Open Walk and see the wonders

Nevaeh O Ruairc

Good eye | Painter Extraordinaire | Perfectionist
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
She was disappointed that first years aren't allowed yet to go to Brighstone. Nevaeh wanted to go shopping for some new robes or get some sweets from the local candy shop. Instead, she found refuged in the halls of the fourth floor corridor, reading a book about magical arts. She wanted to make a master piece but a magical one that moves but doesn't know how to do it. Nevaeh was sitting on the ground next to a window, it was a weekend and everyone were out and about. She looked up from her book from time to time to smile at the others as they walk by her. The Hufflepuff did thought of sending her mum a letter but she had to climb the many steps to the Owlery and she wasn't feeling it. Nevaeh closed her book and looked around, she barely knows these people, only their names.
Jordie had needed a break from studying, and his meeting with Ares wasn't for a few days. He'd had a thought of the first year he'd met at Halloween, so he'd gone out on a trip to Honeydukes and got her a candy bag. Luckily he didn't have to look long once he'd returned, finding her sitting down on the fourth floor. He smiled, and walked over. "Hey Nevaeh," He greeted. He held up the bag of candy and shook it a little. "I brought you something,"
The dull corridor was not amusing her anymore and was about to get up when someone called her name. Nevaeh turned her head to the direction of the person who called upon her, she looked up at the only person she liked in the entire castle, holding a bag of some sort. The Hufflepuff girl frowned, curious what was in the bag. She got up from the floor, "Jordan, thought you would be somewhere else." She said with a greeting while brushing her bottom off of dust. Although, she was surprised the older boy still knows her. She always thought popularity changes people. "Should I know what's inside the bag?" Nevaeh said with a smile. Surely it's not Gobstone, that nasty game isn't for everyone.
Jordie chuckled. "It's Jordie, and I'm right here." He teased, offering out a hand to help her up. "I brought you some candy from Honeydukes. You're still a first year, right?" He asked, giving her a gentle smile. "You can't go to the shops yet so I thought I'd pick you up something." He found a window close by and settled onto the windowsill, patting the spot next to him for her to join.
Nevaeh did stuck out her tongue playfully when Jordie pointed out that he likes his nickname better than his name. She had not thought of her own, no one ever had thought of a nickname for her, not even her own father. But her step mother had started calling her Navie like the Navy army. The young Hufflepuff took his offered out stretched hand and pulled herself up from the ground. “Candy? It feels like you know me so well even if we just had met. Is this how it feels having a big brother?” She asked as a joked but she was curious as well. “Being a first year sucks when it comes to fun like the Brighstone weekend. You wouldn’t be here when I actually can go and that sucks more.” Nevaeh continued, “But thank you for the candy.”

She followed Jordie by the nearest window and sat opposite him. “So, has any first year had broken the rules already?” She wasn’t really an outside person, she were mostly inside the arts room, building her portfolio for a top arts universities.
Jordie chuckled lightly. "Oh, sure," He agreed easily. "I'm a good deal younger, so I didn't get any time at school with my siblings, but breaks are always fun." He told her easily. He smiled as she said he wouldn't be here. "Who says I won't?" He asked gently. "My family lives in Brighstone Village actually, we could absolutely meet up," He promised her, offering out his hand. "I'm your big brother now, remember?"

He chuckled at her question and shook his head. "Not in front of me, at least," He offered with a playful wink.
School breaks would be fun at least, probably the only time her dad would get a day off to take her and her mum somewhere while she’s in the country. Nevaeh would be glad if her parents would get on with another child, yes, she’ll be out of school once if her sibling would have turned eleven but the thought of another child in the house that she could be best friends with, it was exciting. “Promises …” The Hufflepuff girl murmured to herself. She was sick of hearing those words.

Nevaeh smiled at Jordie,
“Let’s not promise. I’m more comfortable with just winging it.” The little girl took his hand and shook it once. She doesn’t know if Jordie would be weirded out about it but the word has no meaning to her anymore. “Big brother … I’m definitely claiming that now.” Nevaeh chuckled lightly. The have a title now but it was better than best friends. “Oh … Ohhh, I’m not here to cause trouble. Never in my life would I ever break the rules.” She said when Jordie winked at her when he mentioned that none has done rule breaking at least in front of him. She was mature enough not to mess with the school’s rules and she only eleven. “Now, let’s much on those candies.” She bit her lips in excitement.
Jordie raised a brow and smiled softly. "Well, I'll just have to earn those promises then, won't I?" He offered, settling in and offering out some candies for her to munch on. "So what would you do then, little sister?" He asked, almost in a teasing voice. "Tell me about you," He asked, stealing one of the candies for himself, humming happily as he popped it into his mouth.

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