Serene Im

Serene Im

OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
. i d e n t i t y .

full name Serenity Aquene Im
nickname Serene
gender Female
pdob Seoul, July 31 2021
age 11 years old
domicile London, England
blood status Muggleborn
blood type A
pet Ichi (tortoise)

. a p p e a r a n c e .

eyes dark brown
hair semi-long black hair
weight 47 kg
height 152 cm
additions She has an Asiatic face, inherited from her parents, and also narrow eyes. It is true if people says Asian is small, because Serene is too. Usually wears skirt, or something girlie. She wears a glasses in class.

. p e r s o n a l i t y .

in general Serene is a cheerful little girl. She always enjoys every single time she gets, eventough there are some problems in her parents household, that sometimes makes her out of control. She pays attention to details. She always thinks of the future, starting make a plan to do better things. She is well-tempered, not a hot-and-cold type person. She is not easily getting angry. But whenever something goes wrong, out of her expectations, she would be disappointed.

hobbies reading some fantasy books, listening to classical music, playing violin, and collecting eraser.
phobia hemophobia, which means, fear of blood.
boggart a doctor who is holding bags of blood… believe it or not.
strength gardening, playing musical instruments and memorizing.
weakness sensitive and pessimistic, having problems with all things related to sports.

. f a m i l y .

father’s name Hae Jin Im
mother’s name Hyo Rin Im (nee Chou)
sister’s name Carinthia Im
family background Im family decided to live in London after Hyo Rin gave a birth of Carinthia, Serene’s big sister. They used to live in Seoul. They are Muggles. They don’t believe that there is a magic exists around their world. Serene’s father, Hae Jin, works for a company ran by Koreans while her mother runs a business of flower arranging and things related with that. Serene feels like she is the only child living in her house, because Carinthia has been studying in Seoul as a college student for two years.

. f a v o u r i t e s .

food kimchi
drinks strawberry milkshake
colour magenta
number 7

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