Closed About a Boy

Professor Mallory Grayveson

Soft- Shy- Searching- Charms 1-4
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
8 inch sturdy Ivy wand with Fairy wing core
2/24/2031 (30)
Mallory tried to be more involved with her students. Some of them, like Celia, she knew would continue on to excel. There were some students, however, who she felt still needed a bit of help. She still trusted in their ability to succeed of course, but she knew they still needed a bit of guidance. Deciding she wasn't quite ready to leave one of her fourth years- or well, a fifth year now, she decided to approach Misha to discuss things. She walked over to his office and knocked. "Misha? Are you in?" She asked.
Misha was sitting in his office getting ready for the new semester, the current students were all a very interesting bunch and though he hadn't done much to update his lessons, he was still making sure that the information was right and relevant. He never wanted to be teaching something wrong. He looked up at the knock, wondering why a student would already be there to see him. then it was Mallory's voice he heard. "I am, yeah, come on in," he said, waving his hand and the door opened. "Can I get you a cup of tea?"
Mallory smiled as the door opened and wondered inside, taking a seat. "Oh, yes please," She smiled at the man. "How are you?" She asked. "Did you have a good break?" Mallory crossed her legs, curious as always to know how her friend was faring. "How is your daughter?"
Misha nodded and smiled, "I'm good, break was good," he told her and then gave a little smile. "Oh she's good, she's working hard on her catering business with her partner," Misha said, he didn't see her that often, and missed having her at school with him, but he was happy for successes. "How was your break?"
Mallory smiled, nodding at what he was telling her. She thought it was nice that he was close to his daughter still. She blushed at his question, smiling and twirling a strand of hair around her finger. "It was good," she replied with a shy smile. "I spent time at the inn, with my family. My brother and I spent a lot of time together. I missed him." She let out a slow breath. "I spent time with Atkin too," She smiled warmly.

Clearing her throat, she adjusted in her seat. "Anyway, ah, Misha. I was hoping to talk with you about one of our students." She told him, trying to focus on why she'd come over. "Louis Vernier. He's going to be in your class this year," She gave Misha an almost bashful smile.
Misha gave a little smile, he didn't know which inn she was talking about, but that didn't matter. "That's good, I'm glad," he knew it was good that she was able to connect with her family. Too that the man she'd been getting close with was someone she appeared to want to spend more with. He nodded, "Okay, should I watch out for him? Or?" he wasn't sure what sort of student Mallory would want to tell him about, he didn't imagine that it was because they were a bad student she didn't seem like the kind of professor that minded or would say anything, but he wasn't sure what else it could be.
Mallory brushed her hair back, trying to decide how best to describe it. "Well, yes and no. Louis is a very smart boy," She tried to explain. "He's very sweet, well mannered. But he's a bit... shy," She decided on, looking to Misha. "He gets rather anxious practicing spells in the group environment, I've had him rush from my class, he was so upset about needing to practice spells in front of the others." Mallory blushed a bit, worried Misha might not approve of her teaching methods. "I... well, I've been tutoring him. I let him study the material and the spell theory in class then I've brought him in privately to work on the actual spell work. He's done very well with it. I... was actually hoping I could continue to have him practice the actual spellwork with me,"

She was wringing her hands a bit now, obviously nervous. "I would report back to you how he's doing, of course, keep notes on how he handles the spell and how long it takes him to get it, the grading of his lessons would still be solely with you of course, I just- he's comfortable with me, and I'd hate to see his performance suffer if I could help it," She bit her lip, knowing she was rambling, and gave him a bashful smile.

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