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  1. Miles Flynn

    Open Exploring the Sights

    He could totally understand the appeal of wanting to go to Hogwarts and immediately learn all the harder and cooler spells. Unfortunately, Miles knew to think a little more practically about it and understood they probably wouldn't be learning that kind of thing until much later on. Of course...
  2. Miles Flynn

    Closed Taking A Break

    Miles sat still as he listened to everything the girl had to say about her home country, pretty enamored with how she was describing it. He would love to visit another country sometime and actually get out of New Zealand. Of course, he loved his home and didn't want to move away to a country he...
  3. Miles Flynn

    Closed Taking A Break

    Miles had never had the opportunity to ever leave New Zealand before, so it was surprising to hear an account of someone who had never spent too long in one place. He was fascinated, leaning forward slightly on the swing to peer over at the girl as she explained. "What's it like?" He asked...
  4. Miles Flynn

    Open Exploring the Sights

    A part of him was worried that one of the people inside was going to come out and tell the two of them to move on at any moment. But, until that did happen, Miles was more than perfectly happy to stay right where he was, trying to get a good look at all the wands. Maybe if they waited around for...
  5. Miles Flynn

    Closed Taking A Break

    He was quick to shake his head when she commented that he had a nice name. "It's not anything special." He didn't have any particular fondness for his name, it was not as though he had been named after anyone or anything. "Yeah, I come to this park all the time." Then, he paused for a moment...
  6. Miles Flynn

    Open Exploring the Sights

    Standing in front of this shop this close to the window, it was hard not to lean in to press his face right up against the glass to really get a good look inside. A part of him wanted to just march in there and demand his wand right now. How could he possibly wait until later, when it was all...
  7. Miles Flynn

    Closed Taking A Break

    He almost started when a girl suddenly sat down next to him, quickly introducing herself as Mania. Miles hadn't been expecting someone to just sit down like that, so it took him a moment to try to compose himself, offering an almost shy smile to the stranger. "I guess I'll call you Nia, then."...
  8. Miles Flynn

    Open Exploring the Sights

    It was still almost a year before Miles would be heading off to Hogwarts, but that certainly didn't mean he couldn't already be excited about it. Sometimes he just liked walking around Obsidian Harbour, already plotting out his eventual route for his school shopping in his head. Getting his very...
  9. Miles Flynn

    Closed Taking A Break

    Miles often liked coming to the park when things at home got a little too... much. It was hard, constantly trying to have to flit between his parents, almost feeling like their personal owl to deliver messages when they weren't in the mood to actually talk to each other themselves. And then...
  10. Miles Flynn

    Checking back in

    Thank you all for the welcome backs! I'll deffo be reaching out to some of you for upcoming plots and such!
  11. miles.png


  12. Miles Flynn

    Checking back in

    At least someone remembers me :') I'm certainly hoping that s2 is going to fly by, ⁣ ButxD I would love to thread with your upcoming firstie! I don't think I can wait until November to start rping properly Thank you as well. I'd also love to plot with whoever you have and get some pre-hogwarts...
  13. Miles Flynn

    Checking back in

    So, what's it been, about 9 months since I was last here? You might remember me. You might not. Understandable. I'm sorry for the silent exit I made back in December, with my sister leaving the site (Charlie says hello, by the way. She's good but has moved on from RPing for the time being so...