Sixth Years: Lesson Four

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Angel would be the first to admit he wasn’t overly fond of today’s lesson subject and he was relieved when his Sixth Years finally started arriving for class. He’d taken to exiling today’s plants on the other side of his office until today and would be glad to be finally rid of them again once they were done being used as a teaching aid. Eager to get the lesson over with, Angel quickly swung the greenhouse door shut with his wand once the last student was inside.

Right, straight to it. Today we’ll be looking at Fanged Geraniums. Feisty bastards,” he said with a tense smile. He still hadn’t quite forgiven this crop for ruining the sleeves one of his favorite shirts yet. “Quite similar to the muggle “Cranesbills”, which share the same scientific family “Geranium”, but not much else. Most notable differences being the fanged geranium has fangs and a tendency to bite. Watch your fingers,” Angel said, beckoning the students closer to the group of fanged geraniums settled on the table.

The fangs are used in potion-making, useful for strength potions, or even culinarily. Adds some extra bite,” he said with a dry, if bitter, laugh. “Come on and take a look, but be mindful of your hands. They’re relatively easy to care for, minus the teeth, of course, just ah-” Angel snapped his fingers at a particularly ornery geranium, waving his wand with his free hand to freeze it before it could finish trying to take a bite out of anyone. “-I suggest you employ an immobilizing charm if you intend on harvesting anything. Though if one does get its teeth in you, some dittany or quick healing charm should do the trick.

That’s all I’ve got for you today, though I'm willing to give extra credit to anyone who can find a recipe that uses fanged geranium fangs,” he said, dismissing the class with a lazy wave. “Feel free to check up on your screechsnaps or if you want to try your luck watering one of the geraniums, the dittany’s over here.

RP the lesson and have your student interact with a geranium if they’re feeling brave. Extra credit for describing any recipe that might use the fangs*

*There is no canon for this, so feel free to name or create any dish for funsies.
Hinata entered the Greenhouse, bowing slightly to Professor Castillo before scurrying to her seat. She blinked at the Fanged Geraniums on the table - plants that she actually recognized and was amused that the professor so obviously had a distaste for them. The professor mentioning that the plants were used in potions and food was no surprise to her. Her dad liked to experiment in the kitchen and she knew that he used these at least once or twice on special occasions. She could cook but not nearly as much as her dad. She watched as the professor demonstrated immobilizing the plants before proceeding with their care and she decided she was going to try it later. For now, she apparently had extra credit she could easily earn. "Professor?" she approached him as soon as she could see he wasn't busy. "I," she hesitated before swallowing the nervousness and shyness down. She could do this. "I know my dad tried using the geraniums for hotpot. I think he used them to make the broth but I'm not sure about his recipe. I know the broth is soy-based but that's about it. Though mushrooms went really well with them and it tastes better with beef, though the pork and chicken weren't bad. I... I think Tou-chan, I mean Professor Edogawa, wouldn't mind discussing it," and then she blushed. "I was supposed to write this down wasn't I?" she freaked before bowing down in apology and going off to take care of the geraniums instead. Merlin that was mortifying.

Angel knew students rarely had a lot of experience when it came to the more culinary based side of herbology, most of the plants they dealt with in class were rarely edible, but he was always pleasantly surprised when one or two had a recipe to offer. Doubly so this year when Hinata spoke up, she wasn't the most bold of students, especially compared to some of her classmates, and Angel was glad to hear her chiming in class, making a note to add in her extra credit when she scuttled away from him with a quick bow.
Mikael entered the Greenhouse and made sure to deftly avoid his Gryffindor cousin, placing himself squarely in between Bailey and Hinata. He glared at the fanged geraniums in front of him, already knowing that this was exactly the type of plant that his boyfriend would be fascinated by. Nasty little things. He was a little more interested in their usefulness in Potions. He wasn't quite as adept at Potions as Felicita was, but he could appreciate their usefulness just fine. However, since they lay more in strength potions he would have to mull over their exact use for him. The culinary note was less interesting - he had no interest in cooking though his mother would probably find this interesting if she didn't already know about it. He had no intention of interacting with the plant, but casting an immobilizing charm on the plant was very useful, so he did just that. He remained where he was for the rest of the class and left as soon as the opportunity was presented.​
Theodore strolled into the Greenhouse, brow raising at the sight of the plants on the table. "Lovely decor, Professor," he quipped, lopsided grin tugging at his lips as he settled into his usual spot. "Do you gift these for people you don't particularly like?" he said just before the professor began the lesson. The Gryffindor even snorted at the description - feisty bastards - the professor said. It was quite entertaining watching the professor continue on with the discussion as he had to try and watch over the aggressive plants, even having to immobilize one with a quick spell. He wasn't really surprised that they were useful in Potions, a lot of dangerous plants were. What he was suprised by was that they were used for cooking. "Are we going to find a cookbook for these types of culinary delights?" he asked half-joking, half-serious. He was quite excited about food - he liked trying and eating all types of things. "I can see it now - Meals That Bite Back," he said, hands moving across the air as if the title would show up written in the air like so. Still, it'd probably be interesting to hang back and ask the professor if he could have a copy of the recipes his classmates would submit. It wouldn't hurt to ask the Nightray house elves to give it a shot when he gets home. One thing was for sure though, he was definitely going to try watering these nasty little things. Would just be like force feeding Mikael - they didn't know his cousin when he was little, the Slytherin could get bitey. At least now Theodore could use a spell to immobilize. The plant. Not his cousin. Even if it was tempting to try. For purely academic reasons.​

