Closed skater boys

Flynn North-McGowan

amputee + duelling champ + ollivanders assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 1/2 Inch Flexible Fir Wand With Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2040 (20)
( @Finn Lockley )

If there was one thing that Flynn refused to give up just because he was now at a magical school, it was skateboarding. He had been quite happy when he managed to stuff his board in his trunk and managed to bring it along with him. So when he woke up and saw the sun shining outside the window, Flynn was quick to hop out of his bed, throw on the first clothes he happed across in his draws, and grabbed his board out of his trunk and hurry on outside. He even decided to skip out on breakfast to try and get as much time as possible skating. Now all he needed to do was find a good spot. Though, what he was currently finding was that there was just a lot of grass.

He frowned as he stood there, adjusting his skateboard under his arm as he looked around. Why was there so much grass? If he could find a good place to skate then he was just going to be annoyed. Maybe he could get away with skating up and down the corridors when the Professors or prefects weren't around to catch him and give him a detention. Because no doubt that was also against the rules.
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So far his experience at Hogwarts had been phenomenal, had had met lovely people and even made some friends here and there. Before his stay at the school he packed his tennis rackets and his skateboard. Hoping he could get in some practice with both. Tennis was going to be easy, there was enough empty space and grass to safely play tennis in. The other one was harder, there wasn't a Hogwarts skate park and he hadn't seen any concrete around. The halls were usable, but he didn't think that was allowed. That was definitely something that needed some more investigation. The weather outside was nice and Finn decided today was the day to find a bit of concrete or something else that was leveled enough to skate on. Finn threw on some clothes and ran from the fourth floor to the Great Hall, once there he stuffed a bagel in his face and then hurried his way outside. His skateboard in his hand, eager to find a place to actually go and skate on.

He knew the courtyard was going to be useless, so he opted for the Great Lawn. There was a slight chance there was a bit of concrete around there. While searching the Great Lawn he spotted a boy that seemed to have the same intention as he had. Finn walked up to him and decided to join the misery of finding concrete outside Hogwarts. ''They should definitely build a skate park at Hogwarts with some ramps and rails, don't you agree?'' Finn smiled ''I am Finn, by the way'' He said while adjusting his skateboard.
It was almost perfect. The sun was out, the birds were tweeting (Maybe he should think about letting Jet out to stretch his wings later. Though he was more focused on trying to teach him how to swear after learning ravens could mimic speech.) and there was barely a cloud in the sky. The only thing completely ruining all his perfectly thought out plans was the fact he couldn't find a single piece of stupid concrete or solid ground outside where he wasn't going to get into trouble for trying to skateboard down the hallways. Hogwarts was supposed to be the perfect place for him, his new home away from the stupid orphanages and foster homes he had been living in. And while it had the Quidditch pitch and a comfortable dorm room, it appeared it didn't have the proper skating facilities.

