Bi-Weekly Update

Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Welcome one and all to the BWU from myself! We'll just jump straight in.
Week 3
Where does the time go! We're already on week 3 of the semester! That means folks should be on lesson three, and be keeping up to date with their marking. If folks are having issues with the deadlines please let myself or one of the other members of staff know. If you are two weeks behind you will receive a PM prompting and reminding.

Club Events
We've a few club events happening already, though there is always still time to sign up for things at the club fair! First up we have the heta omega, having their opening meeting, a staple of HNZ and having the girls pair up as big and little sisters. In the brotherhood, we have an introductory meeting encourage boys to interact with each other. The SDA has just launched an event too, where members of the club can just practice their spell casting.
Heta Omega Meeting
SDA Meeting
Brotherhood Meeting

Quidditch Game
The first quidditch game of the semester is over! And it was a great slytherin victory! Go back and have a read at the game. A reminder to keep track if you are in the game of bludger hits, if three have happened to one person the game is halted. The referee of the game might not always be awake/online at the time, but the game is still halted.

Accio Reminder
As we are in week three, let this be the first reminder to post your pictures for Accio in the Accio area located here. If you do not post there then your picture will not be included.

Debate 2
Candidates! And Voters! he debate has begun and you can find it here. This is the second debate and another opportunity to see how the candidates far against the questions and each others.

Easter Egg Hunt
Another solid HNZ tradition, a little easter bunny has left little eggs around the site, amongst other things, read about it here and check out how others did! Perhaps someone even won!

Shopkeeper apps closed
We've had the shopkeeper apps open for a bit, and they have now closed, if folks have applied then you will be hearing from the staff soon.

Hide feature
The hide tag, which prevents people who are not logged in from seeing posts has been restored. It wasn't working for a period but is now back and working again. To use it simple do the below and you'll be good to go.


New Fantastic Beast Movie
The new Fantastic Beasts movie was released a couple of weekends ago, head on over here if you've seen it and wanted to discuss it with others.

  • Nothing?
  • Booo?
  • :(

  • Halloween?!
  • Did someone say birthday?!
  • Yuleball!

And there we have it, that's all for this week!

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Thanks for posting, Emzies!

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