You + Me = Chemistry

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Phoebe Holland

Unspeakable | Curious | Arrogant | 2050 Grad ⚗️📐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Gay (Charlie)
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
6/2032 (29)
Phoebe usually wasn't nervous for dances, or anything really. But she had also never asked someone else to be her date before. From a young age, Phoebe had known she liked girls. Later, she realized she only liked girls. But never before had she actually dated one. The only romantic interaction she had had with another girl was when an older Ravenclaw girl had kissed her at the party during the break. That, and her attempts at flirting with Charlie at the yule ball. She had sent the girl a pink rose with the question if she wanted to go to the ball with her, and to her surprise and delight Charlie had found her later to say yes. Now she was waiting for her date, and as she did she noticed Rose enter the great hall with her boyfriend. Diana was around here too somewhere with her date, and it was kind of funny to think they were all here with actual romantic dates. All except Alice, who was way too young for all that, but was probably around with a friend somewhere. Phoebe was wearing a purple dress, though she wished she had something more interesting to wear. Her style of clothing was extremely casual, and for any dresses she usually had to ask Rose to borrow something. Anything as cool as what Charlie had been wearing to the previous party was simply beyond her means right now, but she hoped the Gryffindor would still like her dress.
Charlie didn't think she had ever been so nervous in her life. She had been scared before, but never nervous like this. After the shock of Mervyn's betrayal had worn off, it had really begun to sink in to Charlie that she had a date, a real date, with a pretty girl who liked her. She had done her best to avoid Emily seeing her in her outfit for the dance, Charlie knew her little sister would be insufferable if she knew she had managed to find Charlie not only a friend but a date. Making her way down to the Great Hall, Charlie stopped for a moment partway down, remembering Mum's advice. Taking a few slow, calming breaths, Charlie waited in the quiet until her hands stopped their trembling, calming herself and finding her center. Once the fearful fluttering beneath her skin had calmed, Charlie took one last breath before descending the last few stairs, quickly spotting Phoebe. At the sight of the other girl, Charlie couldn't help the broad smile that crept onto her face, looking down to hide her smile as she made her way down the last flight of stairs and over to Phoebe. "Uh, hi." She said happily, still not quite able to stop smiling. "You look really nice..."
Phoebe's hand twisted into the fabric of her skirt as she waited for her date to arrive. She spotted her fairly quickly, and a smile appeared on her face as she took in the younger girl's appearance. It was almost as cute as her last outfit had been, and Phoebe was really starting to wonder if her dress wasn't a bit silly. But Phoebe Holland was nothing if not confident, she would make sure they had such a great evening that Charlie didn't even notice how awkward she felt in this purple dress. Once Charlie spotted her, the girl smiled at her as well. Phoebe grinned. "Hi, you look nicer and you know it." She said with a small nudge. "Wanna head in?"
Charlie didn't know what to say to Phoebe's compliment, her entire face heating up. She hadn't put much effort into her appearance, not really knowing what people did for dances like this. She knew she could ask Mum for advice, but she also knew that Mum's sense of style was different enough from her own that she probably wouldn't be very comfortable in the end. Phoebe apparently liked how she looked though, and Charlie grinned nervously. She nodded in response to Phoebe's question, and headed into the dance with her, looking around uncertainly. "What do you wanna do first?" Charlie asked and glanced at Phoebe again, not sure where to start with a date.
Phoebe could tell Charlie was a little bit embarrassed by her remarks, but she found she quite liked that look on her. She would try not to tease the other girl too much, but it was in her nature and not something easily ignored. With a shrug, she lead the girl into the great hall and glanced up at her when she asked what she wanted to do first. It seemed like Phoebe would get to decide, which she wasn't unhappy about. "Before I say anything else. Do you dance?" She asked with a slight smirk. "Because my answer to that question depends on that." Phoebe grinned. "if you don't want to dance, I'll have to think of something more creative to do."
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