Angel always enjoyed students who were chatty, being stuck out in the greenhouse most of the day always made him feel a little stir crazy and socializing kept him in check, even if it meant socializing with teenagers. Theo was certainly chatty, he'd come to notice.
"Only gift them to my most favourite students," Angel answered the Gryffindor with a sharp smile.
"You'd be surprised what sort of books they have in the library, Theo, have you been to look lately?" He offered, couching the remark with a smile. Despite his laissez faire attitude, Theo was one of his better students after all.
June made her way to the greenhouse and gave Professor Castillo an big smile and listened as he started with the lesson. The professor told them they would look at fanged geraniums which didn't sound fun in June's opinion. They sure had fangs than for sure. June could think of a person to gift this plant too, the gryffindor boy said it himself already. And June ignored him and listend to the professor again. Ofcourse the plant bite. Why were these plants even good? Who would ever like to take care of them? She couldn't think of a way why her head of house would. But ofcourse it was about the ingredients of the plant for potions again, so in a way plants were only usefull for potions the blonde believed. There was no use in them, she believed and would love to set them on fire. June stayed close to the professor and looked over to the plant she supposed to look at. It looked disgusting. June was about to go to the professor to mention something she believed the ingredient was used in. But the hufflepuff girl was talking and June thought it was so stupid what she said. When she finished June made sure to show herself '' I mean the potions the fangs are used in are in the strenght potion and skele-gro. And I believe in Sweden where some of my family are from they used it in different foods, more in the viking periods. But I thought they used it in a soup, a pea soup. But they don't swallow it just for the taste it gives and the bite. I never ate it though.'' June explained to her head of house with an smile. She had been growing up in London, her mother had been swedish. But she knew her history and parts of it from stories. When the lesson was over she left the room.

Angel was never that surprised to hear June offering in her opinion, always quietly pleased she kept engaged in class. "Interesting to hear how it's used in different wizarding cultures, isn't it? Thank You, June," Angel said, adding the extra credit for her contribution too.
Despite being back in the normal greenhouse for their latest lesson, Professor Castillo seemed to find another plant that seemed to like trying to take bites out of them. If Bailey didn’t know any better she’d think he had it out for them. She took her seat and listened as he introduced them to the fanged geraniums and the most surprising thing about them was their use in cooking. Bailey couldn’t imagine trying to eat something that would have been trying to bite her beforehand. It was a pretty short lesson and Bailey wasn’t sure what the point of it was, especially as their homework was to find a receipt that involved fanged geraniums, Bailey wasn’t sure either of her parents had ever used them in cooking, nor her house elf for that matter and she’d be very surprised if they had. Bailey packed up her things at the end of the lesson and made her way out of the greenhouse.
It was getting closer and closer to break, and Horror Zhefarovich could honestly count the days until he graduated. Horror needed nothing more than to find his own path. He wanted to do something that was not exactly smiled upon that was, at the same time, legal. An executioner was one, but he did not care about magical animals that might have done something terrible. Horror would rather do something that involved less people. That was why he was more into autopsies and whatnot. Even if he had to work in the muggle world, that was what he was dead-set on doing currently. He walked to his classroom with that in mind, sometimes wondering why he bothered with lessons anyway.

Horror entered the greenhouse once again, and settled in his spot. Professor Castillo let the sixth years know that they would be working with fanged geraniums. After the snargaluff, anything after this would be a letdown. However, he took a few important notes over it, and looked closely at the fangs on them. He kept in mind on what to do with harvesting fangs from the plant. He checked up on his screechsnaps, tended to them and left the greenhouse. He didn't need to get bitten anytime soon.
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