Broken hearted </3

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Zehava Brimital

Well-Known Member
Zehava.. I don't know where to start, to be honest with you. She's a sweet, smart, friendly young lassie who recently split up from her fiance, due to reasons she does not speak of. However, she is trying to get her baby girl (Named Emma) back from the social services (Which she will be successful with, and they will be reunited shortly). Then, as she is feeling very low about everything, she needs a friend (Who is preferably a male), who she can lean on and moan to without him feeling uncomfortable, and we'll see how it goes from there, eh? ^^
I just had a brilliant idea for a plot when I saw this!

Alright so, introductions. This is Gustav and he was a Beauxbatons student. He is a little bit smart, a little bit rich and a little bit gorgeous (and he knows it). So he's got a rep as a player and fools around with the ladies, but he's a big old squishy bear in the end, especially when someone makes him guilty.

So how I see it is, if he met Zehava he'd totally go for her, but kind of mellow when he finds out that this really isn't the time to be messing around with her and that he genuinely likes her. I thought it would be hilarious if she didn't tell him that she was trying to get her kid back, so by the time he found out, he would secretly like her too much to bail. So he plays the part of the comforting guy-friend, both terrified of children and head over heels for her. After that, well, who knows.

Tell me what you think. Course it's all variable, but if you had anything to add or aren't interested, do let me know (on here, since I'm changing accounts a lot). Ta!
Wow, that's one interesting plot you got there ^^
And i like it :D

A few things - Why do you think he would fall for Zehava? Because at the time she will be really upset, feeling down and depressed. Would he see past that? Would he want to try and help her?
And I love your idea, perhaps Zehava doesn't want to talk about her child to anybody so he doesn't find out until he wonders why she doesn't want to get into a real relationship/he tries to kiss her/more? Teehee (He is a guy, after all :tut: )

If you're happy with that, please could you at some point start a topic? Probably in some sort of pub, hehe, as I'm not very imaginative when it comes to starting RP's, lol. Thank you! :) :hug:
Yay, I'm glad you approve ^-^

I think he does the guy-friend role very well. He's used to chicks pouring themselves out to him and such, but I'd like him to be genuinely moved this time, which makes her different than the others. If he hears too much about her, he won't even know he likes her until he tries to do something like fool around with her and he can't quite do it.

I think there's genuinely a place for her in Gustav's heart xD.
Sure I can start an rp. I'll post it within the next few days and send it along here, or to one of your other characters, if you prefer.
Haha, maybe we can say that to start with, Zehava isn't at all attracted to him, and just thinks of him as a friend, and then he tries to fool around and she begins to realise that he likes her more than just as a friend and...
Yeah let's just see what happens! XD

It will be fine if you post it here, thank you muchly for starting it :p xx
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