
Luna Paramore

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kelsey ^_^
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" with a Essence of Phoenix Ash
It had been about an hour since the fiasco in the garden. Where she found out Scorpius was nothing but a flirt and had been keeping their relationship a secret. She walked around the lake front once picking up every stone she could find and eventually dropped them all at her feet. Picking a few up at a time and angrily skipping them across the lake, her firm tosses eventually turning to angry throws that landed about half way into the lake. She had been used and nothing made her angrier than she was right now.
Angus was lazing by the lakefront, his nose in his Defence Against the Dark Arts textbook, when he heard a few angry splashes in the lake. Looking up, he noticed Luna tossing and throwing stones in to the lake. Worried, he wandered over to her. "Oi, don't want to anger the giant squid, do ya?" he drawled, mischeviously. Immediately, though, he became more solemn. "Seriously, though, what's wrong, Luna?" he asked, worried about her and hoping she was okay.
Luna threw one more rock into the lake with all her strength and was satisfied with hearing a loud but distant PLOP as it landed in the water. "If it gets mad I'll send it in Knights direction!" Luna exclaimed before taking a few breaths, She was glad it had been Angus and not Scorpius that had come to her at the lake, Angus was her best friend and the only person she probably wouldn't snap at at the moment aside from Kailey. "I was used... I don't even know what I was thinking. I shouldn't even be getting into a relationship yet!" she explained picking up another rock and throwing it into the lake.
Angus nodded, soberly. "Shhh," he muttered, coming closer so he could put a friendly arm around her shoulders. "Now, tell me everything that happened from the start, please," he asked, kindly. He didn't exactly know what had happened, but all he knew was that Luna had been in a relationship that had disintegrated, badly.
"Okay..." she said her voice going down a few notches volume wise. "So, Me and him were friends, and I had gotten a book of sheet music for my birthday. We combed the whole castle in search of a piano to play it on. One thing led to another, it may have been the mood from the songs we were playing or something I really don't know... we started dating. We've been together for about two weeks and he insisted we stay in the tower. He had gotten kind of jumpy when he saw this Green haired girl the night we started dating. and today he surprised me with a Picnic in the garden, He got jumpy again and tried to get me to leave. Then this blonde girl comes storming over yelling at him about leading her on and so on and I realized that that was probably why he was avoiding the green haired girl too. Which makes me wonder, how many other girls is he leading on and possibly dating! I was used, I feel so worthless and at the same time I see him as Scum. If that makes any sense" she said realizing she was rambling "Sorry Angus I really didn't mean to go that in depth about it..." she said turning slightly pink.
Angus looked stunned, as Luna talked about the guy she had been dating. "Wow, that guy sounds like a real loser," he muttered, annoyed. "Obviously far too full of himself. No guy should lead girls on like that," he muttered, shaking his head. "What is it with Ravenclaw guys?" he asked, as a bit of a joke. "I hope you told him it's over. Luna, you don't deserve to be treated like that. And it's people like that who will get what's coming to them in the end," he added, sagely. "You're way more awesome than him," he said truthfully, with an encouraging smile. "I can go beat him up if you want, though, although perhaps the blonde and the green haired girl have taken care of him. I know the green haired girl, too!" he rememebered. "Her name's Hoshi...and she doesn't look like someone you want to cross. If she starts taking things out on you, though, she'll have to face me," he said, pretending to look tough. "And don't worry about going in to depth about it. If my friends aren't happy, I want to hear about it."
"Wow... I just realized I made the same damn mistake Kailey did! At least her guy just whined about pie. I swear I hope this isn't becoming a family trend, I wouldn't want to see Brianna in the situation I'm in." Luna replied remembering her sister dating a not too cool first year when she was Luna's age. "I was going to, but I just kind of... Ran away." she said realizing that she hadn't actually broken up with him. "I need to do that though." she added "You beating him up would certainly make me feel better." she responded with a laugh. "I don't think Scorpius knows but she saw us... I went back down to play the piano alone the next day and 'lovers lane' was carved into the door and it looked fresh." she said "I'm just happy to know I have someone behind me for all of this." she ended with a smile before enveloping her friend in a friendly hug.
Scorpius had been wandering the entire castle in search of Luna. He figured she had been in the one place he couldn't get to, the girls dormitory, try as he might, and he did, he couldn't get up there. He had tried to talk to Toni and Prince about what he should do, but only ended up getting punched by Jenna and almost getting into another fight, this time with Tyler before he realized the only person he wanted to talk to and apologize to was Luna.