Instantly upon hearing the question, Flynn nodded his head, making a small noise of agreement at the back of his throat. Then he turned his head to see who was actually speaking to him. Apparently, he was not the only first year who had the same idea. "Or at least somewhere to let us skate, or I'll end up using their corridors," and yes, that could be considered a threat. Shifting his board under his arm again, Flynn smiled a little when he was given the other boy's name. "Finn, huh? Well, I'm Flynn," Finn and Flynn, that actually sounded pretty similar together.
Finn had let his mother transfigure his budgie into an owl for him. Elroy was now a full blown owl and wouldn't have to stay at home. A win-win situation, his mother had promised Elroy didn't feel any different and since she was actually skilled in Transfiguration Finn believed her. Finn laughed ''Yeah, I was thinking of using the corridors as well'' Finn paused ''I only didn't want to get points taken away in my first week at Hogwarts'' Losing house points without even earning any seemed bad. He didn't even know if that could be possible, could a house be in below zero points. When the boy said he was named Flynn, Finn grinned. ''Well, I think that is not a coincidence, we must become friends now'' Finn said overly seriously.
If there was nowhere outside for him to skate, then he really couldn't be blamed for turning to the corridors, could he? Where else did they expect them to do it if there was not a suitable location outside? And maybe there was one, but Flynn sure as hell couldn't find it. "Ah, who cares about stupid house points anyway?" He just offered a lazy shrug of his shoulder as he spoke. He was going to lose them anyway, so it didn't make much of a difference to the curly-haired boy whether he lost them in the first week of school or the second. But at the sudden declaration that they had to be friends now, Flynn felt the corner of his mouth curve upwards into a slight grin, hazel-green eyes scanning the other boy up and down for just a moment. "Yeah," he agreed after a moment, a small nod of his head making his curls bounce, "Makes sense for us to be friends, don't it."
When Flynn said that no one cared about house points he grinned. ''House points no, but I don't want to get expelled in my second week at Hogwarts'' House points weren't important to Finn, he wouldn't celebrate Hufflepuff winning the cup anyway. He didn't give a flying single monkey about his house, so it could lose some house points here and there. Finn smiled and hoped they could become friends, this was the first boy he actually met at Hogwarts. The first boy that seemed to be out to hug a tree or go murder someone's pet. He seemed normal which was a total relief for Finn. ''So I think we might need to find a suitable corridor for skating, everywhere I searched was stupid grass or some cobblestone that was way too uneven to skate on.'' It was weird, because he thought there must be more people that wanted to skate. Maybe he and Flynn were the only ones and Hogwarts was still old fashioned.
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Flynn just shook his head, "They ain't going to expel us for skating down the corridors." That sounded like a pretty dramatic thing to do and he imagined that getting expelled would need some sort of serious crime and rule-breaking. Skateboarding down corridors just sounded like something typical troublemaking kids, like themselves, would do. But it did sound pretty disappointing that Finn had done some searching for himself and hadn't found any good places they could put down their boards and skate safely on. What was with this place? "Well that sucks," he lamented rather loudly, narrowing his eyes somewhat as he took one last look around him, "You would think there was at least one bit of concrete out here. But, apparently not. "Corridors it is then!" With nowhere else, it was like they had much other choice, "We'll need one that isn't as busy if we don't want to get caught quickly."
Flynn was probably right and they wouldn't expel a student for skating down corridors. He didn't want to earn top house points so there was no use of actually trying. Finn was going to enjoy his stage at Hogwarts even if that meant some rule breaking here and there. Skating outside Hogwarts was impossible and that indeed sucked. Even if you wanted to comply to the rules, they made it impossible to do so. Like they wanted students to skate up and down the corridors. Finn wondered if there was a spell to turn grass into concrete or just into a full blown half pipe fitted with everything. ''Do you think there is some spell to change grass in to concrete?'' Finn asked while smiling. ''Corridors is definitely the next best plan, we can also go for that abandoned classroom don't know about the flooring there.'' Finn still hadn't explored so far so he hoped it was skate able or even pass as so.
If they did happen to expelled for skating down the corridors (something he did rather doubt happening), then he would be a little surprised. If Hogwarts was going to be that strict with their rules and punishing mild rule-breaking then Flynn wasn't all too sure that he would want to go to a school like that. It was not even like this was the only magical school in the world he could attend or something. Maybe he could go to Ilvermorny as his father did. "Maybe," it was something to consider, "But I bet it's something only older students would be able to pull off." It sounded just a little bit too complicated for a couple of first-years to try and attempt. But maybe they could find an older student and ask them to do it for them. "Abandoned classroom sounds like a good shout," he mused with a small hum under his breath as he thought about it, "Just so long as it's not full of chairs and desks."
