Closed Breaking Down

Isadora Novak

✨ Rebellious | Free Spirit | Angry🍀
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Rigid Applewood Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2044 (17)
Set after this thread

Isadora had tried to lock away her feelings about Cameron after the feast. She didn't want to be seen crying by her roommates, or really anyone in Gryffindor. The next day, she sought out Margo. She was the only person Isadora needed right now, the only one who might understand and might actually make her feel slightly better. She finally found the Hufflepuff in the student lounge. Isadora had planned to walk over to Margo, engage in a bit of small talk, and then cautiously broach the subject of Cameron. But somehow, the sight of her friend made all her walls crumble. She was near tears as she moved over to Margo sitting on one of the couches, Isadora dropped down next to her before pulling her into a desperate hug. "Margo." She choked out. "Sorry- I really need you right now." She whispered, hoping Margo wouldn't turn her away the way Cameron had.
Having friends in different houses was a struggle Margo didn't realize would be so annoying when she was first sorted. She had been mostly upset to be separated form the only people she knew. But now it was more of an inconvenience but at least the student lounge was close and was always a place they could find each other. She was sitting on one of the couches waiting to see if her friends would show up when she saw Isadora approaching. She smiled brightly but it faltered when she saw how upset her friend looked. Without hesitation she wrapped her arms around the other girl. Their height difference made it a little awkward but she didn't mind. "What's wrong?" she asked softly and reached up to stroke her hair in what she hoped was a calming gesture. She had just seen Isadora yesterday and she couldn't figure out what had upset her so much so quickly. Well she did have one idea.
Isadora hated being vulnerable like this. She hated it so much. But Margo's presence was comforting, and she relaxed slightly into her friend's hug. She took a deep breath. "Cameron." She whispered. "He's been acting so s-stupid since I came back and I was sick of it so I confronted him." Isadora sighed softly and pulled back slightly, rubbing at her face. She had to control her emotions better. "He- he was so mean. He's so angry with me for leaving, and it doesn't seem to matter that it wasn't my idea! He said I wanted to make everything about myself, that he was glad he didn't- didn't have to deal with me telling him what to do all year." She said, her lip trembling slightly. "I don't think he m-missed me at all."
"Oh." Margo said as she sighed. She wasn't surprised by this turn of events but she desperately wanted to be. Unfortunately she knew her friends too well, and knew they didn't know how to leave things alone or let them go. Maybe she was the one who was too passive, but at least she wasn't the one crying which was a nice change. She continued to pat Isadora's head gently as she spoke and waited till it seemed like she was done before coming up with something to say that smooth this all out. "He is stupid." she could agree with that at least. She didn't know why he always made it so hard to be his friend and sometimes she wondered if it was worth it. But the thought of loosing him made something around her heart tighten in a panic at just the thought. No, she would fight for him even if it was more trouble than it was worth most days. "Trust me, he did miss you. We both did." Margo shifted so Isadora's head was on her shoulder and she could reach out and squeeze her friends hand. "But he's also stubborn. And so are you." she laughed. "I think he's just mad that he missed you so much. And now you're back and he's taking it out on you. It's not fair...but you know how he is."
Isadora knew she looked ridiculous, crying like this, but she also knew Margo would never judge her for it. She still hated it though, and she wiped at her tears again in defiance. "He is stupid." She agreed though she found it hard to find the true conviction. Yes, Cameron was stupid, but she still missed him. It wasn't fair. She took a deep breath and tried to listen to what Margo was saying. She wasn't sure if she believed it, even though she definitely trusted Margo. "You didn't see him, he was- he was so angry." She said, fighting tears again as she leaneder he head on Margo's shoulder. "If he missed me he should be happy I'm back, right? Not mad." She sighed, then hesitated for a moment. She wasn't sure if this was the moment, but she couldn't help asking. "He also said something about... you... searching for your brother?" She asked in a small voice. "Was I selfish and did I miss that?"
Margo sat there letting Isadora talk and rubbing small circles into the back of her hand. She could see that her friend didn't quite believe her which she understood. She was trying to sound like she knew what Cameron was thinking which was impossible. "He just wants to blame soneone and it's not like he can go hex your parents." she said with a small laugh. "Although I'd love to see him try." she added and gave Isadora a lighthearted nudge. But then the conversation shifted and Margo could feel her cheeks flush. "Oh, that." she said meekly. "No it's not you. You didn't miss anything. Or well you did but not like that." she insisted and tried to sooth Isadora's worry. "When you were gone I felt like I needed to take control over something. Something to keep my mind off the fact you were gone. I don't like to talk about Avery because it's awkward, and it hurts. He ran away after our parents died and I haven't seen him in nearly ten years." Margo could tell she was rambling but she wasn't sure where to stop. "I thought if I could find answers- It's dumb." she said shaking her head.
Isadora grumbled. "He shouldn't blame me." She said, though what Margo said made a lot of sense. It still frustrated her. She hadn't done anything wrong. Didn't he think she was hurt and upset too? But when Margo started talking about her brother, Isadora went very still and listened closely. She grabbed Margo's hand and shook her head. "That's not dumb." She said softly. "I'm so sorry Margo, that's horrible." She hesitated for a moment. "If you still need help, I'd love to try?" She felt bad for having no idea Margo had been walking around with this all this time. Maybe Cameron had been right, maybe she was selfish.
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"Well you're not wrong there." Margo said with a weak smile. After coming clean about her brother and what she had been up to last year. she felt a bit lighter but she still held her breath to see what Isadora was going to say. She was a bit shocked when their roles suddenly reversed and her friend reached for her hand. The gesture alone made her throat tighten and tears threaten to well up in her eyes. She tried to find words but she didn't trust her voice in that moment. Instead she nodded before wiping at her eyes as some stray tears trailed down her face. Margo cleared her throat. "Thank you." she said and wasn't entirely sure what she was thankful for but she definitely felt it. Maybe it was the offer to help but maybe it was just Isadora's steady presence as she opened up about her family. She wasn't sure why it was so hard. "I've talked to Professor Le Fey and she might have a way to start but-" she started to explain but hesitated. "I don't think I'm ready quite yet."
Isadora felt a lot more comfortable taking care of Margo and she was glad she could turn things around so she could be there for her friend. She hated being vulnerable, even around her best friend. She nodded. "No problem." She said, squeezing her hand. Isadora nodded again as Margo said she might have a lead but wasn't ready quite yet. "That's understandable." She said with a slight smile. "But I'll be there for you when you are, we can go to Professor Le Fey together, or do whatever is the next step." She said, wondering how their divination professor had a lead. Had she seen it in a crystal ball?

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