Open Better Together

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Kiara Thompson

perfectionist • growing • princess of plants 🌿
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Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
10/2043 (17)
Open after Maria posts with Abigail

Kiara wasn't a big fan of Halloween. If anything, she was too much of a scaredy cat to be able to fully enjoy the holiday like she knew some other people would. What she did like was the school parties and any opportunity she could get to hang out with the few friends she had. Knowing Abby hadn't seem too phased by the mansion the day they had met at Brightstone Kiara had pushed herself to ask if the other girl wanted to head to the Halloween feast with her. Hopefully, if she had someone next to her that she knew she wouldn't be as nervous as she had been last year. The only downside was that she had agreed to meet Abby in the hall, which meant she would still have to wait on her own and try to figure out what her friend would be dressed as. Perhaps it would've been smart to ask, but afterthoughts weren't much use to her right now. Kiara had claimed a spot near the entrance of the hall and waited for her friend to arrive, keeping her head down so she wouldn't have to look at some of the really creepy costumes.
Abby immediately wasn't sure if she had regretted saying yes to attending the Halloween dance. The Gryffindor wasn't much of a party person. But Kiara seemed she wanted to go, and Abby couldn't say no to her friend. She was a little nervous overall. The girl decided to go as a princess. She wasn't sure if it was the best choice for a costume, but she liked her outfit. When the Gryffindor girl entered the entrance hall, she immediately thought that she didn't really have the greatest when she saw everyone else walking around and was instantly intimidated by the other great costumes she had seen. She smiled when she saw Kiara and slowly but nervously made her way to her friend. "Hey! I like your costume!" Abby says with a small smile.
Kiara had been trying her best to just stare at the floor as students passed her to get into the hall, only occassionally looking up when she thought someone with a pretty costume walked by rather than a scary one. She knew that even the scary ones were all just that. Costumes. Students dressed up as something else. And yet that didn't help her to find it less creepy. "Hi!" Kiara greeted when Abby walked up to her, glad her friend had agreed to go. Maybe together they'd be fine. "Thanks! I like yours too. Way more fun to look at than some of the scary ones." She responded with a soft giggle. "You ready to head inside? I reckon we'll just stay far away from any of the decorations that look like they might move and such." She added, well aware of how one of the pop-up skeletons had spooked her last year.
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