Open Always Failing

Professor Minnie Calida

independent | perfectionist | class of 2055
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Eric <3
Knotted 15" Unyielding Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2037 (24)
Minnie had showered after the game and had left the pitch. She knew it was her duty to try to bring up the moral of the team, but she knew she wouldn't be able to. She'd been on the team for so many years, and the main seeker during so many of them, and it didn't help that October had been such a beautiful, wonder seeker, and she was just pathetic in comparison. Minnie didn't look back as she walked away, heading out across the grounds, she didn't know where she was going but she was walking with tears in her eyes. She would be so easily replaced when she left. She did well in things but she was never the best. She was never good enough for anything. Minnie knew she was spiraling down, but she couldn't stop it. Minnie just felt like she could understand why her parents didn't love her.

Minnie walked till she reached the cliffs and she sat down. She'd never come here before, it was technically out of bounds, but she just needed some time alone. And through her tears, she couldn't help but wondered why such a beautiful place was off limits. Minnie sat down, she felt so tired of failing and crying, of being upset and trying to hard to only just fail more. She wanted to just stop being so bad at everything. Minnie wondered what life would be like outside of this place would be if she couldn't do anything in school well. Would it be easier or more difficult. Minnie let out a little sigh, watching the view and trying her best to not break down in tears.
Anna was at the game, she saw Flynn catching the snitch, she saw everyone's happiness but she was just airy. Happy to see that her house was finally on fire and hoped that they will get their spot as champions but distracted by her own life enough to instead if going to celebrate the victory, she was at the cliffs. With letter in her hand. She was trying to get in model industry for almost like half a year now, and she wasn't telling it to anyone. She wasn't as effective as Ivy or Blake, she totally didn't have such a dressing skills as Blake did and she totally didn't have that unique looks to be remembered like Ivy. However, she tried just to see where it goes. If anything, she could always leave, but she didn't wanna leave until she actually win.

Her eyes stopped on a not unfamiliar silhouette. She sat next to Minnie before asking anything. She didn't know what to say, Minnie was her older sister back in Anna's first year, but they never even really talk with each other after that. "Sunsets here are amazing, you have to see it. It tricks your brain into thinking that nothing bad could ever happen," she tried to talk like she was in some sort of a movie before looking at the girl with a light smile. "Hey," she said before looking back at the sky. If there was anything that changed in Anna's attitude since they were sisters, Anna's excitement about everything was lost. She was still excited, but not as much as she was a few years ago.
Minnie looked at the girl who spoke, she was vaguely familiar but Minnie wasn't sure where from. She looked back out at the view and shrugged. She didn't particularly want the company and not of a girl much younger than her but she knew there was really no areas of the school that she could be without the possibility of someone annoying her. But maybe it wasn't good to be alone when she felt so down and knew she would only spiral further.

"I don't think a sunset will trick my brain into thinking there's nothing bad happening, but thanks," Minnie responded, having let a moment of silence take over, she was feel sorry for herself, spiralling down into self pity but she couldn't stop, she just was always letting people down, always failing. She looked at the girl, and the name Anna popped into her head, her little sister from all those years ago. But she couldn't say anything, her gaze just remaining on the view in front of her, trying her best to not break down entirely infront of this other student.

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