Break-Time Plot

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Warren Hewitt

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4 Essence of Phoenix Ash
Hey folks,

So, I'm hoping to get a nice little winter break plot going on. It'd be nice to have some... well... some anything going on with this guy. So I'm all ears for ideas.

EDIT: Old wizard looking for a young wipper-snapper to mentor. You can be my Mr. Myagi.

Other kid looking for some joke times over the long break in either the muggle or wizarding world is all good to me.
I can offer to have him meet and become possible friends with my fourth year Slytherin Romaine Snow? I really need to get Romaine out more and have him make some friends. He's pretty friendly and easy-going. He's kind of a clown at times too.

So how does that sound? :)
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