Chocolate Cake & Bagels At The Hufflepuff Table xD

Bianca Petrescu

Well-Known Member
Mahogany Wand 14" Essence of Unicorn Hair
Bianca couldn't wait for lunch time. Her mother, Anna Petrescu, had sent her a big chocolate cake and a blackcurrant sponge cake and some bagels and toffees since her exams were coming. She was a mixed blood and her mother enjoyed baking muggle foods. Her parents always sent her cake as a sort of encouragement for the exams. Bianca was so excited. Opening everything at lunch time, she shouted to everyone "Who wants some chocolate cake?!?", before starting to cut it.
Lemina was sitting alone at the Hufflepuff table, worrying about exams. Oh my god, I cannot believe exams are here already. I've been too stressed about Lizzi to really focus on studying and ugh! She twirled her hair. Suddenly she spotted Bianca with a huge chocolate cake. Lucky! The next moment she was asking who wanted some.

Lemi slid up the table, "I am sooo in! If that's okay! What's the cake for? Your birthday?" She noticed however there were no candles. Maybe it's only us that do that?
Bianca smiled excitedly at Lemina. "Sure! Do have some of those toffees too! They're delicious!" Bianca said enthusiastically, as she cut a big portion for Lemina. "Here, eat up girlfriend! Oh, its not my birthday! Its something my parents always do as a sort of encouragement to do my best for the exams! My birthday's on the 27th of November. I promise that you can expect more good food on the 27th. And you're invited to the party. Well, everyone is actually! And do help yourself to the peanut butter cups too Lemina!" Bianca said happily.
"I wish my mum did that! Lemi took the large slice of cake Bianca handed her. She took a bit out of it. "Mmmm. Gorgeous. Your mum make this?" She looked at all the treats. You are sooo lucky!
"Yeah she did! Tasty huh?" Bianca asked, feeling a little proud of her mother. Bianca was the youngest in the family and she was the spoiled one, but not too spoiled to be a spoiled-brat. "Ah nonsense! I'm sure you're lucky too. Okayy, eat up hunney! There's more to be eaten! And you should try the blackcurrant sponge cake. Simply delish!" Bianca mumbled, licking her lips at the same time. "Don't be shy yeah! Eat whatever that catches your eyes!" Bianca continued. "And do you need some juice or water? I can pour you some. Don't want you to move. Just enjoy the cake!" Bianca said. Bianca indeed knew how to be a good hostess!
Lemi giggled. She swallowed the last bite of the chocolate cake. "Mmmm! Delish!" She spotted some croissants. Taking one, she took a bite. "Gorgeous!" She suddenly began to feel both greedy and a little fat! Oh well, it's almost exams! I need sugar!
Bianca laughed as she watched Lemina eat. That girl sure is hungry! she thought. Bianca watched as she ate some of the croissants. They sure made her mouth water! Reaching for a bagel, Bianca bit into here. God, these are heavenly! Bianca thought, as she smiled. Wonder if anyone else wants cake?
Lemina gulped down the last of the croissant. "Come on, sister! Dig in, it is your food after all!" Reaching out, she took a glass of pumpkin juice and sipped it down.
Patricia made her way into the Great Hall. She was hungry, but for something sweet.

Damn my sweet tooth She thought to herslef. Looking over at the Hufflepuff table she saw that Lemina and Bianca were there with a pile of food in front of them.

Walking over to the table she said, "Hey Bianca and Lemina. How are y.......?" She said. Stopping dead middle sentence. She had just seen what was on the table.

"OMG!!! Where did all this come from?" She said, trying to stop herself from drooling.
Lemina giggled as Patricia came over to them, and was shocked at the amount of food. "Bianca's mum!" She exclaimed.
"Okay then!" Bianca said to Lemina. Just as she was about to cut herself a portion of the Blackcurrant Sponge-cake, Patricia joined them. "Hi Pat! Do have some of this tasty treats!" Bianca said, cutting a big portion of chocolate cake for Patricia, her best friend. "My mum made all of these, something like an encouragement gift!". Bianca passed Patricia the cake. "Eat up girlfriend! There's still so much to eat! And i want you to try the chocolate chip cookies! They're still warm from the oven!" Bianca squealed.
As soon as Lemi saw the chocolate chip cookies, she couldn't resist. She put down her glass and grabbed one! "Truly scrumptious!" She joked.
"Oh wow. My mum used to be a chef so I know what it's like to have food asa bribe." Patricia said taking a piece of cake from Bianca's hand.

Upon taking a seat Patricia bit into the cake, "Oh my, this is amazing. Give your mum my complements Bianca." Patricia said holding up the piece of cake.

