Breakfast with the gang

Nina Patrokov

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yellowheart with a mix of satinwood and a core of pixie dust.
Nina walked down to the Great Hall happily, she had woken up early this morning and decided she would get another early breakfast and hoped that some mail would come for her, Nina's Mom had promised her a gift would be sent. When Nina walked into the Great Hall she beamed with excitement for the day to come. Nina took a seat at the Gryffindor table, because she made a few friends there and couldn't for the life of her remember which table was the Scotland table.
Once Nina sat down she poured herself some Pumpkin juice in a large Goblet. Waiting for someone to enter or something to happen she took a sip and stared eagerly at the door waiting for Alex or Asher to come in, Asher had easily become her closest friend here and Alex, well Alex she couldn't explain the relationship she had with Alex. After a few minutes Nina sighed when she saw that no one was coming, and she began to eat breakfast, but she wasn't all that hungry so she just had some toast and jam.
Asher yawned as she walked into the Great Hall. She wasn't used to this getting up for weekend classes business. She let her tired eyes focus and noticed Nina sitting at the Gryffindor table. She cocked her head to the side in confusion. Now...why is she sitting there? Asher walked over and tapped Nina's shoulder. She had a wide smile on her face as she waited for Nina to turn.
Nina felt someone tap her shoulder and Nina automaticly assumed it was Asher, Alex would ahve pushed her gently. "Hey Asher." Nina said before turning to see if she had assumed correctly. "Hows it going?" Nina asked, now facing Asher.
Asher shook her head slightly. "I should have know you would know it was me. I'm fine...a bit sleepy. So, what are you doing sitting over here?" she asked curiously.
"I couldn't remember where we are supposed to sit, it would be helpful if the had a sign up, and I know a few people in Gryffindor, so it shouldn't be too bad." Nina said, yawning, she was also quite exhausted.
Asher nodded slightly. "Is it alright if I join you?" she asked warily. It wasn't often that Asher would find a reason to sit amongst a large group of Gryffindors. People in that house never seemed to like her much...mostly because many of them had parents who knew what Asher's parents had been.
"No Asher you cannot sit here I would rather sit all by myself." Nina teased and lightly pushed Asher onto the bench.
Asher smiled at Nina. She reached over and loaded some food on her plate. "So, how are you and Alex doing?" she asked conversationally.
[There is no one else there :p]
[Okay :D]

Nina smiled happily, it seemed now she was seeing Alex almost everyday. "Alex and I are fine, I have been seeing him a lot lately. The Forest was a lot of fun." Nina said thinking of their brief time together before Asher walked down to the forest to meet them. "How about you and Noah? Word on the street is that you two had a little chat." Nina said happily.
Asher glanced up at Nina with a cheerful smile. "I'm glad to hear that you both are spending time together, and I'm sorry about interrupting your song in the Forest." Asher's grin widened as Nina mentioned her talk with Noah. "Yes, I had a talk with him. It was nice." Asher blushed.
"Hey no problem, I didn't expect him to sing, I have been asking him to but no such luck until then and he looked like that was all he knew to the song." Nina smiled, but really she wished she had, had more time to spend with him. "We probably would have ended talking way too much and forgetting that you two where coming." Nina joked.

When Nina finished this she felt something nip at her ankle and smiled brightly when she saw it was an owl with her package from her Mum and Dad. Nina took the package from the Owl's mouth and said, "Thanks, I'll come see you in a bit."

Nina put the large package on the table after she had cleared space for it and looked at Asher and said, "Oh my lord, what do you think it could be?" Nina knew what it was, she could guess from the shape and she had been begging her parents to give her money so she could buy a new broom.
Asher eyes widened as Nina placed the large package on the table. "Its....its...a broom!!!" Asher so desperately needed a new broom. She was practically bouncing in her seat as she waited for Nina to open it. "Well come on!!! Open it!"
Nina smiled brightly and opened her package and when she opened she shouted, "Its a Scarlet Streak! Oh my god, I can't believe the got me that!" Nina took it out of it's packaging and looked at it with awe and confusion on how her parents found one.
Asher's jaw dropped as she looked at the broom. It was beautiful, and she knew Scarlet Streaks were fast. "Wow!!! Nina you're so lucky to have such amazing parents!" Asher couldn't take her eyes off of the broom.
Nina was silent, amazing at the fact that she was holding a broom that was built as well as this one, making her broom completly forgetable. Nina nodded and then the shock wore off a little and said, "Hey do you want to go take this for a spin, you can use my other broom while I'm on this one, wait unless you have a broom." Nina said. "And when I am done my turn you can ride it if you like." Nina said more then asked she knew Asher's answer would be an automatic yes.
Asher couldn't form words so she simply nodded vigorously.
Nina walked with her new broom in hand to the door so they could go to the pitch. "Accio Nimbus 2001!" Nina said and in a few seconds her old broom flew into her hand and she passed it over to Asher happily.
Asher looked at the Nimbus in awe as well. All she had was a secondhand Cleansweep that was missing most of its twigs. She smiled up at Nina and followed her outside.
When Nina was outside of the castle she waited for Asher and mounted her broom, waiting for Asher to do the same. Nina smiled, and soon her face became sore from smiling.
Asher mounted the broom and felt like she always did when she was about to fly. Her heart was racing and her eyes were sparkling.
[I'll start a new topic okay?]

Once Asher was on Nina's old broom Nina turned her head foward and flew up into the air and sped to the quidditch pitch as fast as the broom could let her. Nina laughed happily while she was flying, whenever she flew she was always twenty times happier then she had been before.

Asher kicked off from the ground and followed Nina to the Quidditch pitch. She felt amazing. For some reason, everytime Asher flew, she felt like she was closer to her parents...there was just something about it that strengthened her connection to them.

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