Closed A Perfect Picnic

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Landon was very excited and also nervous for his next date with Georgiana. The pair of them had been going on many dates for the past couple of years, but Landon was feeling especially nervous for this one because he wanted it to be special. He enjoyed the last dates that they had been on and he strived to make it better each time for them in hopes that Georgiana would stick around. The man always wanted to try and impress. He had gone through a list of ideas in his head of where they could go and what they could do that was different to any of their past dates and hoped that a picnic at Tākarokaro Park would be the best place for something that could be just between them. It was usually quiet, especially when there weren't many children about, and with most of the children at school, Landon was confident that this would go perfectly.

Landon arrived to the park early and found the most perfect place where they could watch the sunset under a shady tree. He set up the picnic for them there, happy when he noticed that there was no one around. It meant that the pair of them could be alone and that was all he wanted. He laid the blanket out neatly and opened the large picnic basket to lay everything out. He had grapes, sandwiches, biscuits, cakes, and many other foods that he hoped Georgiana would like. He also had a bottle of white wine for the both of them which would hopefully get them through the night. After he was finished setting up, he patiently waited for her as he looked up at the clear sky, happy that the weather so far seemed to be good for them.
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Georgiana felt as though she had been with Landon forever, but it had just been a few years. Tonight was another date night and she was excited for it. She brushed her bangs straight for the third time since she had started to get ready for the date. She had opted for a simple white shirt with a blue cardigan over top and jeans. She wasn't sure how fancy she should be for the evening but they were rather relaxed with each other now and for an outing in a park she wasn't sure she wanted to wear a dress. Getting ready was easy for Georgie, she wasn't someone who overly put on makeup or needed to have a fancy hairdo every time she went out. She was efficient with her time and usually didn't like to spend more time than needed on one thing. She of course spent less time on her looks knowing she needed to pop off and meet Landon for their date.

Not being sure of the park she ended up arriving at a nearby location she could apparate too easier and walk the rest of the way. Arriving into the park she walked around a little bit until she saw a familiar looking head in the distance. She arrived coming up from behind her smile growing as she took in the scene. He had set up a nice looking picnic set up and of course he looked handsome as he stared up at the sky waiting for her. "Hey!" She said once she was much closer and quickly closed in on him, hugging him from behind hoping she surprised him a little bit. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long," she said turning around him to be able to see his face. A large smile on her face, she was excited to spend any time she could with him, knowing his work at the school made it hard to plan time for them to spend together. Looking down at the ground she was happy to see all her favorites sitting on the blanket along with some wine. "You do listen, all my favorites!" She said with a big smile leaning up to give him a kiss on the lips.
As Landon noticed someone coming up behind him he felt butterflies in his stomach when he realised it was Georgiana and she hugged him from behind. Even after a few years she still managed to give him butterflies and the thought of this made him slightly embarrassed. He was a grown man yet he still felt like a teenager when he was around her. He beamed at her as her smile was contagious. "Not at all! I had actually just finished setting up, so you're right on time!" he told her.

Georgiana seemed happy with Landon's choice of food and he was thankful for this. He really did try his best and he was happy that Georgiana noticed. "Of course!" he exclaimed as he kissed her back. "Would you like some wine?" Landon picked up the bottle and easily popped off the top of it. Before she could even respond, he grabbed a glass each for them and poured some for her before he poured some for himself. "You look pretty." he said absentmindedly as he picked up the glass of wine. "What have you been up to lately? How's the shop keeping job? Was it busy with the children visiting Obsidian Harbour for their school supplies?"
Georgiana knew she loved Landon and she had said to him before multiple times. He was so caring and just a positive person she wanted to keep him forever. His big grin appeared on his face which made her even more happy to see it. It looked like he had step up a nice cute little date for them and she was happy about it. He reached down and got them both wine which was a nice touch for their meal. "Yes, of course," she replied taking the cup from his hand. "Cheers, to us, and to many more wonderful moments," she said clinking her cup on his before taking a sip herself. It was chilled but it warmed her throat slightly as it went down. Though she was an adult she had so many responsibilities that caused her to not to drink very often, but she enjoyed drinking when she could, especially on relaxing nights like this with Landon. "Busy, busy busy," she replied bending down and taking a seat on the blanket he had set up. Reaching with her free hand to have him join her there. "Yes and no to the store, being winter a lot of parents seemed to drag their children away from the front of the store. But of course there was an increase of sales during the break, which is always nice. The school holidays always give us more sales," she said honestly. He was her partner, though just a boyfriend, but she didn't mind sharing the business aspects of owning the ice cream shoppe in Obsidian Harbour with him. "And you? You said you had big news about the school you wanted to share?" She said wondering what could possibly have changed about his teaching position. She wondered if he had gotten maybe a Head of House position, she wasn't sure.
As Georgiana made a toast, Landon happily went along with it, clinking his glass onto hers and taking a sip from it. She had always been an interesting and bubbly person to Landon and he was happy to have her in his life and to hopefully always be in his life. He took her hand and moved closer to her, listening as she spoke about her job. He always liked listening to her, no matter what she had to talk about. The job in the ice cream shop would surely be fun, especially as she was able to see children and their smiling faces as she gave them their favourite treat. "That's fair enough, but I think ice-cream is good for any time of the year. Who cares if it's winter? It means that the ice-cream takes longer to melt on you!" Landon chuckled, figuring there was never a bad time for ice-cream.