The spell talk got Finn eager to learn if a spell like that existed. He could always ask one of the prefects, he didn’t think they were allowed to lie with their badges and all. ‘’I am eager to find out if a spell like that exists, we could ask our prefects for more information.’’ It was probably a transfiguration spell, but he wasn’t very sure. ‘’We could always move the chairs and desks and I think there are spells for that, my mom said we learn a spell like that in our first year.’’ It was something about levitating objects, Wingardium something. ‘’If we can’t get rid of the desks now, we just pick some corridor, deal?.’’ Finn said while grinning. This was going to be an awesome year.
Willingly going to find a prefect to talk to sound like something he would rather not be doing with his time. But he supposed they would be the ones to know whether there was such a spell out there which could change the grass to concrete so they could skate on it. "Ugh," he groaned, scratching the back of his neck with his free hand, "I suppose we could go and ask one of them." But if he were being honest, he would probably let Finn do all the talking while he hung back. And a spell to move things out of the way certainly sounded pretty useful, "Yeah, but we don't know it yet." And it wanted to skate right this second, not wait until they happened to get around to learning this particular spell. "I suppose we could manually move the desks out of the way," though he was a bit opposed to manual labor if he could help it. "But okay," he nodded his head, finally smiling again, "We just have to find a really good corridor to skate down."
It was about making relations and creating a perfect veil to hide the things that were actually going on. If they profiled themselves as good kids, the prefects wouldn't see them as trouble makers. ''I don't like asking them either, but if they think we are some nice loving boys, they won't see us as plotting scheming students.'' Finn grinned. ''I think that is the idea'' The corridors were almost all made of wood and the planks weren't as flat and even everywhere, you board could get stuck and that would mean a nasty fall. ''I hope we can find one with some even flooring, most of them have loose boards'' Finn smiled and hoped even when the lessons started him and Flynn could still take time to have some fun.
Just at the very idea that Flynn might be some 'nice and loving boy' did have him snorting out loud as he rather failed to keep in his laughter. "Yeah right," no one was ever going to believe that, "I don't think I could ever pass as nice and loving." You only need to talk to him for five seconds to know he was quite the opposite and nothing more than a troublemaker. "Trust me, mate. You have the face for it more than me, they might believe you." But he very much doubted that any Professor in this school was going to think he was an innocent first-year who never caused any sort of trouble. "Why does this have to be so hard?" He did have to huff with an almost audible roll of his eyes, "They should just make a skate park on the grounds so we don't have to even think about breaking the rules."
Finn and Flynn passing as nice students was a joke and Finn knew it. Thinking about it was still funny as hell. ‘’I can be very persuasive’’ Finn mused ‘’Let me put on the drama act and ill try to pry some spell out, all our prefects are way to gullible’’ In Finn his eyes Hufflepuff was way too soft and caring. They wouldn’t even notice a giant scheme if it was right under their eyes. ‘’They probably want us to break the rules, keep them on their toes when the real trouble is here.’’ Finn grinned. ‘’I like a challenge and I love getting what I want, so this is going to be nice’’ Finn looked at all the grass, why would a school need so much grass anyway. ‘’What do you plan alongside skating to do here?”’ Finn asked hoping they could play Quidditch together.
Flynn grinned slightly, "I can be persuasive myself, but I just have one of those faces which screams out trouble." Or something like that as he was sure everyone ended up finding out that he was a troublemaker even if he hadn't done anything that terrible right in front of their faces or anything. But besides, Hufflepuff's were supposed to be nice and kind and helpful ones, so it was probably a better idea to ask one of them anyway. "But trust me, they'll never see us coming, mate," he was sure they could pull this off with little trouble and actually get what they wanted in the end. Which was somewhere to skate which wasn't just inside where they were at a risk of getting caught. "Dunno," he admitted, "Trouble, mostly. Swimming, climbing trees, looking for adventure." As he spoke he started counting each thing off on his fingers to keep track. "Oh," he remembered quickly, "Quidditch as well. I want to make the team at some point." Though he hadn't sat on a broom since he was eight but he was sure he'd get back into the swing of things after a couple of flying lessons to refresh his memory.
Wrong char
The boy had a face that screamed trouble and Finn grinned. He was put in the softie, weirdo and lovey dovey house and thus he hoped to get away with a lot. Who would think it was the poor and innocent Hufflepuff. ‘’Project Finn and Flynn is in the making’’ Finn grinned, they would never see them coming and that was going to be great. ‘’Plus one for the trouble and the adventure.’’ He wasn’t good at swimming nor was he good at actually climbing in trees. When Flynn spoke about Quidditch Finn got excited, they could train together. Even if they would be put against each other, Finn knew that it was going to be a good time. ‘’Ahh, me too!’’ Finn paused ‘’Which position do you fancy?’’ Finn stopped ‘’I am thinking of chaser or beater.’’ He said with a big smile.
