Open Skating Around

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
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Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader had been seeking out Abian a lot, he was looking for the other boy, so after one of their shared classes this semester the boy had motioned for Abian and told him that if he was free, Vader also had a free afternoon to spend outside in the courtyard. It was definitely heading into winter, the temperature had dropped and kept dropping, the boy was wrapped up more so than usual but he had with him, his skateboard, a christmas gift from his parents who had been all too happy to get him something muggle. Apparently the fact he could no longer use much else had seemingly frustrated them and despite it very likely that Padme was starting in the coming september he had not heard anything from them. They hadn’t liked using the owls but he had told them over and over that he couldn’t receive emails or texts like they wanted to send. The gryffindor however had carefully planned his weeks in the lead up to the accio deadline. Pleased with what he had finally managed to get everything to fit into some form of order that he didn’t think he’d be too snowed under with work. This was a free afternoon and he wanted to spend that time with Abian. He was lightly skating about, he was better than he had been, but he still seemed a little unsteady, he hoped that Abian would come join him, it would be nice to spend time with his friend.

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