
Analei Westwick

Mother of Two | Bobcat | Auror
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Heterosexual (Edmund)
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
The kitchens was not a place Analei had ever been to. She had only just realized that one was allowed into the kitchens, so after finding out where exactly the kitchens were and how to get in there, Analei planned a trip. Analei had met a house elf before, and she knew her parents were wanting to acquire one, but she felt apprehensive about entering a room full of them. What if they didn't want her there? What if they rushed at her and threw their kitchen utensils at her? The young Hufflepuff knew that was unlikely, and that most House Elves were sweet, but she couldn't help her mind over exaggerating the scenarios that could happen.
Analei peeked her head in through the kitchen door, glancing around to find it relatively empty, before taking a few small steps in. Nothing came flying at her head, no sounds or shrieks were heard. It was a good start. She jumped slightly at a voice asking her what it could do for her. A small house elf had appeared, but it was gentle, and kind. Panicking at what to say, Analei asked if it could get popcorn kernels for her. She had never made popcorn herself before, her mom usually did it, so she had no idea how to actually get it done. Assuming she needed some sort of pot, Analei rummaged around until she found one, turning the stove up to as hot as it could get. A wary house elf gave her some oil - she was sure her mom said oil once, though the house elf didn't seem so certain she should be doing this by herself. It was right. A flame shot up as she poured some of the oil in and Analei panicked, dropping the bottle, falling down backwards. Luckily, the house elves knew what they were doing, and it was over before she even realized what was happening. The unsure house elf now really seemed to want her to leave. "I just wanted some popcorn..." Analei trailed off, picking herself up, apologizing to whatever elf would listen to her.
Athena still thought the castle was big. She was used to life in a big house herself, but this was different. There were so many rooms and floors and the blonde thought she didn't even seen the half of them. Athena had some favorite places where she often was, like the student lounge, or outside or just the common room. But the Great Hall was always a nice place to come together too she figured. The blonde didn't really liked to break rules, she wanted to be succesfull in life and follow in Evelyn her footsteps. She herself was also the oldest of her siblings and she wanted to make her parents proud. Athena had a feeling they already were, but she liked doing her best in classes and getting house points for Gryffindor. The blonde moved along the castle as she looked around to differents students passing by. Athena spend a lot of time with Mazikeen her best friend, but she liked meeting other people too. She mostly knew people from her own house, but she decided that it should be good and fun to meet others. Ofcourse she knew Emilia her cousin, but that was family. Emilia was a good friend of her thought and not only her cousin but also a great friend. Perhaps in Hufflepuff there were more nice people? The blonde went down and down, since the Gryffindor tower was very high in the castle. She found herself walking through the lower levels and saw a door. Athena looked around her if someone was in. Sometimes she could be curious, just to know what was behind it. Just for a moment not longer. The blonde girl walked to the door and managed to get inside. When she walked further she smelled something nice, was this a food room or a secret one? Athena slowly walked further and saw a big kitchen. Was this where the food was prepared? The blonde heard some voices, but didn't want to be somewhere where she wasn't allowed too. But she had no idea. It was clear that the Forbidden forest was forbidden as the name already said. How more clear did it had to be? But this was just an kitchen? How bad could that be. Athena walked further and saw a girl and she seemed to be talking to someone. Athena walked over slowly and decided to ask what this room was. '' Hi there. I'm sorry but what's this room? Are we allowed to come here?'' The blonde asked nicely to the other girl.
Analei was still apologizing when she heard another voice. She jumped slightly, but the panic quickly simmered down when she saw the familiar face. Analei didn't know the girl very well, but she recognized her from her classes. She shrugged at the girl's question. "I've been told we are allowed, but I have a feeling that they don't want me down here anymore." Analei said with a small frown. She wished they'd give her a second chance, but the House Elves seemed to want her to just leave. "It's the kitchen. I was trying to make popcorn and - uh - well it doesn't matter. I'm Analei. I've seen you in classes. Gryffindor, right?"
The blonde looked around the place where she was landed and hoped that this wasn't something she would be in trouble for in. She looked at the girl that seemed nice and waited for her information, she seemed to know it better than she so that was something handy. Athena laughed as the girl explained that she had a feeling she wasn't welcome anymore. '' Okay. I'm happy for that. Don't really feel like being in a place I should not be. I really don't get people going in that dark forest. Sometimes I wonder why I'm a Gryffindor.'' Athena said with a smile. But she knew Evelyn wasn't the biggest daredevil too. She didn't went to the Forbidden Forest only with the classes where they had to go there. '' Why don't people want you down here? Are those elves?'' Athena asked curious to the girl and saw some creatures walking or walking away from them she wasn't sure. THe blonde listened as she explained it was the kitchen and that made sense. It smelled delicious out here. The girl called Analei had seen her before, that was nice. Analei seemed familliar too, but Athena didn't knew her name. '' Hi Analei. I'm Athena a Gryffindor indeed! I've seen you before indeed. Do you like it here and in your house?'' Athena introduced herself to Analei and smiled. She always liked meeting new people and in the kitchens was perhaps a strange place where Athena never had guessed she would come and meet someone. But it was nice.
Analei nodded her head in agreement when the girl said she didn't know why people went into the Forest. They were obviously stupid people that were looking for trouble. There was so much happening at Hogwarts and to do there as it was, why did they want to go to a place where they could get hurt? She shrugged her shoulders when the Gryffindor questioned why she was in that house. "Just because you're smart enough to not go thumping around the Forbidden Forest doesn't mean you're not a Gryffindor. Gryffindors can be smart too. Well, some of them." She replied, though her voice drifting off on the last sentence. Analei hadn't actually met many Gryffindors that she actually liked. When she asked about the elves, Analei looked at them warily, as they stared warily back. "House elves, yeah. I - well - I put in oil and there was a flame, and so - they don't seem too impressed about my cooking abilities - or lack of them. "
Analei nodded her head when Athena introduced herself and asked if she liked her house. "I love it here. I'm very happy in Hufflepuff as well. I had no idea what house I would be in, but I'm glad it was Hufflepuff. What about you?"

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