Breakfast =)

Lemina Troque

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
12 3/4" Black Walnut/ Maple Essence of Silver Thistle
[color=00ced6]Lemina wandered down to the great hall. Being a sunday, she'd slept in. It was 10:30 already, however the great hall was still bustling. She found a space at the Hufflepuff table, being a small house there was always a spare seat. Lemi sat down and took a plate. She grabbed two slices of brown toast, buttered them and began pulling off the crust and eating it. She always did this, had to save the best till last!

Looking around, she spotted some Slytherins with their heads together. Wonder what they're planning? Then she noticed a Ravenclaw girl over at the Slytherin table, she was reminded of her and Harry. It would be nice for her to be like that, but oh well.

Sighing, Lemi opened up a Daily Prophet somebody had left lying on the table. There wasn't any major news, but she continued to read all the same.
((joining, even though I'll be away until Monday. sorry to do this =P))

Violet stumbled down to the Great Hall, half-asleep. She'd stayed up reading all Saturday night, and hadn't gone to sleep until early Sunday morning. Being able to pull off the Lumos charm really helped. Or, it did until her eyes began to strain. And she ended up waking up much later than usual. Normally she'd wake up around 7:30. Today she woke up at 10. It was a Sunday, though. She didn't have to attend classes or anything.

She'd taken her time in getting dressed, and then moved to the Great Hall for breakfast. Absently, she sat down at the Hufflepuff table before realising she had seated herself right near Lemina, who she recognised from the common room and from the Quidditch team. They hadn't had a chance to play much Quidditch, but they were chasers together. "Morning, Lemina!" Violet chirped, as she grabbed a piece of toast. Discreetly, she pulled a small jar of Vegemite out of her bag and spread it on her toast, before placing the jar back. She grinned. She had made sure to bring some for second semester - she'd missed having Vegemite on toast most mornings. It was everywhere back home, but they didn't seem to have it at Hogwarts, sadly.
(('Tis OK :D RP on Monday then. ;-) ))

[color=00ced6]Lemina sat sitting, frowning over a particular issue of something that had happened in Auckland ((I think that's in NZ!)) Suddenly she heard someone. Looking up she saw it was Violet Bellamy. She was her fellow chaser, but since they hadn't done much quidditch, they hadn't had a chance to meet properly yet. "Hiya Violet! It is Violet, right?"[/color]
((yep, Auckland's in NZ =P))

Violet grinned. "It's me alright. At least, I think it is." She shrugged, taking a bite of her toast. "How are you?" she asked.

Lemina giggled. After taking another bite of toast she replied, "I'm fine. Probably haven't been studying for exams as much as I should've been, but oh well! You?" Folding up the Prophet and putting it on the seat on the other side from Violet.
Violet gave a small shudder. "Argh, exams. They're so horrible!" She smiled at the older girl. "And yeah, I've been pretty good. Just been studying and reading, mostly." She shrugged. "Haven't even gone out to fly much, sadly."
[color=00ced6]"Flying? Uhh, I've been out once or twice, but I just wish more happened as far as quidditch was concerned." Lemi smiled at Violet. She would tell her about her new broom, but didn't want to appear boastful. "I mean Maddiie's a great captain, but I think more needs to happen."[/color]
Violet sighed, and shrugged. "It's a bit sad, isn't it? I mean," she looked around at the almost empty Hufflepuff table. "There are hardly any of us. And then on the other hand, the Gryffindors have about five hundred times our number," she said, with a giggle.
[color=00ced6]Lemina sighed."I know, there are loads of Gryffindors. I think that's how they're so ahead, points wise!" It had been different last year. Ravenclaw had been triumphant by a mile as far as house points were concerned. And, apparently, in Y1, Hufflepuff had won the cup. Imagine that![/color]
Violet grinned. "We could always resort to sabotage? Although I guess that's more a Slytherin thing than a Hufflepuff thing." She laughed. "Next year, maybe the numbers will improve. Hopefully."
[color=00ced6]Lemina smiled. "Hopefully..." She smiled again, "Sabotage is definately Slytherin. Wonder why they haven't done it already?" [/color]

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