
Violet Bellamy

Somehow, Pulling It Together
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence Of Hair From The Mane Of A Unicorn
Violet took a seat at one of the tables in the Great Hall, and grabbed a couple of pieces of toast, which she spread with strawberry jam.
"Hmm," she mumbled. "Third class today. Defence Against the Dark Arts..." Her mother had told her that Defence Against the Dark Arts was one of the most interesting, most exciting, and generally greatest classes anyone could ever do. So, Violet figured she had a lot to look forward to.
Already, she was enjoying Hogwarts. She'd already had History of Magic and Astronomy, and was intrigued by the subject matter. And, she amazed herself by managing to stay on top of her homework. She'd even done fairly well in History of Magic.
Violet heard a swooping sound. She looked up. The owls. She was still getting used to the mail being delivered by owl post every morning. However, she'd gotten past the stage where she jumped in fright and hit her legs on the table. That was rather humiliating on her first day, even worse on her second, when she managed to tip juice in to her cereal.
An owl dropped a letter down in her lap. It was a letter from her parents, in response to the letter she'd sent on Monday morning.
"Wow," she whispered to herself. "That was quick!" She opened the letter and read it to herself:
Dear Violet,
It was lovely to hear from you so soon! Your father and I are very glad to hear that you're settling in to Hogwarts. I'm so glad you like it!
You must let us know how your classes have gone. How was History of Magic? What other classes have you had? Are you keeping up with your homework? You make sure you keep on top of your work, Violet. You can't go slipping behind. Not at Hogwarts.
As for being in Hufflepuff, well, you're right in saying it doesn't really matter. Really, I'm proud of you for just getting in to Hogwarts (your aunt didn't, and I was so worried that you wouldn't, either). It doesn't matter what house you're in. Obviously, I would've loved you to be in Gryffindor, but if you got in to Hufflepuff, and you like it, well, that's all that counts.
Antoinette's just started at Hogwarts. She's in Ravenclaw. You should send her an owl.
Anyway, I'm sure you're busy and doing a million and one things at the moment, so I'll let you go. You make sure you write back, or I'll get worried sick! I'm worried enough about you as it is!
Your father sends his love, as does Rose. We all miss you terribly.
Write back soon!
Love, Mum.
P.S. I meant what I said about homework. You make sure you're keeping up with it. You're too clever to fall behind.

Violet rolled her eyes, and folded the letter back up. She looked around her, as she munched on her toast, wondering if anyone would join her for breakfast.
Enzeru sat a few seats away from Violet. She kept her eyes on the owls that dropped off letters and packages and hoped one of them would be from Zenth. Enzeru rarely worried about things like this, but this was different, this world was not as safe as the muggle world.

Enzeru took a copy of the paper off the table and read the first page. She smiled, this was one article that made her feel better, safer. Suddenly she thought of going straight to the professor and telling him about it, but she remembered that it was an inner house matter and it would be best to go to her head of house.

The owl she was waiting for arrived with a letter in its beak. Enzeru took the letter and patted the owl before hurriedly opening it.
Go to your head of house. Tell them. If nothing is done go above them. I expect a reply within a week. If you do not send one I will come for a visit.

PS: hugs!

Enzeru felt better about everything now. Tonight she would go talk to the head of house and see what is going on.

She looked down the table and saw Violet. Enzeru picked up her plate and glass and sat down in from of Violet. "Hello."
Violet looked up and smiled. "Hey, Enzeru!" she exclaimed. "How are you? I see you got in to Slytherin," she said. "How do you like it?"
"It's good so far if I can avoid a couple of the creepy older girls. They act like they run the house or something." Enzeru rolled her eyes. "So you like your house?" Enzeru took a sip of her drink and set it down softly.
Violet laughed. "Hmm, sounds interesting. Hufflepuff's nice, it's mostly 1st years, there's a couple of older girls but it's mostly new people. I was hoping for Ravenclaw, but I like Hufflepuff. How do you like your classes so far?"
"Hey dont hurt those eggs" Rauri Said (That comment was meant to be a joke)" Nah im kidding. You guys liking your houses. You are so lucky to be sorted."

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