Briar Rowan

Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)

stuff in red and purple have been updated

Full Name: Briar Rowan (Twohoof)
Nicknames: Bri, Rowan, Row, Sis, Wolfsbane
-Current Age: 1115 18 34

-Basic Appearance: medium hight, athletic, dirty strawberry blond hair, green eyes still medium height ans athletic build, but after four years at school her hair is finally clean and it is red, it had been sun bleached before due to vast amount of time spent outsidestill medium build, and still ginger hair. maybe a little less skiny than before due to a less active lifestyle and family but still athletically built

-Parents: unknown
shayla: mother who adopted her when she was just a few days old
Jackson Margera: adopted her in her fifth year.
Iris Margera: her adopted mom

-Siblings, if any: Madlyn Margera: her sister, not by blood but in every other way. Briars best friend
Minoas stratis: she adopted him as her little brother after they met as she saved him from acromantular in the forbidden forest unfortunatly no longer as minoas passed away a long time ago, but she still misses him and thinks of him as her brother. not that she talks about him much
Aspen: a centaur from her home heard who was also removed from the herd and followed Briar to New Zealand and lives in the forest in the school

Spouse: Dederick Cullen. they are not married but she has taken his name and they are together in every other way. they met in the mountings near hogwarts when she was in fifth year and again in the mountains on the south island one night when she learned the hard way he was a werewolf. they grew closer after that and started dating. after a short period of them breaking up when she was in seventh year they have been together since

Children: Willow Luna Cullen; Briar didnt want to get pregnant, and she didnt want a child as she thought she would be a terrible mother. she actually offered the child up for adoption but after an unusual birth and when she held her baby for the first time she knew she would never give willow up. willow is now following briars footsteps and is a second year gryffindor at hogwarts new zealand.

-Area of Residence: forest in central Europe hogwarts new Zealand and the halfway house during breaks Just left Hogwarts new Zealand, Staying with the Margers in Belgium but looking for her own place in Australia she and Dederick have recently bought a small house near Christchurch new Zealand as after the news with the werewolf hunters they wanted something a little less conspicuous than the property in australia, they now mainly live here though they also spend weekends living on her property in australia and his boat.

-Blood status: unknown

-What would their Patronus be? centaur Wolf

-What would their Boggart be? Her family having being attacked by a werewolf (her) anything happening to willow

-What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one): lioness

-What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised?: herself running through the forest surrounded by her friends. her family safe, or some form of equal rights for werewolves bill passign through parliment

-What memory could they use to create a Patronus? running through the forest and beating fern for the first time. or getting onto the Gryffindor quidditch team, or maybe the feeling of getting onto a broom after falling out of a seventh floor window :shifty: when she was adopted by the margeras, when she started dating Dederick, or her graduation day or when she held willow for the first time and realised that she would never be able to give her up.

-Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it: she wouldn't keep one

-Give a brief history of your character: Briar was found hidden in the roots of a rowan tree when she was just a few days old the centaur that found her was a female who had just lost her on fowl so she brought briar up as her own. and this is where she has been ever since
when she was eleven she moved to new zealand and lived in the leaky cauldron until she started attending Hogwarts new zealand.
Hi Briar,

I love the originality of your character. Just a few questions for her.

1. Any idea what happened to your real family?
2. Why have a centaur for a patronus?
3. What was it like to be raised by a race who don't have a particular regard for humans?
4. Was there any animosity between some of the herd and yourself growing up?
5. How difficult was if for you knowing you were so different from your surrogate family?
6. Will you be attending Hogwarts?
7. Will you miss the freedom of the forest if / when you do?
8. Centaurs are no lovers of human magic, how will the herd feel when / if you do attend Hogwarts?
1. Any idea what happened to your real family?
I dont know about my origional family, as i have altady said i was left in the forest only a fiew days old. i didnt know who left me there ant i have not known anything about them since

2. Why have a centaur for a patronus?
I was braught up with the centaurs as a centaur. i feel inclrdably conected with the centaurs for this reason.

3. What was it like to be raised by a race who don't have a particular regard for humans?
well as i grwe up with them practicaly from birth i dont think that they saw me as much of a human but more of a twohoofed centaur as i find that the centaures only realy dislike the humans who destroy the forest and try to hurt them, as i have never tryed to do eather they have not treated me as a human, i have never taken any human remarkes personly they have always been a different group of vreatures than me. for this reason i found it hard to settle into human life to begin with bit am getting along better now.

4. Was there any animosity between some of the herd and yourself growing up?
As i have already stated for most of my life i have not realy been clased as a human, and have been one of the heard. however my mother once told me that when i was found most of the heard was against me takeing me in and she came to the agreement that she could tahe me to the nearest village and drop me there. however, they saw that i made her a lot happeyer, she was still greving over her lost child, and they let her keep me, and other than the odd side remark as i was growing up not much has been said.

5. How difficult was if for you knowing you were so different from your surrogate family?
as i have already said i have never realy been treated as a human, the only difference was that although i am fast for a human i cannot funn as fast or as fer as a centaur, this meant that i had to get a ride on one of the older ones back.

6. Will you be attending Hogwarts?

7. Will you miss the freedom of the forest if / when you do?
I most cirtenly will, for this reason i will probably spend a lot if time in the grounds (and probably also i the forest.)

8. Centaurs are no lovers of human magic, how will the herd feel when / if you do attend Hogwarts?
I do not know as i have no practice in legilimency ((i will cross that bridge when i come to it))

I hope that helps any more questions will be welcomed.

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