Age collection." She said with a sigh. Zazuka picked up a cracker and held it out to Andy so she could pull.
Andromeda held the other end of the cracker and pulled it for Zuka, the bang from this one was fairly loud and Andromeda shrugged from it.
"Here you can have this one for your collection" she smiled at Zuka, "think of it as another Christmas gift".
Zazuka laughed as futune seemed to be with her and purple hat came from the cracker. She didn't even look at the joke for fear that she might groan out loud from reading it but it also let off a rather nice pixie quill odiment. "Thanks, now I need Fred Weasly, Tonks and I think Severs Snape." She said taking the card. Zazuka replaced her santa hat for the purple paper hat.
Patrick smiled, remembering when he had been an avid card collector. He was famished now, truly. Then remembering his patient up stairs decided on a different tack altogether. He loaded up another plate, then he smiled and turned to Andromeda and Zazuka as he clambered off the bench.
"Ladies Happy Christmas but I will see you later, I must get back to the hospital wing".
he took his wand out and levitated the two plates of food, a near by jug of butterbeer and two goblets.
Zazuka laughed. "I think he's off to feed most of the hospital wing." She said looking at Patrick's plate as well. "Well have a happy rest of you Chirstmas Mr... I mean Patrick." She said catching herself before she went into formalities again.
"I don't know about you Zuka but I'm not waiting any longer" Andromeda waved to her uncle and began to tuck into the feast piled high on her plate.
"Oh, this is gorgeous!" she muttered in between mouthfuls.
Zazuka looked at her with a bright smile and started to eat her own food. Everything was delishes but she wanted to have some room for the dessert so she didn't eat much.
"Good idea, I may need to walk anyway to get rid of the suger high I'm about to give myself." She said moving on to the sweets layed out for them. "Pies are always good. Do you think I should take Brian up a piece?" She asked wondering.

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