He walked around the grounds going over what he was going to say to her, quickly making another visit to the garden to scoop up some flowers for her, and continued walking when he recognized her voice coming from the lakefront. He ran over quickly only to see her hugging someone else. He stopped short in his tracks and felt nothing but jealousy take over him. He balled his hands into fists instinctively but stopped and took deep breaths as he realized he was crushing the flower stems. "Luna," was all he managed to get out, his voice mixed with jealousy and hurt.
Luna slowly pulled away from Angus and turned around knowing who it was but hoping she was wrong. "Knight" she said, her green eyes narrowing dangerously into slits. "This is him, though that's probably obvious." she whispered out of the corner of her lips to Angus. Why did he have to show up here now? When Angus had been making her feel better.
A huge weight had been dropped in the pit of his stomach when he heard her call him Knight. She was always the only one to call him Scorpius, so her calling him Knight made him feel horrible. He just stared back from Luna to the boy wondering who he was and what they were doing. "C-can I talk to you please?" he said, his voice shaking with hurt and jealousy.
Angus's emerald eyes narrowed at the boy. A first year, no less. "So, you're the one that's been messing with Luna?" he snarled, annoyed. "I suppose I ought to introduce myself, Knight, I'm Angus Greenwood, Slytherin second year and Luna's friend, and I don't like what you've just done."
Scorpius' grey eyes flashed when he heard the tone of Angus' voice. He narrowed his eyes in return, his hands that had relaxed balled into fists again, making the flowers he held break in two. Some of them fell to the ground. "Well Angus, to be perfectly honest I think this is only between Luna and I," he replied icily. "You don't know the whole story," he said, meaning for it to come out angrily towards Angus but his tone was pleading as he meant it towards Luna instead. He looked at her in hopes that he would be able to explain himself, or at least apologize, since his actions had no good explanations.
Luna's eyes darted rapidly back and forth between the two of them. Angus and Scorpius, her best friend and her boyfriend. Her head was spinning, she didn't know what to do. Should she even bother listening to Scorpius? She didn't want to but it seemed like a b1tchy thing to do if she didn't, she should at least try to smooth things out if they did break up so they wouldn't be on bitter terms with one another for the next six years. But she had yet to make up her decision.
"I know what Luna told me," Angus stated, calmly yet coldly, "and I thought a little Ravenclaw would be smart enough to be truthful. Luna didn't deserve to be treated this way," he snarled, wanting to punch the little idiot. "But go ahead. Here's your chance, explain why you were stupid enough to be leading three girls on. I'd sure like to hear your explanation, and Luna deserves the truth." He folded his arms across his chest, not moving. Angus was stubborn, he was going to stay right where he was until that Knight kid explained himself.
Scorpius grew angrier as Angus continued to speak and Luna hadn't yet said a word to him other than 'Knight' which wasn't a good thing for him. This is it, you messed up big time kid, he thought to himself. Normally Scorpius would've yelled at Angus to get lost because this wasn't his business to be meddling in but he knew by the way he stood firmly rooted that he wasn't going anywhere. He wanted Luna to hear him out and if the only way to be able to do that was to have this idiot standing around then he was going to accept it. "I didn't mean to lead them on," he began before wanting to smack his head. He couldn't have picked the worst line to start with. "Whatever I had with them, which was nothing," he began again shaking his head vigorously, "that was before we were together Luna. I haven't even talked to them outside of classes since we've been together, you know I've spent all my time with you," he said quickly. "I was stupid for thinking I could even get away with it," he admitted, referring to Angus' earlier comment about a Ravenclaw being smart enough to be truthful. "I never even intended for anything to happen between the other two," he said truthfully with a shrug. He had flirted with Jenna and Hoshi just because he knew he could, he never had any interest in them. "You're the only girl I want to be with Luna," he said now rocking on his feet, not caring that he sounded like a sap.
Luna listened to Scorpius's explanations of things that happened while nodding thinking things over after he was finished. She thought that while everything he was saying make an odd, small amount of sense that that was still a rather scummy thing to do. She let out a confused sigh not knowing exactly what to do. But she was extremely grateful to Angus for standing up for her like this.

[Sorry for such a short post but I've gotta go.]
Scorpius stood there with his fists relaxed now just clutching what was left of the flowers he had planned to give Luna. He looked at her as she didn't say anything and it was driving him crazy! He had no doubt that Angus had convinced her to break up with him and if she was going to do it, he didn't want to be waiting around for it. "Can you just say something, please," he said to her softly.
Luna watched as a couple of the petals from a flower fell to the ground. She looked at Angus and her eyes flashed a message that only he would understand. I'm going to give him this last thing and move this talk to the tower. But if anything else goes wrong you can certainly kick his ass if you want. before turning back to Scorpius. "Let's talk about this somewhere more private..." she said softly "Bye Angus..." she said a bit hesitantly as she forced herself to walk a slow walk towards the castle.
Scorpius had been almost holding his breath as he waited for a response from her. When she suggested they go somewhere more private he gave her a weak smile, finally glad that he could talk to only her, what he had been wanting to do all day even before Jenna's confrontation. He gave Angus one last cold look before he followed Luna to wherever she wanted to go.

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