He supposed that people would be more likely to believe that a Gryffindor would cause trouble over a Hufflepuff causing trouble. Not that it was impossible for Hufflepuff's to get into trouble, obviously, but the boy could see the benfits of having a friend in Hufflepuff. He laughed at the name suggestion, "I think we need to come up with a better name." Project Finn and Flynn just didn't have the right sort of ring to it. But he supposed that they could come up with something at a later date, it wasn't quite as important right then. "Obviously," he grinned a little. It was not a surprise that Finn was up for trouble and adventure as well if their current conversation was anything to go by. And as for Quidditch, he really wouldn't mind having someone to practice with, it had been awhile and he needed to get back into the swing of things. "I usually like to play beater," he explained with a small nod of his head, "But I can also play keeper pretty well. Or any of the positions, really."
The project name indeed sucked, but he couldn't think of anything better at the moment. Finn was better with actually causing trouble, then giving it a name. ''Definetly, it should be more incognito, we could hardly call it Finn and Flynn everyone would know it will be us.'' Finn smiled, using your real name mischief wasn't the best of idea's. Finn was probably going to earn zero house points this year. So he didn't care if he would get in trouble wasn't like he was using up his hard earned points. ''Ah, epic, we should train together sometime, in between the trouble and mischief.'' Not all things they did should end in minus points for their respective houses.
Finn also posed a good point, if they named their plan after themselves then of course they would get caught. They just needed to come up with a reall cool and incognito name that no one would ever be able to link back to them. The problem with that, however, was that Flynn was currently pulling up a bit of a blank in the ideas department. "We'll come up with something," he instead agreed, willing to think it over at a later date instead of just worrying about it now. There was loads of time to come up with something cool and catchy. "Sure! We need to get better if we wanna make the house team!" And that was something he was pretty determined about. All the practicing would no go to waste and he was sure by the time try-outs rolled over next year then he would be super prepared and ready to show his stuff and impress the captain.
Their project name wasn't as important than the stunts they were actually going to pull. Although they needed a code word to talk about mischief and trouble when others were around. Like if you said banana it meant dung bombs. Finn smiled and nodded when Flynn said they would come up with something eventually. When Flynn talked about making the house team Finn was secretly glad he wasn't in Gryffindor. That team was competitive as hell and he knew the try outs were well sought out by just about everyone. The plants lovers, tree huggers and weirdo's in his house didn't like Quidditch as much so he had more chance to get into the team. ''Definitely and for once it is totally legal so we don't have to worry about prefects and nosy Professors.'' Finn loved some ruckus, but he also liked to be safe and not having to look over his shoulder. ''I hope Gryffindor lets you in mate, their team is brutal.'' Finn was going to attend every match there was and look at strategies and players. He wasn't going to cheer for a team, he didn't feel like he belonged to a house at all.
Flynn liked to think that he was some sort of expert on coming up with code words and secret messages for when he was talking about all the trouble he usually found himself getting into. If he wasn't, then he was sure he would have already lost a great many house points already or been expelled from far more of the boring old Muggle schools he had been shoved into before coming to Hogwarts. "No one can have a go at us for practicing Quididtch," he agreed with a grin and a firm nod of his head. Not unless they practiced during the day and when the pitch was empty. No doubt they would get into trouble if they set a practice time for the middle of the night. and Flynn doubted very much that they would even be able to get away with such a thing and would be caught in an instant. And he wasn't worried about not making the team, sure, it might take a while, but he was determined he was going to get there eventually. "Don't worry about me," he grinned, puffing his chest out somewhat, "Once they see all my raw talent and skill they're going to have to let me on the team."
It wasn't Finn's desire to be expelled from Hogwarts. His mother would be cross and he couldn't achieve his dreams. Getting in trouble was fine, but it had limits. He wasn't stupid and he love the castle and everything around it. Although he didn't like his house, he did love the lessons and Quidditch. ''Quidditch it is then.'' They could always make plans mid air, no one would here them up high. Finn wondered if the Hufflepuff team would even let him play, because he didn't support the house. He wished there was a Hogwarts general team instead of each house having one. ''I am sure Gryffindor will be shocked by your raw talent'' Finn grinned and walked towards the castle with his skateboard, it would be dinner time soon.
Flynn didn't exactly want to get expelled himself, but he didn't think he could do something that would warrant that serious of a response from the Professors. If he didn't have Hogwarts, then he would just find himself torn away from magic again and he did have to wonder if the matrons at the orphanage would bother finding him another wizarding school to attend. Or would they just dump him back in his old boring muggle school? "We can start practicing tomorrow? Meet on the pitch after dinner?" He didn't want to wait, any excuse to hop on a broom. "Hufflepuff as well when they see you playing," he added with a grin, shifting his skateboard under his arm as he started to follow Finn back towards the castle. It sucked that they didn't find anywhere cool to skate, but maybe they would find somewhere eventually.

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