Closed Anything You Can Do

Anisha Khatri

Competitive | Snarky | Bookworm | 5th year
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Veela Hair Core
4/2046 (15)
Anisha had claimed a nice sofa in a cozy corner of the student lounge with Raafe, where they could practice spells that would probably come up on the exams. She had a list of all spells they had to practice, looking it over. "Well, we don't have to bother with lumos, do we?" She asked, glancing at Raafe. "That one is so easy, I don't think we need to practice it. Should we start with the summoning charm?"
It wasn't always easy on the ego being around someone like Anisha who just got everything the way she did. To her credit though, Anisha wasn't one to turn down a chance to practice, or to help Raafe not completely flunk their upcoming Charms exam, which he was quietly grateful for. "I'm guessing you mastered lumos cause you stay up all night reading right?" He said, considering his charms book idly before nodding. "Sure, summon away," he said with a wave of a hand, happy to follow her suggestion as usual.
Dorian pressed his head into his palm where he was resting it, trying to pointedly ignore everyone else in the room except Ezra across from his as he tried to focus on reading. He was happy to hang out with Ezra, more so than hiding in his dormroom, but the trade off of them not being in the same house meant dealing with everyone else without privacy. It didn't help that he was hyper aware of Anisha Khatri sitting nearby and he didn't hide his scoff when she mentioned practicing spells, shaking his head and looking at Ezra to be sure he got his eye roll.
Ezra knew he should study, just like Dorian was, but it was so hard to focus. He kept on doodling on his parchment instead and glancing around the room. He had noticed Anisha and Raafe nearby, but had hoped Dorian hadn’t. Unfortunately, his eye roll made it clear he had. Ezra just shrugged at him in response.
Anisha shrugged a bit at Raafe’s words, picking up her wand. She glanced at him. “I mastered it in class.” She told him with a slight grin. “It was easy.” Then she glanced around the room. “Accio red cushion.” She said, summoning a small cushion from a nearby armchair. She caught it easily. "I think I've mastered that one too." She said proudly.
Dorian really wished they hadn't ended up sitting so close to Anisha, half-tempted to ask Ezra if they could move if he didn't think it'd attract more attention to him than just staying put. He couldn't help glancing over when he heard Anisha mentioning mastering spells, raising a dubious eyebrow as she summoned a cushion to herself, shaking his head. "Can you really call summoning a cushion mastering something?" He said doubtfully, unable to help commenting when Anisha just looked so pleased with herself over nothing. "It's not exactly hard."
Raafe shook his head fondly when Anisha bragged, knowing she probably didn't even known she'd done it. He was glad she gave a little demonstration of Accio though, watching her wand movement for a moment, raising his wand to give it a go himself when he heard Dorian speak up from nearby. He sighed, lowering his wand knowingly and quietly kissing his own chance to get any practice in now that he was apparently judgingly snidely from nearby. Something he was sure Anisha would have something to say about too.
Anisha was pretty pleased and already looking at her list to see what spell she should try next, when someone spoke. She recognized his irritating voice immediately. Anisha looked at him with a frown. “If it wasn’t a good test of skill, the professor wouldn’t have used it in class.” She said, then snorted. “I forgot, you weren’t in that class.” She added, glad she had learned something before him. “I can do more than that.” She added. “Accio book.” She added, pointing her wand at Dorian’s book and watching in satisfaction as it flew off the table and towards her.
Dorian frowned at Anisha, certain he'd never met anyone as rude and undeservingly self-assure as she was. "Right, cause I need a whole semester to learn how to summon a pillow-" He started dryly, cut off as she charmed his book away from him, nearly knocking his arm off the table as he scrambled to move. Ruffled, Dorian took out his own wand, scowling at her. "See, you haven't mastered it, you need to be more specific or you'll end up with half the library in your lap," he said haughtily. "Accio Dorian's Charms book," he said, speaking slowly and clearly for Anisha's benefit, snatching his book back as it zipped through the air. "Like that."
Anisha sat up at Dorian’s retort, fuming. “I didn’t need to be more specific, did I? I only summoned your stupid book.” She snapped. “Maybe you need the specificity to make up for your poor wand-pointing.” She added haughtily. “Might pick up some of that in a semester of Charms lessons.” She added like an afterthought. Then she looked around for something else to summon. “Accio chess set.” She said, pointing to a chess set at a table halfway across the room. She smiled when it flew her way, grabbing it before it could fall. “Do you think you can do better?” She challenged him.
Ezra hadn't been surprised when Dorian spoke to Anisha, but he had been a bit disappointed. He sighed as he listened to the two bicker, glancing at her cousin who seemed not entirely pleased himself. He looked at Dorian. "We should be studying." He muttered, though he knew Dorian couldn't pass up a challenge like that.
"This is more important," Dorian said quickly, not even looking at Ezra as he watched Anisha's attempt to show off, more impressed that none of them had been impaled by a flying bishop than anything else. "Please, you got lucky, there's no actual finesse there," he said dismissively, rearranging the sleeve of his robe. "Accio white pawn on D2," he said, pointing his wand at the chessboard in her hands and watching her smugly as the pawn shot into his open palm. "Specificity."
Raafe watched the back and forth between Anisha and Dorian with vague amusement, settling back against the arm of the couch he was on as they got into it. This was probably going to take awhile he thought resignedly, making himself comfortable and glancing over at where Dorian was sat with his friend, wondering if he was thinking something similar as Dorian continued to wind Anisha up.
Anisha rolled her eyes at Dorian’s next move. “Anyone can summon a single pawn.” She told him dismissively. “I don’t know why you’re so smug. It’s much harder when something is far away and heavier.” She said with a frown. “Accio stack of books on the windowsill!” She then said, begrudgingly using his advice about being specific, as there were multiple stacks of books around the room and Anisha didn’t want to get covered in a pile of books. The stack already nearly knocked her off the couch as it suddenly flew into her.
Dorian mimicked Anisha's eyeroll, only barely hiding his smile as she nearly got a face full of books for her troubles. "It's not about power, it's about showing control," he explained, exasperated. "Moving something heavy means nothing if you can't trust you're getting exactly what you want or taking out everything in the way," he explained, patience thinning. "Accio turquoise gobstone," he said, taking a moment to spot something small and far across the room, giving Anisha a smug look as it navigated around a few chairs before landing in his palm.
Anisha shook her head, smiling a bit. “It is kind of impressive how you’re spinning this.” She told him, raising one eyebrow. “Like being able to move one tiny thing is more impressive just because you said the color.” She pointed her wand. “Accio bag of gobstones.” She said, summoning the bag that had been right next to the gobstone Dorian had summoned. “Same distance, heavier object. So I win.” She said with a smile as she caught the bag in mid-air.

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