Bumping Into Each Other

Grande Fuego

Well-Known Member
Bois D'Arc Wand 12" Essence of Crystallized Dragon Fire

With a the days newspaper in hand and a pen sitting behind his ear, Grande was walking the familiar streets of Obsidian Harbour. It had been a very long time. A Very long time. The shops, while familiar looking were not so familiar to the Beauxbaton 7th year. Now 17 Grande was having to decided what he was going to do with the rest of his life. This decision was hard. He knew that he wanted to move to New Zealand. But he didn't want to leave the house he had back home in France. He was however looking for a place to stay in New Zealand. This was the first step of moving back. He hadn't told anyone of his plans to move back. Espeically not the group. They would not only freak but wonder where Grande had gotten the money to pay for flights there and back. When really Grande had apparated. He'd passed the exam on the first go. The determination being to be able to get away, at any point from his crazy family. Or to just have fun for a night in a new country. Though it wasn't entire fun on his own. He had circled a few places that he could look at. Half he'd already seen. Nothing screamed buy me.

Grande would keep looking, until he found one. No matter how long it would take. He could make many trips to and from France. It would be like at Beauxbaton, anyone would notice he was gone. And he didn't have to work during the week. It was all good. Grande took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. In France it was heading towards winter. It was weird to be in a country where it was heading towards summer. Grande would have to grow used to that, or just jump between countries depending on where it was warmer. Now there was a plan that was badly centralised. Grande placed his glasses back on just as he bumped into someone familiar.
Marlana was close to five months pregnant. Well to anyone else she was, all she knew was that her stomach was getting bigger. The decision to visit St. Mungos was becoming more difficult as the days passed on. She wasn't sure if she wanted to see a healer or not, I mean Abathyn wasn't pressuring the girl to go. But the more Meldoie and Abathyn talk about who Marlana was, and how they were so close to finding more about her life before the memory lost, Marlana felt like she was being force to submit to go to St. Mungos. Marlana didn't want to go, many reason why, she fear her safety. And not just her well being, but the child that was growing inside. A bond was being form, even though she had thought of giving the child up. She was slowly becoming fond of what was growing inside her, the little life gave her hope. She was scared though, whoever cause her harm must still be out there somewhere, waiting or possibly lurking her every move. This fighten Marlana the most, she felt herself tremble, while she continue to adventure the busy walkways of the Harbour. Marlana took a deep breath to calm herself, when she felt a pressure coming from the oddest direction, that Marlana had to jerk her head right to see a man bump into the well endowed woman. "Oof" at the same time she felt a cramp sensation coming from the right side of her stomach, that had cause Marlana to bend down, and lower her head. This made her worried, Abathyn said when you get cramps they were like contractions, and that meant the child would soon to be born. But the pressure wasn't everlasting, she knew its been on and off like this for more than a month. There was no way the child was coming out soon, it was just natural to panic when you felt the contraction happening. Marlana took yet another breath of air, still looking down while she rubbed the side of her belly.

Grande was greeted with a familiar site. Though this girl didn't entirely look like the 13 year old, that Grande had known. Maddiie, was pregnant. It was a strange fact, and it just brought home the fact that they had grown up. Grande was a little stunned so it took a little time, before he said anything, and when he did it wasn't exactly a word but more a mesh of words. He took a small breath, composed himself. He'd had a pregnancy scare, but it that was all it had been, a scare.

"You alright? I didn't mean to bump into you." Grande said, looking down at the girl, who he was sure, was a very old friend. "Maddiie?"
Marlana was able to compose herself well enough to stand on her two feet. "Its alright been like this for a while no need to worry." she said to the stranger, till he had called her Maddiie. "Maddiie?" Marlana raised her face to meet his gaze as she stumble a bit forward. "No. I'm sorry I'm not Maddiie..." she shook her head frowning. This was beginning to get annoying, frustrated Marlana held her tote bag to her side. The man seem to know her more than she knew herself. "Who are you?" she question sounding a bit hostile as she spoke gripping the bag close to her side. "And who is this Maddiie person?" of course she had some sort of clue because of the yearbook Melodie had shown her. Yet it wasn't enough proof that she had once been known as Maddiie. Marlana question the man to see what he knew about the girl that looked like her.

Grande wondered, she looked like an older version of a girl he had known. But Grande was often wrong. So maybe he was wrong about this. But she looked so much like the older version. Grande was probably suffering from lack of sleep, time difference and stress. Making him think that this women was the older person Grande had known. Grande thought about turning to run, but he stuck his ground. Maybe something had happened. Or if Maddiie had had a twin. Grande didn't know what to say. He took a breath and composed himself.

"A girl, I used to know. She went to Hogwarts New Zealand. You look like an older version of her. But I haven't seen Maddiie in a long time so you're probably not her." Grande said. "I'm sorry again. I'm Grande."
Now Marlana felt like she was lying so she sort of made a face before coming out clean. "Oh yes I've heard of her before now I remember" but she wasn't going to tell him that she may be the girl he once known back at Hogwarts. Not that it was obvious, he already had stated she looked just like her. But without her memory and the fact some individuals look like one another, Marlana just wasn't setting herself of high hopes. Maybe if she did get memory back what would she do if she wasn't Maddiie Hollawarth. And whatever happen to her did in fact happen and might scarred her for life. It was to overwhelming for Marlana, she didn't know what to do, she did tell Melodie and Izaak that she was going to St. Mungos. She was just hesitating a little of what might happen, If she wasn't Maddiie. "Do you have any idea were she lived? And who her parents were?" she asked Grande. "Nice to meet you by the way, were are my manners. I'm Marlana." she shook her hands out to extend her hand into his, to formally shake his hand.

Grande shook his head, since leaving Hogwarts he had no idea where Maddiie lived or who her parents were. He vaguely remembered the grand-dad they had met while in Peutro Rico. Grande took the girl Marlana's hand and shook it lightly. He wasn't quite sure what to say. It was difficult, she wasn't someone who Grande thought she was, but then Grande knew next to nothing. Grande smiled slightly at the girl. He knew had to answer her questions about Maddiie, but he wished he had better answers than I don't know.

"I can't remember. The last time I spoke to Maddiie, I was second year. That's a long time. Though I met her grand-dad, I think it was in Puetro Rico, during the summer of my first year." Grande said. "How far along are you?" Grande asked, knowing that when asked about how there child, women tended to do a lot talking. He hoped this would happen, so the embarrassment, would pass.

[ Sorry about the delay and Suckish Reply]
[Its okay, we can neglect this rp. Until the future when Maddiie bumps into Grande again. Right now I'm stuck on Emptied]

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