"There is a lot to eat. YOu should keep some for the late nights of revision this week." Patricia said dreading the upcoming week.
Bianca laughed. "I'll tell her straight away! And don't you worry! I have set aside the oreo cheesecake and the blackforest cake. And some of those cookies, especially the ones with Macadamia and white chocolate!" Bianca ushered Patricia. "Want some Juice Pat? There's Apple and Orange Juice. There's avocado too!" Bianca asked. "Urgh! Let's not talk about exams!" Bianca complained. "Let's enjoy ourselves before burning the midnight oil!"
"Good, be sure you do." Patricia jokingly to Bianca.

"Ohh sounds nice especially the oreo chessecake."

"Yeah could you pass the apple juice please. My favourite." Patricia said holding out her hand for Bianca to give her the juice

"Yeah better not talk about exams, lets talk about something more happy. Like, oh I don't know, your birthday." Patricia said to Bianca with a pleased look on her face.
"Good idea. My birthday's on the 27th, which is probably next Monday. I'm planning to have a party. Perhaps a picnic? My mother would be making some sandwiches and cookies and cakes. We can have one at the lakefront or the garden. But since my birthday is on the first day of the exams, let's hold it on the last day of the exams, then the picnic would be something like a end of exam celebration and a birthday celebration. Would that be a good idea? That way, i'm sure everyone would like to come!" Bianca said, as she passed Patricia a glass of ice-cold apple juice.
"That's a brillant idea Bia. And I agree the lakefront or garden would be a great idea, weather permitting. If not, I suppose the commonroom is out of question? Where else inside the class, supposing it's not a good day?" Patricia said trying to think of somewhere else.

"Oh thank you." Patricia said taking the apple juice from Bianca
((The IC dates are different than those in RL. It's currently late November in HNZ! Also, my best friends birthday is on the 27th xD))

Lemi smiled as the girls discussed Bianca's birthday. "That'd be great!" She took a bite out of her cookie.
(( Then my birthday will be on the 27th of November. Haha ))

"Yeah it will! I think i'll invite all my friends. But there's so much of them!" Bianca said, laughing. "Oh nevermind, i'll just invite everyone. I hope both of can come. Andrew, Aiden and Angus have promised to come. You girls know three of them? One's a Slytherin second year, one's a Gryffindor first year and the other is a Hufflepuff first year. Oh, i can't wait! But of course, the exams come first! Oh bother the exams! But what am i to do? Just have to wait till its over right?" Bianca asked, grabbing another bagel.
Violet stumbled in to the Great Hall, eyes red from staying up too late reading yet again. She knew she shouldn't use her wand as a torch, as she always became exhausted and woke up completely drained, but she kept doing it anyway. She always needed to know what was going to happen next in whatever book she happened to be reading at the time.

Arriving at the Hufflepuff table, she noticed Bianca, Lemina and Patricia all sitting around with lots of delicious food. Having heard mention of her brother, she felt it reasonable to go and join them. Well, asking first, of course.

"Hey guys," she said, sleepily. "What's all this, then? And, mind if I sit down?"
Bianca looked up when Violet joined them. "Not at all. Hi Violet! Want some chocolate cake?" Bianca asked, cutting Violet a portion of the cake. "Oh goodness, you look terrible. Let me guess, staying up all night again?" Bianca teased Violet. "This is a little something my parents do as a sort of an encouragement to do my best for the exams.." Bianca replied, passing Violet the chocolate cake.
"Yeah exams come first Bianca, but on that day sure we can have a 'study party' somewhere." Patricia said with a cheeky grin on her face.

Finishing off her piece of the cake she turned round at the voice of Violet. "Oh hey Vi. Wow you really don't look good. All that reading must be doing more bad to you than good." Patricia siad with a worring look.
Violet blushed as both Bianca and Patricia noted how terrible she looked. She knew she hadn't been taking the best care of herself. "Yeah...I probably should cut back on the reading," she said softly, gazing at her shoes. She perked up a little as Bianca offered her some chocolate cake. "Oh, wow, Bianca! That cake looks amazing." She gratefully took the piece that Bianca gave her. "That's really nice of your parents to do this for you," she said, with a smile.
Lemi grinned as she saw Violet approach them. "Hey Vi!" She hadn't seen Violet much this year, but loved the girl. In a way, she looked up to her. She sort of felt sorry for her when both Pat and Bianca commented that she looked quite bad, "Don't worry Violet! You look gorgeous!" She smiled as Violet got stuck into the treats from Bianca.
Violet beamed at Lemina. Even though she knew she wasn't looking at her best, and although Patricia and Bianca had both picked up on that, Lemina was still really nice in saying that she still looked good. "Thanks, Lemi," she said with a grin. Although she hadn't had a chance to talk to Lemina much this year, she still considered the older girl to be a good friend. "You guys excited for the exams?" she asked, sarcastically.

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