Landon almost forgot about his promotion at his work until Georgiana mentioned it. "Yes! Well, it's good and bad news." he said to her, taking another sip of his wine. "My colleague, Maurice, he unfortunately left. I'm not sure if I'll ever see him again." Landon was genuinely disappointed at having to see his colleague go as he felt as though Professor Welch was a rather good teacher to the older students and he also thought he was a rather nice man and enjoyed sharing a subject with him. "But, rather than Maurice getting replaced by another professor, I have been graciously promoted to taking his job as well as my own. It will be more work, but I'm very happy to take it." he told her with a smile. He wanted whatever was best for his students and for them to do their best. He just hoped that he had what it took to teach them.
Georgiana laughed a little at Landon's enthusiasm about ice cream in winter. She wondered if she should introduce more warmer treats during the winter months and have seasonal menus, she had been playing with the idea of that. She thought about mentioning it to Landon but felt like she'd talk enough and wanted to hear more about his big news as well. Her ears perked up when he said it was good and bad and listened more intently to what he was saying. His coworker had gone which was sad, she knew he was a friendly person and liked being able to work with others and get on well with them. "So you'll be the only teacher for for Herbology? That's amazing and also intense," Georgiana said with a little worried tone. She wondered how feasible it would be to be a teacher of all the years. She also wondered if it meant he'd have less time to get away from the castle and visit with her, which made her feel a little sad for the moment. But she knew they were both busy but always made time for each other when they could.
Landon was happy that Georgiana liked his news as he couldn't help but be proud of himself. It was going to mean more work for the man but the thought of that didn't bother him at all. He would allocate time to parts of his life, and he would still make sure to see Georgiana as often as possible. "Yeah, but I'm looking forward to it. And I promise we'll still be able to see each other." he reassured her, smiling at her as he placed a hand on her cheek and leaned in to give her another kiss on the lips. He wanted her to know that nothing could get in the way of them and it reminded him of what he had to do sooner or later that night. He wanted to wait for his nerves to pass however and so cleared his throat before gesturing to the sandwhiches in front of them. "Would you like one?" he asked, picking up a ham and tomato one for himself. He took a bite into it, trying not to appear as nervous as he was feeling.
Nothing seemed off to Georgiana, it was another perfect date planned by Landon. She never was as creative as him when it came to dates. Landon himself did seem to shows signs of being nervous but she passed it off in her head for his new position starting this year, teaching all seven years would be a completely different from his previous years as a teacher. She was always tempted when she saw a posting up for a Flying instructor to join him at Hogwarts but she was still a coach and with her brother coaching the newest Quidditch team in the region she wanted to make sure her team was strong a good person would be able to replace her. "You had better have time to see me," she said in a teasing tone. They were both busy, but she knew she loved him, more than her first love Logan. She'd only been in school and young and stupid when she fell for Logan, this relationship was much different. "Oh yes please," she said taking a sandwich and enjoying the food he had prepared. "Sometimes I feel like you'll make a much nicer parent than me, always good cooking and love, I just know work and ice cream," she said with a smile on her face.
Landon chuckled slightly as Georgiana teased. "Of course I will." he said with a smile. He loved to see her in his spare time and he also felt obligated to, so he would make it his first priority. He knew work would be hard but he was confident he could juggle all of it. He watched as Georgiana took one of the sandwiches. He couldn't help but blush at her words, figuring he could not have picked someone more perfect to go on dates with. Landon always wanted to be a father. Children always seemed so lovely, even after he had been teaching them for his whole career. It would be nice to call a child his own but he knew that could be a bit further away and did not want to mention it to Georgiana just yet. "Children love ice cream though, so they'll definitely love you." he told her, knowing that she too would be a good parent. It was a nice thought that one day both of them could be parents to a beautiful child, but he pushed the thought to the back of his mind as he tried to find the courage to do what he had to do next.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Landon said, suddenly feeling nervous sweat building up in the palms of his hands. He had to do it soon or the date would finish without Landon doing what he wanted. He needed to get it done quickly and so didn't wait for her to answer. He carefully took her hands in his. "The reason why I set this up for us... it wasn't just because I wanted to spend time with you. I always want to spend time with you, but I really needed to ask you something." Landon felt his hands shake slightly as he let go of hers to reach for the pocket inside his pants. There was no turning back now. "You know I love you very much, and we have been dating each other for quite a long time and I've enjoyed every minute of it. There's nothing I want more than to spend the rest of my life with you. Life gets busy but you'll always be my first priority so that's why I want to know if you will take my hand in marriage." Landon held up the small black box before opening it to reveal a silver engagement ring. "So, Georgiana Night, will you marry me?"
Georgiana ate her sandwich happy to be sitting in the park with Landon. Already trying to come up with something they could do for their next date. She watched him while she ate still amazed at how their first few dates had turned into such a long and loving relationship. She just rolled her eyes in response to his comment about ice cream. She herself, while she loved ice cream found that she didn't have as much anymore. Being constantly surrounded by order forms and tubs of ice cream made her not desire the sweet as strongly. She did not regret that however, knowing it was saving her waistline by not consuming all the ice cream she possibly could. "Of course you can, anything," she said her eyebrows closing down on her eyes in confusion. It was a sudden change and she wasn't certain what the question was going to be.

Georgiana wasn't certain about his phrasing and wanted to tease him about but sensed he wasn't acting his normal self and decided to just listen to his question before teasing him. He let go of her hands and went to grab something from his pocket and she could see a small box in his hands before she looked back up to him her stomach turning. Her own hands went up to cover her mouth as she was in shock and could feel her eyes watering slightly from the shock of what he was saying. The box was opened and a pretty little ring was sitting inside, three larger diamonds centered by smaller ones. She could hardly believe her ears, she hadn't thought they would ever be at this moment, she hadn't even really thought about marriage. They had talked about future and what marriage would look like and children and that sort before, but Georgiana always had a bit of doubt in her mind that she'd ever be allowed to be that happy. "Of course! Yes!" She said as soon as he asked her. "You have no idea, this makes me so happy!" She said wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a kiss on the lips.

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