Attempting to study

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Cyndi walked into the library and found an empty table. She really needed to study astronomy and did not think she would be able to do it in her common room. There were too many distractions, and Cyndi knew that when it came to astronomy she did not need to be distracted anymore.

Cyndi took out her astronomy notes and began to review the zodiac information they had gone over in class. Cyndi tried to get into it, but every few moments she would look over at the other tables to see what her other schoolmates were doing. She would then turn back to her work and read over another few sentences.
ginny walked into the library her bag slung on her shoulder. She noticed a nearly empty table and she recognized the person sitting at it. She couldn't place a name though. chloe? Cynders? Cyndi. she smiled to herself and walked over, placing her bag lightly on the table. 'hello. can i sit at this table or are you scaring everyone away?'Ginny joked slightly, her voice quiet.
Cyndi was re-reading a sentence when she heard someone speak. It made Cyndi jump and she quickly looked up to see a girl standing near the table. "Oh my, you scared me. Um...I hope I'm not scaring anyone and you definitely can join me. The only scary thing here are these notes" Cyndi smiled up at the girl and began to move her notes so that the girl would have more room. As Cyndi did this, she realized that she did not know the girl's name so she said "I'm a little embaressed to say this...but can you tell me your name again? I'm so terrible with names. Mine is Cyndi by the way."
ginny chuckled slightly as Cyndi jumped. she took a seat next to her and hung her bag from her chauir. 'yes, I know your Cyndi. Mines Ginny but i really wasn't expecting you to remeber that since i never told you it before,'ginny said before shutting herself up and dragging out her transfiguration stuff out to revise.
"Oh, well that would explain it" Cyndi said Ginny said her name. Cyndi saw that Ginny had already begun to take out her notes, so she decided not to bother her anymore. She opened up her book and began to study some more even though she was beginning to get really tired of doing so.
Ginny glanced at cyndi's notes and noticed Astronomy all over them. 'astronomy? any good at it?'she asked before realizing she probably wanted quiet to actually study.
Cyndi gave a little laugh at Ginny's question. "I most definitely am not good at it, which is why I am attempting to start studying now." Cyndi closed her book. " It's not working out though. I get distracted way too easily. How about you? Any good at astronomy?" Cyndi didn't know whether Ginny wanted Cyndi to be quiet so she could study. "If I'm talking too much just let me know and I'll shut it, I promise."
'No don't worry. I was thinking i was talking too much actually. But no, I hate astronomy, rubbish at it and will never suceed in it. Do you want any help?'Ginny clarified. 'any good at transfiguration?'she asked wondering if she could ask for help.
"No. I think I'm studied out for today." Cyndi said as she placed her astronomy book and notes into her bag. "Yea...I'm pretty good at Transfiguration. What are you working on in class?" Cyndi asked.
ginny smiled wider as Cyndi made a comment that was funy to Ginny. 'Well, umm, I think its inanimate to animate. not sure,'ginny said thinking. she didn't really like remembering her transfigurations classes but only the facts; she was rubbish at it and the notes and never talk to her partner unless in emergencies.
Cyndi was never really good at inanimate to animate transfiguration and said so to Ginny. "I'm not really good at that. Something on the old item would always be on the new thing. Like once, in my first year, I transfigured a match into a needle and my needle was able to light up." Cyndi rolled her eyes and giggled at the memory.
'wow. i made a spoon that had the end of a quill for a handle once,'Ginny said, laughing lightly.
"That is awesome" Cyndi said and laughed. She hoped that she and Ginny weren't being too loud. "I guess we all go through a stage where we stink at magic, right? I know I did. Not that I'm an expert now...but I'm a lot better."
'I'm still rubbish,'Ginny replied, grinning at herself for being a stupid sravenclaw who sucked at magic.
"Oh, I'm sure you're not. You're in Ravenclaw, for goodness sake." Cyndi said knowing that the Ravenclaws were some of the smartest students in the school.
'yeah. I know that but i'm not smart like them which i still find weird. Some of them even say i'm in the wrong house.'Ginny replied cheerfully.
"Really?!" Cyndi said. She couldn't understand why Ginny was so cheerful when she said this. If it were Cyndi, she would be horribly offended.
'yeah but i don't blame them. I sometimes think that too.'Ginny replied honestly.
"oh." Cyndi said. She did not know Ginny very well and so did not know what else to talk about with her. " you play quidditch?" She thought that was a good topic since nearly everyone in the school liked quidditch in one form or another.
'Oh course. I love it. Do you?'she asked happily, grateful for the change of topic.
Cyndi saw the grateful look that Ginny gave her as she changed the topic. "Yea...I'm trying out for my house team as a beater. How about you? What do you play?"Cyndi asked.
'Oh really? I'm a beater on my team. The tohers have a lot of work to save themselves though,'Ginny replied glad that she was trying out as a beater.
"Have you guys started to practice?" Cyndi asked. She just loved talking about quidditch.

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